Will you do a similar article about US Senators? I am worried Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) will be beat by the multimillionaire California businessman, her opponent who is backed by the Republicans.

Or do you believe the House races are more important than the Senate races this election?

I completely understand if your life circumstances prevent you from replying to this! Hoping everything goes smoothly, and the very best to you and your daughter (and her birth mother).

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I will! I would say for now that if you have money to give and control of the Senate is on your mind, donate it to Montana Senator Jon Tester at jontester.com.

If we lose Montana, we almost certainly lose the Senate majority. We have two possible pick-ups, but they are long shots, in FL and TX. That’s why Tester has to win, because we’ve already lost one seat in WV because Manchin won’t run again.

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"Cruz leads Allred by just 3 points in Texas Senate poll"


Just saying.

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Thank you. I’ll donate some in memory of Ann Richards

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Just donated to Jon Tester!! Thank you for always keeping us laser focused on where our donations are needed most!!!

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I think Missouri is another chance for a pickup & Tennessee an outside chance, & someone mentioned North Dakota as a longshot but possible.

I like your House choices, by the way.

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Agreed! We need this for the crucial Senate races too, like Tester in Montana and Alsobrooks in Maryland!!!

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I second! Alsobrooks runs against a moderate Republican who was a fairly popular red Governor in a blue state. He did a good job with the pandemic. We had very well organized mass vaccinations in the football stadium. He was recruited by Mitch McConnell to run gainst Alsobrooke. Name recognition on the ballot alone could make him a winner. He would vote along the Republican party line in the Senate. So Maryland cannot lose this blue seat.

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Force Multiplier has a slate of the 7 most vulnerable Senate seats, that you can contribute to as a group, or to a subset of them. https://www.forcemultiplierus.org/senate At the Oath website, you can type in Senate as search/filter, and they show the Senate races with the highest impact/effectiveness scores. https://app.oath.vote/donate?ref=em_20240723_pres2 Neither of these sites shares your contact info with the candidates (unless you want them to).

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Donated ! Thank you!!

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Our extra is for Gloria Johnson in Tennessee. There would be nothing more satisfying than to oust Marsha Blackburn.

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I strongly agree. I really like Gloria (& detest Blackburn). She was 1 of the Tennessee 3 with the 2 Justins, Jones & Pearson. There was a lot of enthusiasm displayed by Tennessee youth & disgust with the Republican Party. I think they're itching for a change. It may not happen this time, but making it competitive would help encourage them to make further progress.

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I recently contributed to OATH, which calculates which Democratic seats are most winnable, across the country, but for some funding. So they are not looking at candidate qualifications, but just where the seat is up for grabs and the Democrat has less funding than the Republican and is likely to win with more funding. They are recommending 10 candidates (I didn't pay attention to who they were). Remember, the most you can donate directly is $3300 to any one candidate. I was quite impressed with this approach. The underlying principle is that we must win the house - it is the only FailSafe if Trump gets in. https://app.oath.vote/ Go to Flip the House. (Also - they don't share your contact info with the candidate or anyone.)

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Thank you for including Will Rollins! I live in that district (Palm Springs, CA) and Will has an excellent chance of beating MAGA Ken Calvert! I have been donating to his campaign monthly for over a year and we welcome any support from outside the district. It is SO important that Dems take the House back given the very real possibility that we lose control of the Senate! https://willrollinsforcongress.com/

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I wrote postcards for Rollins twice! 200 total.

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Just donated!

Make sure you read the bottom carefully, as it automatically splits equally between Harris and the three house candidates. However, you can change the percentages manually if you desire.

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Thank you so much for facilitating this!

I have been wondering where my money will do the most good.

Just donated!!

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Yes, this is helpful. Thanks Jay!

And we are looking forward to baby photos very soon!

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Me too!! So excited for you !!!

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I understand and have donated to other campaigns as well as monthly donations to Harris. However, the tone in many states has changed. Rick Scott has a potential contender in Debbie Mucarsel-Powell here in Florida so I have donated several times to her campaign. No one would have predicted this just a few months ago. The excitement is building as well as spreading in other campaigns

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That is one of two pick-up opportunities for the Dems. It’s possible but it’s tough! She will need all the votes she can get.

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Also, Activate America has a postcard-writing campaign to support Derek Tran as well as Dave Min, and endangered Senators (Tester, Brown, Rosen)

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I get so many texts every day asking for donations , usually they are from various Dem candidates but a couple for red candidates have sneaked in. Blocking the numbers does not help because the content just rolls over to a working number. It’s got so bad I’m afraid to donate any more in case it gets misdirected so I try to just stick to my Local Democratic Party platform “act blue” . Since I’m in Texas I feel like I need to boost Texas Candidates but I’m sure the candidates in this email are worthy. Thanks.

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Here are 2 excellent donation sites that do not share your contact info with the candidates: https://www.forcemultiplierus.org/ and https://app.oath.vote/

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Yes, thanks for facilitating these donations to support where it will make the most difference.

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Willing to help to secure the House.

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Done! Thanks for this, Jay

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As a father-in-waiting (congratulations!), you might enjoy reading this letter, written by the father of a new-born to his eldest son.

As the mother of one, and grandmother to none, I have just “adopted” your 3 candidates. I wish them, and you, the best success in your future roles. You have been a trusted source of information and hope to me and many others in these perilous days

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Just donated!

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Just followed the link and donated. Thank you for the direction, and the assistance.

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Thanks for you help, donated

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Just donated!!

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