I am so sick and tired of hearing his name, hearing his voice and seeing his face. When will it ever end?

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I couldn't agree more; but you need to strap yourself in because even if he dies, his bootlickers will make him a martyr. The only time we won't hear his name anymore is when WE die.

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Damn that’s depressing. 😩

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Yep, people still talk about Hitler a lot. Trump is our Hitler in almost every sense you can think of.

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I have written dozens of times, the man is not just crazy, he is in full blown DEMENTIA as documented by Dr. John Gartner and psychiatrists from John’s Hopkins University with observable behaviors (that’s how the diagnosis is made, not a simple interview) and published in “DUTY TO WARN.” If elected, perish the thought, he would, should, could be hauled off to Walter Reed immediately under Amendment #25 and next in line sworn in to assume the presidency. Because he is truly UNFIT TO GOVERN, GOD HELP US IF HE HAS THE NUCLEAR CODES! The difficulty is that an accepted group or perhaps personal physician must REQUEST OFFICIAL ASSESSMENT. That is the broken link. Cannot be initiated unless elected, sworn in……the RNC might insist on this for their own liability if they were not all loyalists and family. Remember nasty word, NEPOTISM? That’s why family members should never work with others. They wear blinders and do not see. Help me here, stackers, this is the legitimate way to end his candidacy. I have a masters degree in psychiatric nursing and have worked in inpatient geriatric psychiatry. I know of that I write. But no one knows my name as I am now 76 and all colleagues are dead! You stackers are my community. Does anyone have a contact, individual or group, who might initiate a REAL AND IMMEDIATE FULL PSYCHIATRIC IN-HOUSE EVALUATION?

The usual “incarceration” for same used to be about 72 hours; many forms of testing available but the key is OBSERVABLE BEHAVIORS. And application of the current version of the diagnostic and statistical manual of the APA.

Help me help you with my understanding of the problems and potential solutions. Bless you all!

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Thank you Judith,

It's clear that you know of what you speak.

There's just one thing ~ Trump is a puppet of the far right. As long as he (dis)functions properly for them, they will do everything they can to keep him in office. There may be a time when they decide to cut him loose. When the puppet breaks down ("the falcon no longer hears the falconer"), the puppeteers will find another tool. As their puppet is already falling apart, they most certainly are planning different contingencies.

Hopefully those who love democracy will keep working together; planning for the long game.

We don't need a savior, we just need to vote.

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Yes, he’s a puppet. And yes, the 25th Amendment WILL be invoked should they manage to steal the election. And then we will have jd vance as our putin for the next 40 years. We cannot allow this to happen! Vote like your life depends on it, because it DOES!

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I think that Johnson is a prime candidate for VP. He combines faux Christianity with an ability to lie with a completely straight face.

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Sadly, that likely means they are vetting his VP pick for ideological purity very carefully.

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Yes, sadly that's one way they will go.

Best to keep a wary eye on his running mate.

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Agree, sadly! A puppet is a puppet after all, maybe useful idiot better term.

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I like "useful idiot"‼️

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Same. Hopefully it will end after the election or he dies. Until then we have to endure it.

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Well, assuming he loses the election, and I am not willing to contemplate him not losing, he will run out of delaying tactics on his various criminal court cases and will probably be indicted again in an additional case or two. That oughta finish him off. Although, I doubt it will be prison food that kills him, since he's already eating the nutritional equivalent.

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Thinking back on those first few months after he (very reluctantly) left office when he was in the shun zone and scared of being arrested (should have been!) where we weren't subjected to his lunacy on the daily...granted other things weren't great (thanks to his incompetence) but there was a silver lining of quiet. I'm hoping prison food doesn't have the preservatives of his current diet.

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Those days were wonderful! But then a concerted effort by foreign agents and bad actors started all the vaccine drama to further divide us when they saw Biden getting things done and the vax working.

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Exactly, then they doubled down in ‘22 and are now “all in” so really makes it easy for DOJ to confirm the co conspirators and yet nothing has been done with Johnson, Lee, Cruz, Hawley, Biggs, Brooks, Gohmert, Gosar, etc, et al. Not to mention the permit pullers who knowingly omitted information on the permit applications & outright lied in the Parks Dept investigation. They and their “boss” are the ones who should have been held liable for the damages to persons and property, not the taxpayers of America.

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It will not end after the election until he dies or is otherwise incapacitated. I am thinking that even Putin recognizes the problems with Trump in the White House and was actually speaking the truth when he said he would rather have reliable Joe Biden in than "livewire" Trump. It was supposed to seem like it is because predictability is weak, but really ends up being because predictable people are better for everyone. Even for their dastardly foes, and especially for the planet. Trump is likely to cause nuclear annihilation of our planet.

