I'm sure Garland has a full staff, taking notes & sorting the STACKS of documents they've received. They'll do their own investigations. Remember, Garland oversaw the conviction of Timothy McVey, Terry Nichols, & the Unabomber- without any leaks, 100% convictions, & Zero turnover appeals. Trust the process.
Hopefully he'll be ONE of our next Supreme Court Judges after 2024...
There's a definite through line involving everyone from the top down, and it's just a matter of the J6 committee to connect the dots for the American public. Fingers crossed 🤞 this will take place and by the end of the hearings indictments from the DoJ will be forthcoming? 😁🙏
Can you imagine the dialog when Trump agreed to pardon those two?
Stone/Flynn: Will you pardon me?
Trump: Yes. But, some day, and that day may never come, but it probably will, perhaps around the elections. I will call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, consider this pardon a gift on my 'pardon lots of criminals' day.
My post is based on Don Corleone's quotes, but altered to fit Trump's godfather like actions. The bits about "favor" that "they cannot refuse" was Al Pacino in GF 2 or 3.
I bet those are trump's all time favorite movies. He took notes. He based his businesses & life on them. Except he couldn't handle the dirty work, he had others do it for him. Still does, as he throws all his minions under the bus AND doesn't pay them, as he's know to do.
And I read/heard that in Corleone's voice. Thanks for that!
What I want to know is why the Military hasn’t returned Flynn to active duty and started Court Martial proceedings against him? He’s involved in the entire attempted coup along with spreading lies that are damaging to the fabric of the country as a whole, and he’s collecting a pension. He should be tried, have his rank reduced to private, and jailed, then dishonourably discharged, and have his pension taken away!
Plausible theory. It’s supported by the fact that Trump did nothing despite pleas from many, even Don, Jr. , to do something to call off the dogs and he did nothing for 187 minutes.
Very interesting...I hadn't broken down the goon assignment the way you did here. Here's what's bothering me...what the HECK did trump plan to do on J6? Did the proud boys have a white horse hidden in the wings for him to ride onto the Senate floor? His rage, when his security detail refused to take him there, was that of a man whose plan was thwarted. So, what was his plan before the Secret Service stopped his fun? Was he going to conduct a public execution? Pence, then Pelosi (If they took out Pence, they'd have to do Pelosi, because God forbid she become his new Vice President). Every crime in the book. I really want to know what was in his twisted little brain that day. What did he envision that did not come to pass? I have a sense of another huge disaster diverted, and J6 was lite compared to how he wanted it to unfold.
I think he thought some of the retaliation by the police defending the Capitol might get close enough to his person that his Secret Service guards would fire on the defenders. That would allow more rioters to get in, possibly resulting in a sort of coup. It would certainly have increased the body count and would have resulted in even greater confusion than already existed. Martial law? Perhaps.
Thank you Jay for highlighting the January 5th "separate rally". My understanding is that the next Select Committee Hearing will cover another
"separate rally" on January 6th led by Ali Alexander that was much closer to the Capitol than the Circus on the Ellipse. Could use a catalog of Pre & during Jan 6 surveillance, meetings & "separate rallies". Thank you for your diligence.
But thankfully, they took the time to live-stream their adventure, to share with all their lil broboys back at home. Leading to their conviction & a treasure trove of evidence.
And wasn't January 5th the date of those special reconnaissance tours of the (closed) Capitol building? That has always bothered me.
I fervently hope that at least one member of the Committee and one member of the DOJ team are subscribers to The Status Kuo.
I'm sure Garland has a full staff, taking notes & sorting the STACKS of documents they've received. They'll do their own investigations. Remember, Garland oversaw the conviction of Timothy McVey, Terry Nichols, & the Unabomber- without any leaks, 100% convictions, & Zero turnover appeals. Trust the process.
Hopefully he'll be ONE of our next Supreme Court Judges after 2024...
There's a definite through line involving everyone from the top down, and it's just a matter of the J6 committee to connect the dots for the American public. Fingers crossed 🤞 this will take place and by the end of the hearings indictments from the DoJ will be forthcoming? 😁🙏
Can you imagine the dialog when Trump agreed to pardon those two?
Stone/Flynn: Will you pardon me?
Trump: Yes. But, some day, and that day may never come, but it probably will, perhaps around the elections. I will call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, consider this pardon a gift on my 'pardon lots of criminals' day.
You mean like a "I need you to do me a favor, tho..." situation?
My post is based on Don Corleone's quotes, but altered to fit Trump's godfather like actions. The bits about "favor" that "they cannot refuse" was Al Pacino in GF 2 or 3.
Don Corleone's words were from GF 1 in that opening scene of his daughter's wedding (the occasion upon which he cannot refuse anyone's request).
I bet those are trump's all time favorite movies. He took notes. He based his businesses & life on them. Except he couldn't handle the dirty work, he had others do it for him. Still does, as he throws all his minions under the bus AND doesn't pay them, as he's know to do.
And I read/heard that in Corleone's voice. Thanks for that!
I love it! Well done! And Eric would be the perfect Fredo.
What I want to know is why the Military hasn’t returned Flynn to active duty and started Court Martial proceedings against him? He’s involved in the entire attempted coup along with spreading lies that are damaging to the fabric of the country as a whole, and he’s collecting a pension. He should be tried, have his rank reduced to private, and jailed, then dishonourably discharged, and have his pension taken away!
"I said the Fifth. The Fifth. The Fifth. Fifth.
Fifth, Fifth, Fifth, Fifth..." (& a pardon)
A blankety Blank "decorated" General of our military. Has he been stripped of his honors, if he had any?
Plausible theory. It’s supported by the fact that Trump did nothing despite pleas from many, even Don, Jr. , to do something to call off the dogs and he did nothing for 187 minutes.
Very interesting...I hadn't broken down the goon assignment the way you did here. Here's what's bothering me...what the HECK did trump plan to do on J6? Did the proud boys have a white horse hidden in the wings for him to ride onto the Senate floor? His rage, when his security detail refused to take him there, was that of a man whose plan was thwarted. So, what was his plan before the Secret Service stopped his fun? Was he going to conduct a public execution? Pence, then Pelosi (If they took out Pence, they'd have to do Pelosi, because God forbid she become his new Vice President). Every crime in the book. I really want to know what was in his twisted little brain that day. What did he envision that did not come to pass? I have a sense of another huge disaster diverted, and J6 was lite compared to how he wanted it to unfold.
I think he thought some of the retaliation by the police defending the Capitol might get close enough to his person that his Secret Service guards would fire on the defenders. That would allow more rioters to get in, possibly resulting in a sort of coup. It would certainly have increased the body count and would have resulted in even greater confusion than already existed. Martial law? Perhaps.
its keeps getting darker...thank you Jay
Thank you Jay for highlighting the January 5th "separate rally". My understanding is that the next Select Committee Hearing will cover another
"separate rally" on January 6th led by Ali Alexander that was much closer to the Capitol than the Circus on the Ellipse. Could use a catalog of Pre & during Jan 6 surveillance, meetings & "separate rallies". Thank you for your diligence.
I almost feel sorry for the extreme lil soldier wannabees for their disappointing role... their bug guy didn't show so they all had to go home.
But thankfully, they took the time to live-stream their adventure, to share with all their lil broboys back at home. Leading to their conviction & a treasure trove of evidence.
good work
Trump involvement keeps erecting little fact bridges towards his guilt. Thanks StatusKuo for your investigative reporting.