The big story this week, of course, is that we may finally see Trump indicted in Manhattan, according to 1) reports of planning and logistical meetings between the DA’s office and law enforcement around the danger of violent MAGA protestors, and 2) Trump’s own “Truth Social” post where he not only flagged to his followers that he will be arrested on Tuesday but that they should come out and protest.
"International Criminal Court Issues Arrest Warrant for Putin
The court at The Hague accused the Russian president of bearing criminal responsibility for the abduction and deportation of Ukrainian children."
This is what I was referring to. The Putin lovers in the USA are supporting an international criminal. And he is accused of heinous crimes against children.
No comment regarding NYT corroborated story showing link between republican John Connally and hostages taken in Iran to get Reagan elected? Ben Barnes is very credible. Will this explosive story get buried under Trump rubble?
I wrote my thoughts about this in a FB Post yesterday. The sad thing about this story is that while it reveals the truth, there isn’t much we can do about it except revise our history books. The primary actors are all dead or so old as to not be worth coming after.
What we need to remember is the primary take away: the GOP will cheat its way into elected office and has done so multiple time in the past. It is now gaslighting us by saying that WE are the cheaters, when this is untrue, only to confuse their base of voters and make it seem like NO election is reliable. We can’t let that narrative prevail.
Thank you for your perspective. I am constantly amazed at how thick the republican blinders are. A complete inability to see what is not presented by their own bubble.
Some historians have noted that he privately began to acknowledge that the war was lost around this time for a number of reasons, including the failed effort to cause the USSR to collapse and surrender. Per War History Online: “Here he met with Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt, the supreme commander, and Erich von Manstein, the Chief of Staff, among other commanders present. The reason for the Fuhrer’s visit was logistical and military problems that beset the Wehrmacht near Rostov.
What he privately acknowledged with his generals and what he publicly stated were two entirely different matters. I put one source above that discusses this.
While he came to realize that militarily he was up against it, he never stopped thinking that he could win through some diplomatic means, which usually involved convincing the West that the true threat was Communism and the Russians, and that if he could just hold out a little longer, the US et al would come around and help Germany win the war in the east. During meetings, he was still pushing around imaginary units that didn’t exist anymore on maps, and other quite delusional things. It’s hard to know what his state of mind was later but he appears to have been in and out of lucidity.
Germany was also in the process of inventing some truly revolutionary weapons like jet fighters and even the bomb that he continued to hold out hope on. Hitler also told his generals he needed time, time to turn the Allies, time to get new weapons. Supposedly he lost all hope on April 22nd when German units refused to defend the capital.
Never overestimate Putin's belief in what he says.
Never underestimate his willingness to lie for effect.
Yeah, that one is mine.
" according to Kremlin reports and videos that are disseminated to propaganda media. These videos show refined propaganda, staged performances from supposedly local citizens who repeat Russian propaganda. Russia continues to tirelessly brainwash its citizens to justify its brutal war and the theft of Ukrainian territories "
Iullia Mendel
Pres. Zelenskyy's former press coordinator. Author of " The Fight of Our Lives"
I have a hard time getting worked up about this indictment. Yes, it’s great he finally gets indicted for something he did but with all the choices, this one isn’t the most exciting. With all the campaign finance shenanigans out there, it seems like we could indict hundreds of politicians for something.
From Douglas Wood
THE GREAT MUCKY MUCK, he called for his mob,
Said the Law was soon coming, and it was their job
To protect the poor Muckster, and "take back our nation!"
He said it with rage, and with great indignation.
"They can't arrest ME. I'm the Great Mucky Muck!
I've always had help, I've always had luck.
The laws don't apply, not to me, they do NOT,
They're for fools, little people, who don't have what I've got.
I've got lawyers and congressmen, count 'em, you'll see,
Boatloads and truckloads, and they all work for me.
They're scared of me, see, and they do what I say,
That's just how things are, and there's no other way.
I can't be stopped, can't be held by your rules,
Not a genius like me, your rules are for fools!"
And so raged the Muck, to his army of boneheads,
Nincompoops, numbskulls, cretins and coneheads,
"Come and protect me, bring clubs and bring bear-spray,
Bring helmets, bring spears, bring handcuffs, bring hairspray!
You can't let them take me, you simply cannot,
I'm the Great Mucky Muck--the only one that you've got!"
But we've heard it before, this call to the mob,
To "take back the country," to finish Muck's job.
We've heard it before and we'll hear it again.
There's just one way to stop it, you see, and that's when
He's arrested, convicted, with no if, and, or but,
And he's tossed in the hoosegow
And the steel door clangs
Excuse me for the digression, but I loved "Putin on the Fritz." I immediately imagined Peter Boyle saying it.
"...Putin’s arrest on war crimes related to the kidnapping of thousands of Ukrainian children..."
