Is it possible that Cannon is aware of the absurdity of her "instructions," and she is deliberately hoping to be removed so as to allieviate the threat of Trump reprisal? The consequences of his wrath are real, so I think it would make sense that as a Trump supporter, she would want an "out."
Is it possible that Cannon is aware of the absurdity of her "instructions," and she is deliberately hoping to be removed so as to allieviate the threat of Trump reprisal? The consequences of his wrath are real, so I think it would make sense that as a Trump supporter, she would want an "out."
She doesn't seem as smart as you. Trumpladytes seem to have an inability to catch on to his 50-year old pattern of throwing people under the bus. It's amazing how, given all the evidence, this remains the case.
If those requests for jury instructions were thought up by Dumpy, then Loosey Cannon had to translate them into legalese, because Dumpy certainly doesn't know that many big words.
I don't see dt knowing or Reading the legal ins & outs of this wacky elaborate plan. I'm sure his lawyers gave him the outline spelled out in simple terms for both him & Cannon to follow.
While Jack Smith spells out how flawed it is, how long will the "overseers" have to ponder on it??!!
Oh, please - like he could think up and write out something that complicated. No, he's got people for that. They're still not as smart as they think they are - but they do know how the law works - and they're smarter than he.
What makes me so insane is how is all of this being allowed? How came we stop the scotus ? It's is absolutely crystal clear they are corrupt and are out to disenfranchised the United states as a whovh3
le and all its citizens in it
Maybe iam naive thinking that all these traitorous actions would be stopped Years ago.
Also in's outrageous just outrageous
If a surgeon says he is performing surgery on someone and then enters the room in a bathing suit and decides to play darts throwing them directly at the patient as if he is a dartboard there would be consequences headlines it would be stopped
This scenario sounds crazy right? Because it is crazy
The treason and inaction to stop it and even blatant support FOR it continues is TEN times crazier
Will the American people ever see true justice? And before its too late where it won't even matter anymore ?
Does anyone think he will finally be jailed with the election interference hush money case?
And the election
Has trump bagged a deal with corrupt electoral college voters that they will silence the will of the American people?
What in the AF is wrong with
Merrick Garland?
Is he dead and they prop him uo.with formaldehyde Infusions to appear *competent * Because it's seems just having a pulse and fogging up.the mirror are.yhe only requirements as of late to qualify for some of the most sacred and sensitive of postions
To protect the constitution and democracy
Please anyone feel free to weigh in
Thank you all for allowing me this space to vent my thoughts and concerns
tRump's "defense" in a nutshell: "Because I walked all these documents out of the WH, they are 'personal' by that very act, and no law nor any person can take them back".
And *Judge* Cannon seemingly is not averse to that argument, which is why we have SC Smith going all hardball on the *judge*, and strenuously opposing even hypothetically considering any interpretations of the Presidential Records Act as grounds for dismissal of his case, which in fact rests upon the Espionage Act in his alleged criminal actions.
It has taken time - too much time, IMO - but this case is about to be air-mailed to the 11th CA for definitive action, and we may a long last see a recusal, voluntarily or otherwise, by Cannon.
The security breach represented by Trump's theft of those documents is orders of magnitude worse than it has been portrayed thus far. The intelligence community and the DOJ need to keep a lid on that, but it is in fact really bad. Some of the documents that are still missing would be of enormous value to the Russian Federation and to China. I say "would be" because they may already have been sold.
The "Order" for staff to load those same boxes of documents onto dt's jet bound for Bedminster for the hosting of the Saudi Prince's 1st Liv golf tournament should be looked at again.
She has masterfully played the situation to her own future advantage. She wants to position herself for preferment if Trump is re-elected, but does not want to lose her job as a judge if he isn't. The best way to do that is to make a ruling that Trump really loves that either gets her removed from his case or gets him off the hook entirely. This seems likely to happen. Mission accomplished.
