I don't know about anyone else, but, I have absolutely had it with the entire Republican party. There agenda seems to be, do the most harm. I am sick of them still holding power even though they're in the minority, although by a slim margin, they still lost. Schumer seems to be unable to gather the courage to do what is right for everyone, except the Republicans, which in my mind is a good reason to do it. Not for nothing, but, just because something is in the Constitution, doesn't mean it actually plays out in real life. Examples being, POC, the LGBTQ+ community and women, of all colors. It seems a lot of white men have their actual manhood tied up in the I've got mine, screw you, mentality. It's not pie. Having everyone being truly equal, literally helps everyone, including white guys. Again, the country is being held hostage by zealots and racists. Not a good place to be.
Agree. I think their agenda is “if it’s not broken, let’s break it.” The loudest ones really do not believe in freedom for everyone. That’s what it boils down to for me.
What a shame. Our best hope is to increase the D majority in the Senate and the House next year. I suspect the Rs want to put off thinking they will regain majority next year? Tricks of the trade and business as usual for them, so we have to just show up and show them. I well remember Phyllis and Anita back in the day. Phyllis a real study in conflicting and incongruence.
I don't know about anyone else, but, I have absolutely had it with the entire Republican party. There agenda seems to be, do the most harm. I am sick of them still holding power even though they're in the minority, although by a slim margin, they still lost. Schumer seems to be unable to gather the courage to do what is right for everyone, except the Republicans, which in my mind is a good reason to do it. Not for nothing, but, just because something is in the Constitution, doesn't mean it actually plays out in real life. Examples being, POC, the LGBTQ+ community and women, of all colors. It seems a lot of white men have their actual manhood tied up in the I've got mine, screw you, mentality. It's not pie. Having everyone being truly equal, literally helps everyone, including white guys. Again, the country is being held hostage by zealots and racists. Not a good place to be.
Agree. I think their agenda is “if it’s not broken, let’s break it.” The loudest ones really do not believe in freedom for everyone. That’s what it boils down to for me.
What a shame. Our best hope is to increase the D majority in the Senate and the House next year. I suspect the Rs want to put off thinking they will regain majority next year? Tricks of the trade and business as usual for them, so we have to just show up and show them. I well remember Phyllis and Anita back in the day. Phyllis a real study in conflicting and incongruence.