I was asked just now why I upgraded to paid. I upgraded because I want Mr. Kuo to succeed. He is generous with his free articles. I couldn’t believe my luck that I got to read this good stuff for free for so long. He is engaging because of the unmistakable ring of truth he puts forth and because of the style of his pen. He’s easy to follow. I don’t have to reread everything to figure out what he’s saying. Hats off and thank you to Jay Kuo.

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Thank you for your support. It means i don’t have to go out and get a legal gig to cover my rent! Much appreciated.

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My exact thoughts too! I’m glad and able to support his expert pen, so he can keep sharing his updates and analyses far and wide! I also look forward to reading his book about Ma! 💜☮️

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And, he is a Trial Attorney... you must be 31 steps ahead with a "little bit of clarity".

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Worth every penny and ten times more.

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Thank you for stating this so well. I 100% agree and have recommended the status Kuo to so many friends. I wish I could offer more support.

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I think McCarthy is afraid these super intelligent Dems will only show exactly how stupid he and his mob really are. But what he’s doing is disgusting and shouldn’t be permitted.

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Let’s hope the American people are wise to it!

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I have no doubt the American people are closely following the tumult. They are, rather WE are going to come through. You watch. You are no small ingredient in making that happen. You reinforce my thoughts precisely. I also read Heather Cox Richardson, and Joyce Vance.

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... and George Takai too.

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George and our team are working on a substack that will come out in March. Stay tuned!

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I will stay tuned for that. I met George on the set of the original Star Trek. They called me an Extra at the time. I was a regular and reported to work daily or whenever I was needed. What a fun time it was.

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"What lies yet still romaine?" The puns alone are worth the subscription!

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Agreed! 😂😂

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A lettuce pun!! Such good writing.

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Lettuce rejoice!

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I don't understand how Congress works, I guess. In any other job in the country, if it was discovered that A. you had lied on your resumé as to your qualifications, and B. you had committed crimes directly tied to that job (i.e., significant mismanagement of funds), you would lose that job immediately, whether it was corporate, private, or whatever. So does Congress have no mechanism in place to boot people (i.e., Santos) out when they cheat, lie, steal, and turn out to be completely unqualified for the job?

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The people of Santos’ New York district did not vote for whatever his name is. They voted for a phantom made up person. That he wasn’t disqualified immediately means that the House of Representatives should be disqualified as a body of Congress and a new body should be installed. Does the Constitution have something to back that up?

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They do but, the action has turned to the four(4) separate Prosecutors investigating the criminal liability of Devolder, Santos, or any overt actor(s) in a Ponzi scheme & other potential crimes.

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Question: with Facebook set to allow tfg back on, do we all get off the site or stay and try to fight back? How do we fight back?

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Trump will use FB primarily as a platform to fundraise. His Twitter is where most of the worst of what he has to say will come.

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Facebook has been an extremely useful way for me to keep up with friends and family all over the country. Most are people who are not the close friends of daily/weekly chats, let alone letter writing, and the short status posts and pictures are important to me, and hope, mine to them.

I do not have Fb friends who post crap.

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Joce, good you & your friends on the FB platform but, the issues(plural) are hostile use of the platform, harming users, harm to school districts, harm to children & others.

In some cases (2016) hostile action by Putin was the big problem not to mention the Platforms' continuing misuse of malevolent algorithms .

FYI, as I posted elsewhere SCOTUS will hear two cases in February one on Twitter & another about Google. The Twitter cases directly raises the issue the scope of Platforms' get-out-of-jail free Cards. As to the "social media cases" originating from Texas & Florida. SCOTUS has punted those cases to the next term too hot for a SCOTUS bleeding its judicial credibility.

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There are other Platforms out there. NOTE, well there are two (2) cases that will be argued in February at SCOTUS, one with Twiiter as the named Plaintiff, the other with Google as the named Defendant. The Twitter case squarely raises the depth of the Platform's free statutory Defense to escape liability. It will be a very long prcoess to establish safety to users & School Districts (Seattle & others) free from harm.

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Good guide to Mastodon: A New Hope for Social Networking - TidBITS https://tidbits.com/2023/01/27/mastodon-a-new-hope-for-social-networking/

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Yes, I’ve already moved to Mastodon and dumped FB, Twitter and Instagram 🤗 easier than you think

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I only stay on [and rarely get on] for the Parents of Adult children with Down Syndrome and early Alzheimer's. Although I do peek at my kids [don't tell them]. We're a fractured family due to a selfish divorce and post-divorce.

