Republicans: Hunter Biden didn't pay his taxes.

Also Republicans: taxes are theft.

Republicans: Hunter Biden broke firearms regulations.

Also Republicans: all firearms regulations are unconstitutional.

Also Republicans: There's a Double Standard for Hunter Biden.

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Perfect. Rs do not understand "hypocrisy", evidently....

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The SCOTUS Bruen decision, plus a just handed-down 5th Circuit ruling that over-turned a state law prohibiting drug users from possessing firearms surely renders that particular federal charge against Hunter Biden moot, right? Wonder how new SC Weiss will address this business. Biden's lawyers have to move having this charge dropped, as under Bruen, it's a non-starter.

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I think you nailed it!

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You took a big ol hammer and nailed that one

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Correction: It’s Devon Archer, not David Archer.

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Was going to note that for you, but you mooted me! 👍

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Matt Gaetz has had 3 associates convicted and sentenced to decades in prison recently, it is likely, based on evidence that was made public in their cases that he participated in similar behavior. But sure, let him threaten the Country during debt ceiling with "hostage" remarks and again this weekend threatening "force" while our Country financial standing is downgraded due to corruption of the GOP.

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Gaetz is another one that needs to be put away ASAP.

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Such a callow punk, snuggling up to Orange Julius in his private jet, running for in-flight refreshments as commanded by his master...at least it's a break fro his MAL pool-boy duties.

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Remember when he said he was going to give up his seat in Congress to act as defense attorney for Impeachment #2? Why not now? The indicted co conspirators needed representation in FL, why didn't he offer to step in there, maybe to help delay, or...?

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This paragraph should be shouted from the rooftops of all legitimate press offices: “This was more or less standard Department practice, and if anything it was harsher than normal. Were Hunter Biden not the president’s son, his behavior would normally not result in criminal charges at all...”

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When Gaetz said “force” was needed, Trump just nodded sagely… wtf are they thinking!? Did Iowans respond? Did anyone ask? Geeeze.

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They have been and continue to try to rule us all by violence (a fascist coup). It’s plain as day. Folks need to start to understand the level of maliciousness that motivates Trump and his gang.

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It’s astounding that there are apparently millions of citizens, and many R leaders in favor of fascism. No one in this country - except for the surviving WWII vets who served in Europe, have any idea of what they are rooting for. The politicians think they will be super powerful, but what do the every day people think their life will be like? They don’t look beyond guns and prejudice.

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I agree Neita, it does seem their guns are all that matters to them, sort of a substitute for God. The guns bring them the power and respect they are so desperate for.

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I don't think it's any secret that the GOP's real goal is to implement martial law in the US and gain the use of the military within US borders to suppress the civilian population. They're just saying the quiet part out loud.

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Sadly, I think you are right. You thought 2020 was a hot mess, just wait for 2024! T is nothing but a figurehead for the REAL Fascist. They will have had four years to plot in secret. It will be all of the usual suspects, but unlike T, they can keep their mouths shut. T will never accept (AGAIN) that he could possibly lose to, "That guy", and he will fire up the unwashed cult, and the REAL Fascist will make their move. I hope I'm wildly wrong, but I doubt it.

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Now that tRump has had his speech curtailed by a judge, he will trot out his sycophants and stand by while THEY spread the lies and threats 😡

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Let's hope that that lands him in jail, and his secret service contingent gives him living hell for it! Guarding him in jail will not be fun, but is an opportunity for graft since they can bring him things. I think he should be video watched in prison to make sure this and other nefarious things do not happen.

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tRump..."sagely"...? I can think of a ton of adverbs describing tRump's reactions to stupidity, but "sagely"? What was the reporter thinking?

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I know! But if he would only keep his mouth shut, the nodding might suffice. I think those who commented that he will probably use his sycophants to threaten violence so he doesn’t get into trouble with the judge have the right idea. Gaetz is such a putz. He falls right into the swamp along with all the other swamp creatures.

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“Only through force do we make change in Washington,” Matt Gaetz makes a threat and hopefully, he'll have to pay for that statement. It is surreal people with his lack of professionalism and character can still sneak into Congress. A horrible human being.

