An earlier version of this misidentified Rep. Mikie Sherrill as representing VA. She in fact represents NJ’s 11th district. This has been corrected.

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I hope the democratic leadership is watching Johnson very closely. Don't trust him to do the right thing if he's not getting anything out of it, and saving his speakership my not be enough.

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I heard on NPR yesterday that House Democrats think they could collect enough votes to elect Hakeem Jeffries SoH. I don’t know if that’s seriously in play or just Democrats signaling to Greene and Massie, but I love the idea of raising the stakes for Republicans who want to toss Johnson out to hold up aid to Ukraine.

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I would love to see that happen!!

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Me too Chris!

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It would only take 2 or 3...

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That's Speaker *pro tem* Johnson, placed there by the sufferance of a GOP majority, and liable to get sent to the back benches by a GOP minority. Placeholder until Hakim Jeffries takes the chair next January.

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How is it possible that our foreign policy at a very dangerous time is being determined by an unelected person who is sitting in a courtroom who we have ample evidence is in cahoots with our enemy. Trump has supported Russia in Ukraine, by pulling out of Syria, by ending the Iran nuclear deal, by romancing North Korea.

Are we really so powerless to do something about this?

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We are not powerless, but this is definitely a strain upon our system that is unprecedented.

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I complained to my congresswoman about one aspect of this last week. In fact wasn't it you who brought up the subject of the Logan Act, DK? Of course it's not all about conducting a shadow foreign policy by meeting with foreign leaders but some of it is. The law should be enforced.

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Paula, it wasn’t me that knows enough about the Logan act to point it out. I did read about it in reference to Trump having an ‘emissary’ going to other countries and giving his policy advice. The undermining of the government by a guy that our elected officials fear to displease is a different category I believe. It is different from Nixon pre election meddling in Vietnam peace efforts and Reagan telling Iran not to free the hostages. I don’t think what Trump is doing is illegal, but it needs to be called out when it is hurting the country.

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Yes, it is different legally but still very harmful. Of course unelected lobbyists write a lot of legislation too. How we stop this I don't know but it should be stopped.

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“ A fundamentalist oddball who believes in Noah’s Ark!” 😂 👏👏👏. Great piece!

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How can you not believe in Noah’s Ark? I heard it is located in Kentucky along with dinosaurs. Fie on you disbelievers.

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😂😂. Right!

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It seems to be falling apart - apparently, it is not collecting enough revenue from ticket sales to keep up with basic maintenance.

I'm shocked!


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In deep red Bible Belt no less. Probably sending ALL their spare cash on donations to wealthy con men claiming Jesus wants us all to wealthy.

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Nailed it...

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Has ever in the history of forever has an ex president, sitting in court, been "in charge" of running the country? Our foreign policy has been dictated by rump roast, our border policy being controlled by rump roast, and the GOP are nothing less than Russian assets. And now maggot mike wants a helping hand? We really are in the upside down.

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And is there no recourse other than, as I said to DK, enforcing the Logan Act?

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But will it be too late for Ukraine? An unmitigated and shameful disaster. The US will be blamed, not just the fringe right.

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That is an important question that I hope we don’t have to test.

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I have been sending money to the Ukrainian army via a friend. It's not much but at least I feel I'm doing something. I know others are also doing this but of course it's not billions.

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Where do you send the money and in what form?

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My friend's wife is from Ukraine. I send him a check and somehow she gets it to the army. I can inquire if you're interested.

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Prof Timothy Snyder has links for different projects in Ukraine - I contribute to Safe Skies which is tech that can quickly detect & provide targetting info to aerial defences. It is under "United24" website which was launched by President Zelenskyy as a means of co-ordinating charitable donations from around the world for various projects - very inspiring to see what people are up to, famous & not so 💛💙

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Suchomimus (@suchomimus9921) YouTube channel supports several efforts in Ukraine.

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Thank you.

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Thank you!

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I’ve said this before, but a detailed explanation of how Moscow Marge went from moronic CrossFit-addled stalker to the real Speaker of the House in four years is exactly the kind of story our access-addicted political media stars are actually in perfect position to write the hell out of. The fact that they won’t is extremely telling.

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Ah for the days of my youth when congresspersons didn't just vote as a block for their party legislation and the far right was left yapping in the cold.

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I miss them also.

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These people make Scoop Jackson look like a sweetie, don't they?

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The traffic in major cities has nothing in comparison to the gridlock in Congress. MAGA Mike is the lone traffic controller who has trouble waving the cars through out of fear of losing his job.

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I’m sorry but I must ask. Your name with “El.” It is like the “El” in IsraEL. Is that you trying to get your old job back after being fired by King Josiah so that he could hire YAHWEY?

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Lol, great question, but no. Though I have been to Israel before, one of my greatest trips abroad. And also no, I’m not related to Kal-El either. I should have thought this through better before I came up with the name. 😂

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I was thinking of Superman too. 😀

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"Still, it is disquieting in the extreme to know that the fate of the free world currently rests in the hands of an inexperienced fundamentalist oddball who jumps whenever his puppet master pulls his strings and believes in Noah’s Ark."

Yep. In the class struggle within the GOP the petite bourgeoisie has the upper hand which means plenty of heat and little light. Meanwhile the suits flail about to control the people they've been conning for years. Another outcome of Rovian cynicism. Bad faith in action.

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Trying to keep it all straight is a full-time job. Thank you, Jay, for giving us a hand. Optimism is my default setting but . . .???

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Johnson is a sad loser. The spineless scumwad needs to just put the senate bill to a vote and if he’s honest about it (unlike McCarthy), the Dems would likely keep him in the speakership.

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Most Rs probably want aid for Taiwan and for Israel. If Johnson can get the Ukraine aid bill through Rules (with however many D votes that would take), the Ds should do a disciplined vote-count plan prioritizing however many votes from D Reps it would take to allow Johnson to survive a vote to vacate by no more than a small margin.

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Reading your piece today creates some angst. I hope the latter comes to pass for the sake of the free world.

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The order the bills come out will illustrate how serious Johnson is about getting them passed

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Well-written and thorough.

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