So many laugh-out-loud ones! Can’t even pick just one favorite, but Sarah Sanders is sure at the top of the list, especially when you add the comment about the dog and Friday….

Thank you.

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And it looked as if the dog was Photoshopped into the photo. The ground under the dog looked different. And said dog was level with SHS’s knees.

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Speaking of knees - where were the remainder of SHS's legs in that pic? To me it literally looks like she was cut off at the knees.

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You’re right, I thought that too!

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How do I choose the best "joke?" Is it pussy-ass bitch, or Grape-Nuts; grapes don't have nuts, that's misogyny? David Frum on shooting down objects in the sky to win a Pikachu? The weird Sarah Huckabee whatever photo and comment?

Thanks for all the laughs Jay, worth the price of membership for sure.

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For the last one, in my best Olympia Dukakis voice , "George Santos, you have the penmanship of a serial killer."

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OMG! Yes!

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Love these! And "Pussy Ass Bitch" is my new band name.

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I agree! So many times of laughter while reading these. Thank you for providing us with much needed levity!

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Love, love, love! I used PAB in a retort to a member of the cult, and they didn’t get it…

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Ted Lieu is a national treasure. Love that guy.

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This email is the highlight of my weekend. Thanks!

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Thanks for the morning belly laughs. I think Grape-Nuts is the winner, with Frum a close second. Pussy-ass bitch just had to be said by someone, right? And Sanders and MTG are just sad.

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MTG looked like a cheap flat backer , drunk and hanging around outside a bar haranguing punters who were ignoring her as they went on their way

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Thanks for the cascading 'Chuckles' this morning. A great way to start a Saturday ! ... & likening Kyrsten Sinema to a giant yellow "Pikachu" was perfect !!! I saw her outfit at the SOTU, was horrified by how hideous it was & couldn't think of a term to describe it ... but "Pikachu" fits her completely ... Ha, Ha, HA !!!

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My husband said it made her look like a dandelion!

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Another wit called her dress a "skinned Big Bird." I like Pikachu better ...

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I ate grape-nots once, before the age of consent.

My husband said (straight-faced): "how could anyone not like them? They just forgot the maple syrup."

I only want to read this post . . . the weekly others (yours and many more) are just my duty.

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O, the mirth and merriment of late-stage capitalism (feels like stage IV something) in the US of A. Thank you for this.

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Thanks, Jay, for starting the weekend on a high note! One of your best posts!😂

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YES on Grape-nuts on yogurt!

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Thanks for posting so many memes that I haven't seen. I imagine there will be more material in the near future to work with!

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So funny. I am really worried about that dog with wannabe sniper, Sarah Hucklebeer, though. It is quite troublesome that the more pathetic ones are from actual sitting members of Congress. SMDH

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