Today’s is a lighter installment, mostly because it was a very light week of news with the long July 4 holiday, but also because I have terrible internet service here in Greece and loading images is painstaking work!
Fallout from the SCOTUS decisions in the last days of the Court’s term, including overruling Biden on student loan forgiveness and legalizing discrimination against LGBTQ people on free speech grounds, continued to reverberate.
The GOP was finger wagging at student debtors, so folks wagged back. Rep. Ken Buck’s stood out to me, as did the clap back above it.
And Republicans continued to pretend they honored the legacy and work of civil rights leaders. But Brother Jones of the Tennessee Three wasn’t suffering fools.
The GOP even stumbled trying to get their 4th of July messaging correct.
With rollbacks in civil rights, affirmative action, abortion rights, EPA protections, etc. it was time to ask what many have been wondering.
This guy thought he was owning AOC…
But Conservatives Self-Owns was on the scene to point out that this wasn’t even AOC’s real account. Awkward.
Elon Musk, you’ve sure made it hard for everyone, especially the dumb dumbs.
Speaking of Conservative self-owns and Elon Musk, his invitation for all the most horrible accounts (alt-right, neo-Nazi, MAGA) to come back and pollute Twitter wound setting him up for his worst week yet…
First, he decided it would be a good idea to LIMIT the number of tweets users could read, based on whether they had paid to subscribe to his $8/mo scam. He gave some interesting reasons…
But the real reason may have been that he failed to pay his Google cloud bills on time and started losing server power as they shut him down.
His fans even had trouble keeping him propped up.
The un-selfawareness of the manbaby owner is palpable, and also easy to mock.
Then, Musk’s week got even worse when his nemesis Mark Zuckerberg, whom he still apparently plans to fight in a (checks notes) billionaire cage match, launched Threads as direct competitor, notching up 70 million new members in two days and ruining the lives of social media managers worldwide.
Twitter has 473 million users, so 70 million in two days is quite a Twitter death signal.
Oh, I think Elon is letting people access the site without an account again. What a stable genius! Anyway, this is how it felt around my own virtual office when the news about the launch of Threads broke. Click here to play…
For some reason there were a lot of Jesus references this week. Here were two that “crossed” my feed.
Here’s a facepalm moment.
I’m still laughing about this conversation…with himself.
This story below sounds nice, until you think about all the things he knew about her already that probably gave him the inside track.
But just when I started feeling cynical…
I wanna give this guy a pizza my mind. And all my pepperoni.
This was kind of amazing. Click here to play.
Time for one doggo pic:
Oh, and the Rudy Giuliani likely disbarment development had me in high spirits, but Jo Jo from Jerz said it best.
Finally, a programming note: I’ll be OFFLINE for the next seven days or so and not publishing here regularly. If something big goes down and I hear about it, I’ll try to find some cellular or internet service and write something up! I admire you Jack Smith, but it’s okay to hold your fire for a week!
I’m going to build up some indictment mojo anyway though and reoffer my “Indictment Special” here, where you can pledge an annual subscription at 20 percent off the usual rates. It’s good all week while I’m offline. If you’ve been meaning to become a paid supporter, here’s a great opportunity to do so!
Thanks for all your continued support and for this fun community. See you on the flip side!
Super happy you scraped up enough internet for this. What would I do without my Saturday giggles and facepalms? Enjoy your break. I'm kind of glad the lack of internet is making you take some time for yourself. Now go have some fun.
OMG! The dog! 👏 And the friggin' pizza! 🤣 And all the rest 🤗