Well spotted, Jay, re: GA law excluding "advice of counsel" as a defense against criminal acts, negating one prospective pillar of the Orange Cancer's likely claims. Also, Eastman and The Cheese are already on record conceding the probable illegalities of several of their "advisory opinions" offered to tRump and his campaign, so that line of argument is already on shaky grounds. And Meadows may have the best of a bad hand to begin with in his motion to remove, but Judge Jones will need a lot of convincing, even given the low bar for removal, and as you wrote, Fani Willis is armed up and ready to offer compelling arguments to sink the "color of office" argument.

Not a lot to say about the MAL docs case in Fort Pierce, as *Judge* Cannon seems to be slow-walking a "Garcia" hearing, despite SC Smith's offering a roadmap for her to follow, basically to keep her out of trouble regarding the defendants' right of counsel and avoidance of conflict-of-interest representation. Her handling/mishandling of the pre-trial motions and hearings sooner or later will reach the 11th CA...how can it not?

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Aug 27, 2023
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Oh that’s not true. All of the summer if “love” criminals were given a pass. HRC was given a pass.

The proud boys were started by a black ex-military guy.

All guns are essentially assault weapons. Only people who are ignorant about firearms say dumb stuff about them. AR15’s are the most popular rifles for hunting.

The people killed by left wing activists far out number attacks by seeming right wingers. Remember the shooting in Nevada of concert goers? What about the ambush if police officers during Obama’s tenure. He said some very sharp and unfounded things about our police that clearly corresponded with an uptick in police shootings though pointing that out was ridiculed regardless of the facts.

Trump might be a jerk at times but he’s also done some things that his predecessors haven’t like donating his salary every year. He’s one of the few people in recent history that left office poorer than before entering it.

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This post is - you know - sarcasm, or taking the piss, surely.

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In any case, it did make me laugh out loud. A literal guffaw-fest

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According to a copy of the continuance order shown on the internet last week, Monday will also resume the disbarment proceeding in California for John Eastman, postponed from Thursday and Friday so he could be booked in Atlanta

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One lives in eternal hope.

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You mean October 2023, no, for the trial?

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Yes, thanks for that correction. One day I hope to be able to pay my editor on weekends so most of these kinds of errors can be caught before publishing!

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Fast Forward: & Look on the bight side. With Trump in Fulton County Jail, Republicans may finally begin to see the light of day on criminal justice reform. Allow me to explain.

Trump will need to join a social club. Here are a few of his choices:

Crips, Bloods, Latin Kings, MS-13, etc.

If he doesn't, he'll face certain punitive measures such as rape, stabbings, beat-downs etc.

But you say, won't he have a body guard:


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And we all know Donald isn't about to turn down that Secret Service protection. He doesn't have to pay for it. We, the taxpayers, get to pay for it. Ironically, Nixon is the only former president to cancel his protection.

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Gonna be another interesting day tomorrow. Rest up everyone! And thanks for the recap, Jay. 👍🏻🍿

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Thank you Jay! Your commentary is invaluable!

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With all this coming up, I wonder if there will be enough popcorn to get us through.

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This could be another crisis, like the Covid toilet paper! Find a line and join it!

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Might Chesebro benefit by appearing more rational sitting aside Powell?

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I don’t think that’s how juries see things. They will see two defendants in the same conspiracy case.

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Tallest midget in the circus???

More likely the jury might see Cheese-bro as one that slightly "sucks less", but that isn't really what most defense attorneys are shooting for . . .

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Are you kidding?? 😄😄

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To this point, despite all the warnings from the bench, NOT ONE JUDGE has done ANYTHING to put this orange idiot in check. NOTHING! Crickets. Is it any wonder he continues to spew stuff when it's clear he can still get away with it? At this rate, the rule of law, is not doing it's job, and neither are the judges. They talk the talk, but so far, have not walked the walk. So this is going to affect how people view the justice system - not a good outcome. Giving the Orange One rope to hang himself should do it? One would hope, but this is not a normal person. He does NOT care about anything. And handing him more rope only prolongs the doo-doo hitting the fan, the threats, the posts, the clear FU message of distain and rebellion in the wings posts. If he is not checked and something DONE - we get what we get and deserve it for prolonging it.

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One thing is increasingly clear....they picked the wrong state for their criming. GA law is not going to let them off easy. And that's as it should be.

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I am sure you've heard about the Caribbean Festival shooting as well. Every time I hear about something like that or like the one by that Nazi, I want to scream, "Yeah, keep telling us how this is all just "freedom of speech"." This is insane.

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Jay, you did a fantastic job flying solo. One typo in a long and complicated analysis is remarkable. I usually make more errors than that in a two sentence comment. Way to go!

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Normally, Monday's are not what we look forward to. NOT THIS WEEK!! C'mon, Monday!!

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Thank you once again for a very readable and helpful explanation (especially for this non-attorney).

Great catch on the "advice of counsel" details in Georgia law.

Too bad there isn't an at least semi-competent non-corrupt judge involved in the Florida case. Cannon is a disgrace. Happily, the DC case is moving forward with a date set in early March. Should be an interesting spring . . .

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Ciao from Italy Jay. Just wanted to say thanks for the clear-eyed explanations! For your followers - do you know a US citizen living or studying abroad? Remind them that they can vote! Go to https://votefromabroad.org to register and request an overseas ballot. Our overseas votes can be the margin of victory in tight races!

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Mr. Kuo. You are a fool to assert "Navarro was worried enough about his own testimony that he refused to show up before the January 6 Committee at all. " You have no sense of the broad Constitutional separation of powers of issues involved.

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