This chilling fact is to be used against people supporting Putin. Start with Carlson, Greene and the MAGA politicians.
We should bring it up constantly. “You support an accused war criminal.”
And when referring to them we say for example: Marjorie Taylor Green/supporter of an accused war criminal.
Rep. Susan Wild re-introduced H.Res.149 on Feb 21, 2023 condemning Russia for kidnapping Ukraine’s children.
The bill needs co-sponsors and support.
This is what puts teeth into any resolution:
"International Criminal Court Issues Arrest Warrant for Putin
The court at The Hague accused the Russian president of bearing criminal responsibility for the abduction and deportation of Ukrainian children."
This is what I was referring to. The Putin lovers in the USA are supporting an international criminal. And he is accused of heinous crimes against children.
Kennedy level Hella Cool
The curse of interesting times!
Whatever goes down in NY will be an apertif for the main course to follow.
Hopefully we will be celebrating carriage of justice while meanwhile keeping an eye on other extremist developments (ahem, Desantis).
Thank you for a great job of breaking down and analyzing the happenings in the political news in lay terms.
I think law enforcement should prepare for out of control *celebrations* ...
No comment regarding NYT corroborated story showing link between republican John Connally and hostages taken in Iran to get Reagan elected? Ben Barnes is very credible. Will this explosive story get buried under Trump rubble?
I wrote my thoughts about this in a FB Post yesterday. The sad thing about this story is that while it reveals the truth, there isn’t much we can do about it except revise our history books. The primary actors are all dead or so old as to not be worth coming after.
What we need to remember is the primary take away: the GOP will cheat its way into elected office and has done so multiple time in the past. It is now gaslighting us by saying that WE are the cheaters, when this is untrue, only to confuse their base of voters and make it seem like NO election is reliable. We can’t let that narrative prevail.
Thank you for your perspective. I am constantly amazed at how thick the republican blinders are. A complete inability to see what is not presented by their own bubble.
And so it began.....
Trump's "well regulated milita"of a "Confederacy of Dunces" has been called up.
“Some noted that Hitler also visited Mariupol in December of 1941, around the time he realized the war was lost.”
Hitler realized that the world was lost over three years before it ended? That doesn’t seem likely.
Some historians have noted that he privately began to acknowledge that the war was lost around this time for a number of reasons, including the failed effort to cause the USSR to collapse and surrender. Per War History Online: “Here he met with Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt, the supreme commander, and Erich von Manstein, the Chief of Staff, among other commanders present. The reason for the Fuhrer’s visit was logistical and military problems that beset the Wehrmacht near Rostov.
Many historians and contemporaries like Alfred Jodl, a German general, claim that it was here that Hitler first realized the war was lost.”
I’m not sure he realized the war was lost until April 30, 1945.
What he privately acknowledged with his generals and what he publicly stated were two entirely different matters. I put one source above that discusses this.
While he came to realize that militarily he was up against it, he never stopped thinking that he could win through some diplomatic means, which usually involved convincing the West that the true threat was Communism and the Russians, and that if he could just hold out a little longer, the US et al would come around and help Germany win the war in the east. During meetings, he was still pushing around imaginary units that didn’t exist anymore on maps, and other quite delusional things. It’s hard to know what his state of mind was later but he appears to have been in and out of lucidity.
Germany was also in the process of inventing some truly revolutionary weapons like jet fighters and even the bomb that he continued to hold out hope on. Hitler also told his generals he needed time, time to turn the Allies, time to get new weapons. Supposedly he lost all hope on April 22nd when German units refused to defend the capital.
This is my point.
Yep, me too, followed by Gene Wilder breaking out into the song.
Did you mean “unlawfully”?
“...on the ground that the FDA somehow lawfully authorized in some 20 years ago.”
Yes, sorry about that. It was a typo.
Wow, that was fast!
Never overestimate Putin's belief in what he says.
Never underestimate his willingness to lie for effect.
Yeah, that one is mine.
" according to Kremlin reports and videos that are disseminated to propaganda media. These videos show refined propaganda, staged performances from supposedly local citizens who repeat Russian propaganda. Russia continues to tirelessly brainwash its citizens to justify its brutal war and the theft of Ukrainian territories "
Iullia Mendel
Pres. Zelenskyy's former press coordinator. Author of " The Fight of Our Lives"
Published by Simon & Shuster on sale at Amazon
Iuliia is also on Substack
" The news is currently impossible to verify "
Thank you for a very helpful explanation.
I have a hard time getting worked up about this indictment. Yes, it’s great he finally gets indicted for something he did but with all the choices, this one isn’t the most exciting. With all the campaign finance shenanigans out there, it seems like we could indict hundreds of politicians for something.
I tend to agree. This is not the main event. It’s why I say we should look upon Bragg as an opening act for a larger band to come later in the show.