FoxNews got no traction on the "$10 million" Joe Biden "bribe", so next best "scandal" up is his choice of footwear, which obviously assaulted the sensibilities of all Murkans! Man, the Fox team is just cooking!

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The GOP is just so clothes minded.

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I saw what you did there...nice wordplay!

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Gee, thanks - you just made me snort Pepsi all over my iPad!😂🤢😅 (And that stuff *hurts* coming out of your nose!!)

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Diet Dr. Pepper burns too!🫶🏼

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Remember when the R's complained that Pres. Zelenskyy spoke to Congress wearing battle fatigues? Well, he is at war against the Russian incursion and he was updating us about that, but the R's sartorial sensibilities were offended. They just pick truly stupid battles (yes, pun intended ;-). I pray they stupid themselves right out of power in 2024.

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Fortunately they won't see any pictures from a family member's wedding I'm going to in another month, because I'm wearing sneakers with my dress. THE HORROR!

I'm too old and life is too short to wear uncomfortable shoes.

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I wore flip flops at my wedding! We had a corn boil at my parent's house ! Much fun was had by all !! Congrats on your upcoming nuptials ! Have a great day !!😅🤣😅🤣

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I got married in my New Balance sneakers! Best dancing shoes I own!

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The person who bragged about drinking "leaded water" out of a hose...that explains a lot. Marge needs to go to prison for oh so many things. My friend asked me this morning why Republicans are so triggered by Barbie. My reply was that these are people triggered by a green M &M, I expect nothing else from them. It would almost be comical if our literal democracy wasn't hanging in the balance. They're so terrified of Jack Smith that they'll do and say anything to change the subject. I really feel horrible for the Biden family, especially Hunter. What they have endured is unimaginable and heartbreaking. To see the Republicans do this shit, pisses me off to no end. They are cruel and heartless without one decent redeeming quality. We must win by overwhelming numbers in 2024, at every level. Anything less, and we're screwed.

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I figure considering how many white blondes are on Fox News they are triggered by Barbie out of professional jealousy, since she's more famous and accomplished than they are.

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Move over, "War on Christmas", it's all gone DEFCON-1 on Barbie!

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I completely and utterly agree! The way they lay into Hunter Biden is criminal!

Yes, we do need to vote in record numbers and for every single election, no slacking off!

Republicans can never hold power again! I do understand that we need a 2 party system but they are not the party! They barely have any power right now yet look what they have done to our country!

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I’m gobsmacked - you summed up my feelings in six lines. Well done!

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Shannon Watts rules! One of the videos Fox cycled endlessly to show Seattle was burning down wasn't in Seattle. Nor, needless to say, did we burn down.

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It was Shannon who shared the video, but the creator was Destinee Stark. I should have made that clearer!

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Destinee Stark just flayed the flesh off pencilneck Aldean with her masterful deconstruction and unmasking of his BS vid...what a whooping!

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same video. I may have got the name wrong--that was the one Jay used.

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She was awesome! Hoping she’s on Threads; never twitterer

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The young lady in the TikTok video, rocks. I said it before, these kids grew up surrounded by information and can smell B. S. a click away. The best part of waking up is Jay’s week in tweets and memes - but you gotta say it with the Folgers theme song in mind;)

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I was humming that while reading ! Now I want a coffee !

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I loved Jason Aldean’s ball gown. Laughed so loud the boyfriend came to see why I was laughing.

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The absolute best

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That Trump supporter clearly does not work for him, or she might have a different take on him. I guess she does not see how he indirectly affects her life negatively, even here as she is carted off for being batshit crazy.

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One has to sympathize - no, really! - with such a troubled individual lacking any semblance of self-control...a perfect avatar for tRumpism.

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I've never actually seen someone handcuffed while riding one of those carts. Although I'm pretty sure the cops could've just reached out and caught her if she had tried to get away. How sad for her.

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Does anyone remember Obama's Tan Suit?

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Like it was 10 years ago!

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Or Michelle's *bare* arms?

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The last video made me laugh. It also reminded me of one of the many reasons why I no longer go to Walmart for ANYTHING.

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Go for the crazy, stay for the karma.

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OMG! HILARIOUS!!! I really needed the laughs what with nerve pain shooting down both of my legs and the prospect of my apartment heating up to 84 degrees today and tomorrow, and to recover from the time I spend rebutting the propaganda and lies on my Repub senator's FB page. THANKS, JAY! One of your best!

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Stay cool if you can…

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You put together the best of the week, this week. I was laughing so hard…. Thank you for curating all this insanity. Keeps me feeling sane even if I’m not.

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“Jay Kuo, maker of musicals, purveyor of news, and curator of insanity.” I like it. I think it should be his tagline!

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I like it!

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Thank you for keeping us all grounded with laughs and “amusing”memes of the week. And your comment about the joy of keeping a big heart.....in the end a Big Heart always wins.

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You know I absolutely LOVE the week in tweets and memes but you just made me fall over laughing this week. The Jason Aldean takedown was THE BEST - I watched every single minute of that Tik Toker doing the most fabulous job of taking his video apart, worth every second, then the whole Barbie s##t plus the Karen was too rich, and my heart still hurts for you at your loss but you appear to be bouncing back so resilience wins the day once again. Thank you 🙏

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I’m glad I could bring a smile. I surely needed the laughs, too.

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Ahhhhh... so much stupid in the world. But the Otter yawning just made my day!

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It was otterly delightful! 🥰

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My favorite post of the week is always this montage of weird.

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I just love Samuel L Jackson! He tells it like it is , one of my favorites! Yes the right-wing asshats up in arms regarding lite beer and Barbie! WTF !THEY ARE BIG WHINERS !! I guess they are pissed off with Barbie not staying home barefoot and pregnant !! And Margarine Traitor Gangrene did the unthinkable ( I'm sure it won't be her last ) of passing revenge porn in congress of a private citizens personal property plus sent the pics to all her wonderful friends who could involve minors receiving these pics ! Something needs to be done about her, she should be held accountable!

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Perhaps Hunter’s team will also sue her

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Margarine Traitor Gangrene!?! I love that! 😂😂😂

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It’s been a week!

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