😡 I was really hoping to see Biden step up and call for marijuana to be removed from schedule 1 by now. It's illegal because hemp competed with paper in the early 1900s. And more recently marijuana has been used as a tool to fill private prisons. It needs to be removed from schedule 1 so banks can deal with profits, then we regulate it and tax it. NC will NEVER legalize it while it's schedule 1.

I'm also watching with great interest the rise of delta 8 thc legality as a hemp biproduct. I find it hilarious and telling that legislators didn't know this was possible and are having a giant oopsie moment. If we did research on marijuana like other developed nations (like Israel...which we love SO much we give them billions every year...some of which goes to research on things like marijuana) we probably wouldn't have been shocked. Duh

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Great explanation but still shows how much work that needs to be done. I’m not a marijuana user but I solely believe in its benefits and the federal government must move forward with the changing times, like jay said. I’m still disappointed that those 5 people were deemed qualified for the job, but let go because of PAST drug use. Horrible.

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