Great review. Where are the other CNN reporters on this? This needs to go public big time as further evidence against DJTump. The man is scary and he can never be allowed to hold ANY office again.
1) I suspect the news media may be calculating, based on their superb understanding of news cycles how the public tires of any story that requires extended concentration, that to play up this story now is to set up its early demise. I think they are wisely waiting for the preliminaries to the public hearings, when this and other pieces of the puzzle will be reinforced in near real time by actual liveTV testimony.
2) I wish you were prosecuting these cases, Jay, or at least on the team. ;-)
There is no legitimate media anymore. They are all owned by a few oligarchs who tell them what they can and cannot report. We are no better than Russia in this area. 😢
So much comes at us. every. single. day.............hard to even keep track. Remember the 15 boxes of classified material? Ancient history? Yeah.......about 60 days ago.......So many balls flying at us daily that we just grow numb after a while...............And. We MUST remain vigilent.
Thank you Jay, Aaron Blake's 4/15/22 WAPO aricle demonstrates that Lee & his Wingman were aware that "Powell's Kraken was indeed mythological". "By Dec 16, Lee told Meadows that Senators would NOT object to election results 'without some direction' " That subsequent "direction" ending in sedition should be -- & I understand is -- the subject matter of a sitting DOJ Grand Jury. Evidence of conciousness of guilt (scienter) arises from overt acts after the November Election not Lee & his Wingman's votes on January 6, 2021.
I believe Amanda Carlenter has the definitive analysis of Senator Lee's conduct at, 4/18/22. Lee: "Tell me what I should be saying" - voters in all states be damned.
The three photos at the top of this article epitomize the source of so much corruption and wrong-doing in the U.S.
Every day I want to scream louder than the day before, I don’t know how much more of this I can take
Great review. Where are the other CNN reporters on this? This needs to go public big time as further evidence against DJTump. The man is scary and he can never be allowed to hold ANY office again.
It's time for the Democrats to step up and in short sentences, call out the GOP.
Two comments:
1) I suspect the news media may be calculating, based on their superb understanding of news cycles how the public tires of any story that requires extended concentration, that to play up this story now is to set up its early demise. I think they are wisely waiting for the preliminaries to the public hearings, when this and other pieces of the puzzle will be reinforced in near real time by actual liveTV testimony.
2) I wish you were prosecuting these cases, Jay, or at least on the team. ;-)
There is no legitimate media anymore. They are all owned by a few oligarchs who tell them what they can and cannot report. We are no better than Russia in this area. 😢
So much comes at us. every. single. day.............hard to even keep track. Remember the 15 boxes of classified material? Ancient history? Yeah.......about 60 days ago.......So many balls flying at us daily that we just grow numb after a while...............And. We MUST remain vigilent.
Thank you Jay, Aaron Blake's 4/15/22 WAPO aricle demonstrates that Lee & his Wingman were aware that "Powell's Kraken was indeed mythological". "By Dec 16, Lee told Meadows that Senators would NOT object to election results 'without some direction' " That subsequent "direction" ending in sedition should be -- & I understand is -- the subject matter of a sitting DOJ Grand Jury. Evidence of conciousness of guilt (scienter) arises from overt acts after the November Election not Lee & his Wingman's votes on January 6, 2021.
How do these corrupt politicians be removed, pay the price in jail for their actions?
First, seize control of the media, then the lies go unchallenged.
And yet this story WILL disappear. Just like so many before it.
I believe Amanda Carlenter has the definitive analysis of Senator Lee's conduct at, 4/18/22. Lee: "Tell me what I should be saying" - voters in all states be damned.
Yes, that phrase keeps ringing in my head.not a single individual thought. Reminds me of the Borg Collective
You’re exactly right about the media’s negligence about this very important matter. So many layers to this onion.