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This is what hell is like! 🤪💩🤡👹😳

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Who needs hell when reality is like this? For Trump, hell would be political irrelevance and the inability to be heard, both easily achieved by him losing the election and being sentenced to custody in a suitable prison.

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Agreed! The man not only sucks all the air out of the room, but out of the planet!

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Shaka Travel Guys -- AGREE.

LOVE your moniker! "Travel Guys"!

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It's funny, so many maga cult members think "we" wanted to keep trump off the campaign trail by keeping him in court. But it seems to be to our advantage to keep him talking at these events, so he can keep putting his foot in his mouth. Followed quickly by the "circus of spin" from the cult.

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Chris,I’m looking forward to the debate in less than two weeks. Trump’s handlers have to be terrified.

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I will bet you a $20 donation to the democratic candidate of your choice that trump doesn't show for the debate. If he shows I'll donate $20 to your choice, if not you donate $20 to one of mine.

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Yes you are right about him not doing it but, I can dream.

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Do you fancy being the one to tell him he can’t take part?

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Side bet $5 says that by Aug 1st he blurts out the n-word into a hot mike

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Oh, I don’t think he’s going to debate. He can’t string words together to form a complete sentence, and his handlers have to be aware of that. I’ll stock up on popcorn just in case, but I’ll be very surprised if he shows up to a debate with Biden.

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What’s the plan if DJT has a good debate day on 6/27/2024? We’ll be the opposition who cried ‘wolf’ too often. I think he’s nuts; but can pull it together for survival when truly necessary. If that’s wrong he should be toast after the big event. His followers will need special (5D?)glasses to watch perhaps. Most likely it’ll be more ambiguous and a gaffe or two might occur for either candidate.

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He won't. The first time the moderator shuts off his mic he'll blow a gasket. Over the last 6 months of "campaigning" he hasn't said anything of substance (or even anything of clarity). Oh, and just today he is claiming he "might" lose the debate "on purpose" so Biden stays on the ballot. So he's already making excuses for losing a debate that hasn't happened yet.

IF he even shows.

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That should read, "camplaigning".

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Yup! He’s his own worst enemy. Sadly, the MAGA cult members can’t/won’t see it. They fell down that rabbit hole years ago and just keep on digging.

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This was a fun read, especially the bits comparing Trump's mental acuity to a hamster's and Mike Johnson having a "poisonous smile."

This may not hurt Trump as much as it should, because many of the staunchly MAGA parts of Wisconsin actually feel the same way about Milwaukee themselves. He's not going to win in Milwaukee, but Green Bay is another story.

I am waiting for Trump's rapidly accelerating cognitive decline to cut loose at a rally with "Every one of my supporters, all of you, are suckers and losers and you love me because you wish that you were a winner like me. Which is good for me, because I need all of you suckers and losers to vote for me." He has said as much in private, and if he said it publicly and it punched through the Fox spin-centrifuge it just might have a real impact.

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Little Mikey J. has a poisonous smile because he is, in fact, a nasty little viper.

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Living in small-town Wisconsin, I know it's true that many potential voters feel that both Milwaukee and Madison are liberal sh*t holes. Once you get away from the cities, there's an attitude that those city slicker politicians in Madison don't know what is going on in rural areas. AS IF Trump, living in his gilded mansions, has any clue whatsoever what happens on a dairy farm. The gigantic Trump 2024 "Save America" signs around here are disconcerting.

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Have you seen the Lincoln Project's latest?

Milwaukee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmR5q_GwYXs

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I am having lunch in Menomonee as I write this.

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Can you imagine him on a dairy farm trying to milk a cow? Hah.

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I always tell my friends whose hair catches fire over the certainty of another Cheeto presidency to just wait. We are watching a frightened man decompose before our eyes. I strongly feel that there will be a meltdown on the horizon--perhaps that will be our October surprise. One of the MSNBC pundits describes him as a "leaking paper bag of water" that will only hold together for so long. You can't fix crazy, or hide it. Only a matter of time!

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I am 100% in agreement. I think he will cross the line at some point.

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Can he please just hurry up? I can't take much more of this

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All good things take time! I want to re-watch the Caine Mutiny to see Captain Queeg lose his marbles again in a similar way. Strawberries, Strawberries....

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Good analogy. Trump's overconsumption of Adderall for mental acuity is no longer helping.

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Hope that’s not just wishful thinking.