Is it possible that Cannon is aware of the absurdity of her "instructions," and she is deliberately hoping to be removed so as to allieviate the threat of Trump reprisal? The consequences of his wrath are real, so I think it would make sense that as a Trump supporter, she would want an "out."
She doesn't seem as smart as you. Trumpladytes seem to have an inability to catch on to his 50-year old pattern of throwing people under the bus. It's amazing how, given all the evidence, this remains the case.
I question also if she's clever enough to have thought up, by herself, those 2 bizarre jury instructions. They reek of tffg himself.
If those requests for jury instructions were thought up by Dumpy, then Loosey Cannon had to translate them into legalese, because Dumpy certainly doesn't know that many big words.
But he's more than capable of coming up with the broad outlines.
I don't see dt knowing or Reading the legal ins & outs of this wacky elaborate plan. I'm sure his lawyers gave him the outline spelled out in simple terms for both him & Cannon to follow.
While Jack Smith spells out how flawed it is, how long will the "overseers" have to ponder on it??!!
Oh, please - like he could think up and write out something that complicated. No, he's got people for that. They're still not as smart as they think they are - but they do know how the law works - and they're smarter than he.
Dawna I agree with you on this
What makes me so insane is how is all of this being allowed? How came we stop the scotus ? It's is absolutely crystal clear they are corrupt and are out to disenfranchised the United states as a whovh3
le and all its citizens in it
Maybe iam naive thinking that all these traitorous actions would be stopped Years ago.
Also in's outrageous just outrageous
If a surgeon says he is performing surgery on someone and then enters the room in a bathing suit and decides to play darts throwing them directly at the patient as if he is a dartboard there would be consequences headlines it would be stopped
This scenario sounds crazy right? Because it is crazy
The treason and inaction to stop it and even blatant support FOR it continues is TEN times crazier
Will the American people ever see true justice? And before its too late where it won't even matter anymore ?
Does anyone think he will finally be jailed with the election interference hush money case?
And the election
Has trump bagged a deal with corrupt electoral college voters that they will silence the will of the American people?
What in the AF is wrong with
Merrick Garland?
Is he dead and they prop him uo.with formaldehyde Infusions to appear *competent * Because it's seems just having a pulse and fogging up.the mirror are.yhe only requirements as of late to qualify for some of the most sacred and sensitive of postions
To protect the constitution and democracy
Please anyone feel free to weigh in
Thank you all for allowing me this space to vent my thoughts and concerns
tRump's "defense" in a nutshell: "Because I walked all these documents out of the WH, they are 'personal' by that very act, and no law nor any person can take them back".
And *Judge* Cannon seemingly is not averse to that argument, which is why we have SC Smith going all hardball on the *judge*, and strenuously opposing even hypothetically considering any interpretations of the Presidential Records Act as grounds for dismissal of his case, which in fact rests upon the Espionage Act in his alleged criminal actions.
It has taken time - too much time, IMO - but this case is about to be air-mailed to the 11th CA for definitive action, and we may a long last see a recusal, voluntarily or otherwise, by Cannon.
I certainly hope so.
The security breach represented by Trump's theft of those documents is orders of magnitude worse than it has been portrayed thus far. The intelligence community and the DOJ need to keep a lid on that, but it is in fact really bad. Some of the documents that are still missing would be of enormous value to the Russian Federation and to China. I say "would be" because they may already have been sold.
The "Order" for staff to load those same boxes of documents onto dt's jet bound for Bedminster for the hosting of the Saudi Prince's 1st Liv golf tournament should be looked at again.
Please let the new mantra hold true... ETTD!
She has masterfully played the situation to her own future advantage. She wants to position herself for preferment if Trump is re-elected, but does not want to lose her job as a judge if he isn't. The best way to do that is to make a ruling that Trump really loves that either gets her removed from his case or gets him off the hook entirely. This seems likely to happen. Mission accomplished.
I had the same question.
That's almost too smart