I'm sorry, but I disagree with your last point.

If the Republicans take either the House or the Senate, I'm leaving the United States for good.

I have worked to oppose the Soviet Union, the mobster/autocrats who took over Serbia and waged criminal war against their neighbors, the Taliban and Russia under Putin. I have studied the autocracies and dictatorships of 20th Century, including the Nazis in Germany and the Communists in Russia.

The fascist minority is all in to claim power, and if they succeed, they will not relinquish it without collapsing the nation. It will take ten years to get them out and twenty years to recover from the damage they do. In the meantime, global warming and environmental collapse will continue unabated.

We are at a tipping point.

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If this were 2024 I would not disagree with you, though I still would not agree that emigration is a constructive response. Jay is correct that even if the Repugs gain both houses they would be hard put to do much serious damage in the next 2 years. And in the interim, they could make themselves so obnoxious - and Dems could continue to show their reasonable progress (hopefully including strong signs of economic recovery) - so that 2024 will turn things back in our favor. The best way to win support is to succeed - and show how badly things could be under the other side. Regardless of the 2022 election results, this will be our overall challenge in the two years ahead.

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Where will you go? All other countries, including Canada, have very strict immigration policies. The UK isn't exactly a bastion of democracy either.

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I believe very strongly in working toward a goal, keeping the end in sight, and being relentlessly positive about the outcome. I'm not throwing in the towel now.

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I appreciate your honesty and hopefulness, but I'm afraid if we lose either chamber it's very nearly over. You're only talking about legislative damage, I'm worried about violence because that's next. Let's talk about the house impeaching members of the DOJ who are going after Trump (this seems like it would be obstruction of justice, but I digress). MTG chairing a committee? Hunter Biden's laptop BS? A possible impeachment of President Biden? Not to mention the counting of electoral votes in 2024.

I don't think people will care about the nightmare Republicans will bring, look at how many Americans are, right now, more concerned about inflation than democracy.

Please feel free to talk me off the ledge.

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Excellent writing. You are more optimistic than me.

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Thank you for the education and hope

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While I appreciate the calming effect of your three breaths, I cannot allow myself to be comfortable with the lies and drift towards the loss of womens rights and our democratic republic. Trump with brains DeSantis stands too great a chance in 2024. Somehow we need to create laws that separate truth from fiction on news programs on either side.

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I too feel like Biden will have an opportunity to be our "wall" when the red wave comes. He will stand up for the good and decent against the evil. Two years of nonfunctioning government focused on impeaching him by repugnants who only want to outdo each other in service to the Dark Lord will help usher in 4 more years for Biden.

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If we don’t stop voter intimidation and intended challenges that such as the Republicans are promising to do, we are in more serious trouble than we already are.

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I appreciate and understand your words. I am an animal activist and live in Oklahoma, the worst state ever. You are always giving me a glimmer of hope. Thank you for that.

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I have a friend in OK who was a librarian at a community college and who sends me info on the horribleness of OK lawmakers; she didn’t know that the Tulsa World had endorsed a Democratic woman in a statewide race (sorry, don’t remember exactly) and was pleasantly surprised...although it probably will not turn any tides. But it’s something, right?

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Thank you. That was an excellent, smart and very encouraging post. You're helping to keep me from getting an ulcer!

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On one hand, you say that Democrats can't play defense forever, but then at the end you insist that it's only right and proper that we sometimes have to play defense.

The problem is is that your first point is right. We are always playing defense against a republican coalition that would gladly eviscerate human rights for political and economic gain. Being out of power, they're already trying. And I have no faith in the moderate wing of the Democratic party not capitulating on some "minor" right for, say, trans children to exist, as a compromise to get some other legislative victory.

We already see Manchin and Senima siding with Republicans over their own party.

Besides, the US is so far behind on so many important issues that not progressing is actively making life worse for millions of Americans

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Thank you for the encouraging message.

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Great piece, thank you!

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