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As with all domestic and substance abusers, Trump feels it’s no “fun” unless you can be your absolute worst self and get away with it—in fact, have people make excuses for you.

It’s all in the phrase “When you’re famous they let you do it.” First of all, “let” as opposed to “want you to” speaks volumes, but also he knows somewhere in that rat’s nest of a brain that they’re not actually letting him do it—they just don’t think they can do anything about it.

And he thinks that way about everything, not just assaulting women.

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Proud vermin unite! I’m thinking of making a bumper snicker.

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Don’t know if you wrote “snicker” on purpose, but 🤣 if you did!

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Yup. Guilty.

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The problem nowadays is that the right wingers “key” your car while you are parked. I found out the hard way. They surreptitiously scratch your car along the side using their keys. So I’m not actually making bumper snickers any more. Lapel buttons are safer.

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I suspect that is why we are seeing so few bumper stickers for Biden...I know that I'm not willing to risk having my car trashed. It's bad enough on FB when I post anything in favor of Biden...negative posts from maga-nuts appear, and while in the minority, they are full of insulting name calling.

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Me too

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I'll buy one

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Today is the 78th birthday of the-felon-guy. I hope he has an incarcerating year.

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He has a birthday? I still can't get my brain around the fact that he had a mother. Thought he hatched from a maggot (MAGAT)larva. Eeewwww!

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This is really a brilliant summary. The juxtaposition of direct quotes for those of us who can no longer bear to watch him, your humor, and your hope all work for me. But the line that most stands out is "... will swing state voters, who may have forgotten how truly soul-sucking it was to listen to him every day as president, wake up to the fact that he’s worse than ever?" Soul-sucking. The most accurate word I've yet heard to describe his presidency.

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In my re-review of the piece, I added that word so I’m glad you appreciated it! I sat there for a moment asking, “What is it I felt for four years? Ahhh! I know….”

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I heard a news commentator say that they're glad he's out of the courtroom and on the trail again because his big mouth will lose him votes.

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Fox is no longer airing his speeches as they are so unhinged, so his followers didn't even hear his buffoonery in Vegas. I was totally disgusted with the female Senators allowing x45 to kiss them on the cheek yesterday at his so called "press conference". Have they no shame? Joni Ernst was the last female Senator who hadn't been kissed yet, and she ran up to him for her turn before he exited. It was like watching North Korea!! His big mouth is indeed our political gains!! Stay proactive and keep encouraging others to vote for Joe!

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It was so embarrassing to watch.

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The definition of brainwash

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Jeff Teidrich called him "Boaty McSharkbattery," and I'm still laughing.

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Sure would be a shame if someone hacks the sound system at the convention and replaces whatever (likely pirated) faux-patriotic song he walks out on stage to with "Baby Shark"

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Now that would be a hack!!!! But I liked to hear that song. Besides it might be lost on his minions

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But they'll be humming it all the way home! And probably when he drifts off to whatever irrelevancy pops into his head during his speech.

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“Boaty McSharkbattery”. Gotta love it. Especially as I sit reading this while my electric car is charging at no cost to me!

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Thank you again, Jay, for this cup of morning cheer! Trump is once again exposing his malignant narcissism in all its diseased glory.

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One must always be aware of the Frumious Bandersnatch

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😂 I’ll add that one to my voluminous collection of alternative names for Trump.

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I Finally found my incomplete prior response and deleted it. I had been interrupted by events while typing and then it disappeared into the dark hell of oblivion created by this poor editor.

What I had wanted to say is that scholars opining on the adjective FRUMIOUS that the word came from words like frothing and furious. Frothing furiously seems to work at times.

Trying the same thing I came up with Vinticuous Oragatoad.

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Correction. ORANGATOAD.

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Milwaukee is actually a wonderful city, one of the best I ever consulted for back in the 1980s. Very progressive.

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As the mouth speaks light is shown on the soul or soulless.

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It’s good to see trump’s felony conviction in the news but people should be reminded he was convicted for lying to get elected - election fraud felon is how I’d like to see it referenced.

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A shout out to the tech people who manage the teleprompter (remember when he said he didn't use them?) and podium set ups, who will probably not get paid, keep up the great work!

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The only thing I want to see on his mouth is a piece of duct tape. Also, on his nose. The thought of him representing this country in anything, is nauseating.

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Does he ever tell us his planned policies for his presidency? What he has planned to make us great again? No. He just rants about the injustice him Dems have put him through. All about revenge.

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Yea prosecute everyone

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Project 2025 and it is horrid.

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Watch this episode of PoliticsGirl on "Trump's America: Agenda 47"


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