Women don”t forget or forgive, when it’s their own bodies and their own choices being made for them, by people who haven’t got a clue how dangerous pregnancy actually is!

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And it's been made abundantly clear how little the people writing the laws know about biology. Remember the genius who said that in the case of rape, a woman's body can shut a pregnancy down?

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Agreed. I had an eptopic pregnancy before my first and second child. I never had any symptoms other than a positive pregnancy test and had a surgery because they thought I had a tumor on my uterus. They were quite surprised when they opened me up, but even though it was a pregnancy that I couldn't carry to term, it could have ruptured and I could have bled to death. So, I'm glad it was what it was rather than a tumor. Even missing a tube and ovary I got pregnant again. If it had been a cancerous tumor I would have had to have a total hysterectomy which would have meant no more children. So, you never know with a pregnancy, you just never know. In today's world in TX I would have had to slide under the law to have that surgery to remove the eptopic pregnancy that NEVER would have been viable. I know this might be too much information for some, but it's real.

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There's a Blue Wave coming.....in Florida Val Demmings and Charlie Christ are winners in the primaries! #VOTEBLUE! its what we do!

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It's not this: "polls, which appear to be missing the young and female enthusiasm factor..."

It's the OUTRAGE factor.

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It's a good thing when the polls are incorrect. I always worry that when the polls show a voter's candidate solidly in the lead, that voter could become complacent and decide not to bother voting.

One of the most difficult parts of any type of statistical analysis is being certain of a representative sample. College profs, went on and on about this is statistics classes and it doesn't look as if anyone had gotten to Hari Seldon status yet.

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My first University course circa 1966 was Statistical comprehension. "Association is not causation".

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That’s good news and I hope it’s even better news come November

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I certainly hope the Democratic committees take notice of this successful strategy.

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Excellent analysis! And very hopeful! Thank you!

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Woohoo, what a nice birthday present. Happy 70th to me ( and of course, I'll include you all!)

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Happy 70th!

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Surf’s Up!

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Definitely Blue swells are lined up.

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Yes, dem, dem leaning & indepedents came out & voted blue in Duchess & Ulster counties. Not rocket science unless you want to reach orbit.

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That's what happens when you only count old (thinking) white men.

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Outstanding analysis 🧐 Thoughts about Maxwell Frost in Florida?

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It’s encouraging to see Gen Z stepping up

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25 year old represents one of the Z generation victims of Florida school shootings. Articulate, smart & tight with David Bogg.

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