In a second I'd get off, as I did Twitter, but for these.

Well, as to how to fight back, a former caregiver began repeating the lies and I finally, reluctantly, de-friended him, and told him his lies were lies, as I'd been doing with each nasty post. Very sad, a nice person, but caught up in sh-t.

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Jan 29, 2023
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Gotcha. I really do not know the exact method to bulid a 2nd-Tier "mini community" as a Substack Inc 'Reader', a sub-Substack, if you will. Is it possible, anyone?

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Subscription is only $5.00 per month or 0.17 cents per day. So reasonable for most anyone truly. Where else do you get this quality of reports, so frequently for so cheap? Thanks for all you do!

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Thank you! It’s $6 / mo, but after fees and charges I see around $4.93 per subscriber, so I think of it as, “buy me a cappuccino”!

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Why does everyone use the word fabulist for Santos?? Makes it sound amusing instead of dangerous. He is a Liar!

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He is more than just a liar, he’s a cheater and a thief as well.

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Can you imagine being in jail with Peter Navarow? He would be endlessly grandstanding...

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Can you please wait until the first of the month when I get my ssi and then I can get the upgrade

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You’re all set for a year :)

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It's like we're confronting all these story rivulets that are making their way downstream to dump into....what, exactly....what are wet facing in the coming days, weeks, months?

Let's also not forget the global morass (case in point the recent bombing, or somethig, in Iran).

It's a strange admixture of folks focusing on elements in an effort to cultivate people's fears of the unknown, the dissimilar, coupled with others simply trying to do their level best to conduct themselves with dignity and improve the world...

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Don’t you worry for one more second. There are so many of us that clearly see the grift -the abomination. WE are going to rise and we are going to conquer in 2024. Watch.

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It's no wonder the Russian military is the shit show that it is - they spend most of their money on propaganda, which is unfortunately very effective on the members of their pet political party, the GOP.

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Just wondering why it takes a full house vote for Omar, but not for Swallwell and Schiff?

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It has to do with the nature of the committee she is on, a regular or a select one. Foreign Affairs is a regular one, so the rules are different than the House Select committtees.

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Quick tip to Jay: Maybe it's time to pull the plug on your FREE weekly roundup of hilarious craziness. That alone is nearly worth the paid subscription, and hopefully the freeloaders will agree.

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Some of us are retired, with a medical disability that leaves us very limited income. We are not freeloaders, and it offends me to hear this comment. I've been following Jay for quite a while, and have shared his writings far and wide. Long before he had this blog. I consider him one of my online friends, rather than just someone I follow. Please have a little consideration before you comment.

I also would like to have the option to make one time contributions when I'm able to afford it.

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I want to apologize for using the term freeloader. That was unnecessarily harsh. We are all members of the same caring community, though all of our circumstances are different.

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Thank You. That is a very nice apology and I accept with gratitude. I know that online communications can sometimes be difficult to interpret, as we don't have a voice or visual cues to guide us. I usually try very hard to avoid commenting on comments when something like this happens, just because of this type of scenario. I try not to allow it to bother me personally, but your comment caught me at a weak moment in time. I was going to come and delete my comment. Then I opened up my mail and saw that people were already noticing it. Then I read this. Then I read the e-mail I received that said this...

"Someone anonymously gifted you 1 year of paid subscription to The Status Kuo based on your comment!"

It all made me cry, but in a good way. I needed the boost. Thank You for your apology, and Thank You, or whoever provided the subscription for me. It means a lot to me, especially at this moment.


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I hear you and I'm glad you had a good day, Cheryl. Sometimes it helps to let people know when things are rough, and good people respond. I hope this means things are looking up for you. - Rich

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Nonsense. It’s what he gives away that makes me love him.

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If you don't already, check out Chop Wood, Carry Water, dated 1/28. There is a statement by Bear Bellinger, Member of the Indivisible Black Staff Caucus.

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I subscribe and support that substack!

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I want to know why George Santos was allowed to do any speaking engagements and especially one for the Holocaust Remembrance Day.

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The question is, whose is the gate keeper to Santos? If it’s his own party, they are letting him stay and giving him a platform because they can’t afford to lose his vote. It’s cynical, but here we are.

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Because he’s a freak show. People can’t look away.

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