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Madge Greene said last week

(something in the order of) that people should be executed!

For someone who asked for a pardon as she was first stepping into office, she had some set of cajones

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Another horrible human being. 🤦‍♀️

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And then there's DeSantis, whose solution to dealing with government employees he doesn't like is to line them up and cut their throats on his first day in office.

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Pitiful echo of "if you don't fight like hell, you won't have a country anymore."

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“by force”? The American way is by vote.

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And the GOP has made it very clear this method doesn't work for them any longer. Unless the results are to their liking, they are no longer interested in voting.

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It is an absolute FACT that people go to jail for threatening to, "Kick" someone's ass! So, why isn't this guy in jail??!!

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When he violates the protective order - and we all know he will - I hope the judge moves the trial date up. That's the biggest hammer she has. If he actually goes to jail, money will POUR into his coffers.

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If she schedules the trial before the election, I predict he will fire his council a week before trial, and claim trial must be postponed while he finds new council and they can be brought up to speed.

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Or poison himself to buy time too. But, her threats sound like a much sped up version that would not allow that. She can insist that his trial has to proceed anyway because he chose to fire his counsel and did not need to.

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poor trumpity. What's a persecuted guy going to do when prosecuted by someone who is NOT a "political opponent."

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Good Sunday morning to you 🌞

and to everyone of the followers🙂

Let's all enjoy our Sunday. And hopefully, we will start the week with some good news👍

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I never thought I would look forward to a TUESDAY so earnestly in my life! :)

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The indictment may take several days of grand jury time to issue, so I caution patience!

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[Drumming fingers...humming Anticipation, anticipaaaaation...]

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This needs to be restated over and over again until the media gets it.

“You are free to make wild and unsupported claims of a stolen election, even to knowingly lie about that. But you are not free to cite those claims as a pretext for breaking the law, whether it’s breaching voting machine systems in Georgia, organizing bogus slates of electors in the swing states, or plotting an illegal coup attempt in D.C.”

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Sounds like A certain Maccarthy did in the 50's thought it was over then ( Maccarthy was left in disgrace for lack of evidence } Sound familiar?

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When historians speak of McCarthyism they will now have to qualify which one they are talking about. The 1950's or the 2020's.

"McCarthy was left in disgrace for lack of evidence." Which one?

Joseph McCarthy for lack of evidence about communism taking over the government?


Kevin McCarthy for lack of evidence about Biden's China connection or Ukraine connection or the weaponization of the government?

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Kevin McCarthy's only "-ism" is "Kevinism". He has no spine, and no actual convictions of his own - all he has is his empty, naked ambition. He will do and say whatever is necessary to hold onto his "Precious" - meaning the Speaker's gavel. The lunatic right fringe of his own party owns his cojones, and so absolutely nothing of actual consequence will get done until deals have to be cut across party lines to fund the government. Then, of course, his Speakership will likely go down in flames. It'd be really entertaining if only it were a scripted TV series instead of our real-life hair shirt.

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Joseph Maccarthy for lack of communism taking over Government in the 1950's and Keven for lack of evidence about Biden in 2023 sorry about that,

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I honestly cannot comprehend, how ANYONE supports Trump or any of his clique. Just.... boggles the mind.

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No cult is comprehensible to those outside of it. And when someone escapes from one, they are almost always mystified by the fact they were in it in the first place.

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I mean... I grew up Soviet. I've SEEN brainwashing and propaganda... but this? Holy cow....

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“. “Only through force do we make change in Washington,” Gaetz warned the crowd.”

DOJ, DOD etc must not let these inciteful words slide! Building off J6, he’s planting trump seeds for civil war.

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Not only would I never vote for any of these GOP candidates for any office, high or low, I wouldn't let any of them come near my grandchildren. Nothing they say, do, or have done in their lives gives me confidence. At best, power-seeking hypocrites. At worst, people who will stop at nothing to gain control of others. Given the state of the GOP fascist party, I shouldn't be surprised, but it's still really depressing to have approx. 40%. of the country's voters comparing flavors of evil.

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