Thank you for this article, Jay!

This may just be wishful thinking, but I'm hopeful for Jeff Jackson to replace Richard Burr here in NC (I know we aren't as important as the 5 swing states, and that's OK, I'll still plug Jeff Jackson if everyone doesn't mind humoring me). Mr. Jackson is a state senator currently, and is an absolutely amazing human being. He's running a completely grassroots campaign, has been to every.single.county.in.NC (there are 100 of them) to complete townhalls, and refuses to run negative ads about his opponents. He is a family man with 3 kids, a mortgage, and two car payments, living the regular old American dream like the rest of us. If anyone reading in NC hasn't heard of Jeff, please take a few minutes to look him up, he's an excellent candidate for this US Senate seat, and would do very well in making NC proud of our legislators (for a change)!

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There is a typo in the paragraph immediately below the map. "While loss of control of the House may be a very high risk in 2020" should say 2022. Hopefully most readers recognize that.

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Thanks, corrected!

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The fact that this comes down to a few counties, in five states, is exactly what's wrong with our whole system of voting. No wonder people think their vote doesn't matter in the other 45 states. The Democrats have never been good at stuff like this mainly because they don't seem to care. To me, it looks like business as usual for them still trying to negotiate with Republicans, even though they've shown themselves to be entirely untrustworthy, not immediately following through on people ignoring subpoenas, etc. If the Democrats in charge, no matter the margin, don't get their collective shit together, our country will be gone, for good

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Look... enough..if the orange man desearves it than let him have it!!! If not.. STFU!!!!!

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As for the 🤡 between his tax Lies and government paper 📜 fact proof of his actions in the 🇺🇸 insurrection...STFU will pay....🇺🇸💙🚓🚩🚷

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