Super happy you scraped up enough internet for this. What would I do without my Saturday giggles and facepalms? Enjoy your break. I'm kind of glad the lack of internet is making you take some time for yourself. Now go have some fun.

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OMG! The dog! 👏 And the friggin' pizza! 🤣 And all the rest 🤗

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...the dog !

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Enjoy your time off line in Greece, Jay. I laughed so hard at some of these that my dog gave me a funny look!

(Oh, wait, unforced pun for your reading pleasure...)

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TAKE A BREAK! Your friends need to hide all your devices 😂🤣

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Enjoy your break. You deserve it. ❤️

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Have a great time, stay safe and well and hydrated, and COOL!! Thanks for all your hard work, Jay!!

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I don’t know if it’s because I left Twitter or I’m soon to lose power, but I can’t see your Twitter clips. I know they’d be uproarious, so I’m feeling cheated. Thanks for all you do with that funny intelligence of yours!

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I had to click on the first one several times before it loaded, and I've never even been a Twitter user. It's likely on Twitter's end.

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Thanks, I’ll give it a try or two.

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I had that last week. This week they show but getting the sound on wasn't always happening. Maybe try now? It could be that the Gem Jerk only took the restrictions off recently - like when he realized he was losing to Threads...

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The 'break dancing' meme had me in stitches. I HAD to watch it several times (lost count). Enjoy your break from the internet. Have fun! Relax! We'll be here when you get back.

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LOVE Totoro.

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Thanks for the laughs (especially that dog photo), now go enjoy your vacation! It’s the weekend, so I can finally sit down and read the Supreme Court series while you are away.

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Hilarious Jay! Enjoy your week offline; I know it’s tough, but someone’s gotta do it. I’m so glad I never signed up for Twitter, the whiplash would be driving me crazy. As for the pepperoni pizza slicing, if I liked pepperoni, I’d be miffed if I got stuck with the three pepperoni pizza slices. Happy sailing!

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Jay enjoy your vacation! The news will still be there and dumpster is not going anywhere ! Cheers to you and Blair !!

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Don’t want to hear from you for 7 days.....we will still be here when you get back.....

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Funny how the Universe conspires to make us do what’s best—in this case— rest! Jack Smith has a lot to do in 7 days. He’ll wait.

Loved this week’s post—except I can’t get past the fact that it’s not the “wealthy elite” who are taking out school loans and struggling to pay them back. Duh…try the school teacher daughter of a laborer.

By the way, where’s Hudson? Hudson!

Thank you for all your hard work. Have fun! ❤️

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That Buitengebieden account is one of the few things I miss about Twitter. It's great.

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It’s on Threads!

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Thanks! Following now!

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Yup, looks like Elon backed down, this week I can see the links. What a maroon...

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