That Moms for Liberty Barbie was the BOMB!!I just fell out laughing!

Thanks for a great hearty laugh!🤣

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Hmmm. Reminded me of Kimberly G.

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Agreed! I forwarded it to a lot of people as a screen shot.

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I thought it looked like a drunk MTG.And just burst out laughing.Such a hoot!🤣

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I know, right? And in true internet form, it is now EVERYWHERE and being used for so. many. appropriate. things. And it is hilarious every time.

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I always enjoy your week in tweets and memes. I think I have to say my favorite this week is the "Moms for Liberty Barbie."

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I was wondering if that was Loudmouth Marge...

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Perfect! Just add a howler monkey costume and she’s ready to go!

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So many funnies this morning, but the Ryan Gosling as Geese thread was hilarious 🤣. And the Corgies on the treadmills gave me heartbroken thoughts for your sweet Hudsy 🥺. Take care, Jay ❤️

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Yeah, it was nice to be able to watch that without bawling.

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Saturdays are my favorite! Did anyone else watch the “One could end up going to prison, one just might be president”, over and over again because it’s just too good? I will never be convinced that there’s not a brilliant millennial or gen z staffer behind that timing! Tick tock Donald; Orange is the New Black!🤣

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So. Good.

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Yes, I was one who had to replay it multiple times!

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Orange is the new black, perfect!🤣

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Since Twitter is now "X", we can no longer call them "tweets". They are now "Xcrements".

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"X" is pronounced "sh" in a few languages, so maybe "Xitts" would also work?

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Maybe, but I don't particularly care how other people pronounce "X". I'm calling them Xcrements.

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"the tooth is out there" made me snort-laugh into my coffee... Fortunately, I am capable of extrapolating based on existing data, and set down my cup when watching the "two types of dogs" video. It was the right thing to do.

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Every time I see a photo of Ted Cruz, he reminds me of a minor character in 'Scarface", running errands for Tony Montana...what a douche.

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I get more grandpa Munster vibes!lol

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Don't insult Grandpa Munster like that. For one thing he wasn't the type to leave the family pet to freeze to death while fleeing to Cancún.

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I'm still laughing from the dogs on the treadmill. Love it!

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I don't care if it's X.

It's still Twitter.

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Twitter forever.

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Ryan "da Goose" Gosling 😂

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Excellent, again. You have me looking forward to Saturdays after a week of batshit crazy. Definitely takes the edge off. Thank you.

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Shouldn’t Zuckerberg be Z rather than Y?

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I didn’t get the Yy either

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Afterwords I thought maybe it’s a “why” directed as a question towards Musk about the name change.

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That ran thru my mind... 🤷‍♀️

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Like a gender thing? Anything that assaults those robomorons toxic masculinity is a win in my book though!

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Ahhhh...that might be it! 🤣😂

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Yep! Early Saturday morning - worth the wait! Never heard of a quokka, looked it up, 🥰

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Now you’ll start seeing them everywhere!

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I've been seeing them here and there all week. Odd sort of synchronicity at work...

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A good excuse to go to Australia and islands.

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71 and still learning. I hadn’t heard of a quokka before now.Loved the Gosling/goose pictures 🤣

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Another great roundup. Light on politics, heavy on absurdity!😂!

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Laughing my arse off! So fun-ny!!!!!

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