OMG, this one bugs deeply. You know how many black men have been meted out "justice," "intimidation" at the hands of white men? Can you imagine the reaction among - everyone, but especially republicans - if this were an image of a Black man with a bat, and a picture of a White female, DA who was looking to indict or prosecute him? Our "measured" approach to white collar crime, especially when attached to potential political issues, in an effort to appear "even-handed" is enabling at its absolute worst.

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if he had been a Black man he would have been locked up years ago.

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Locked up? No, beaten to death mutilated, and burned.

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I had this same thought, but you expressed it perfectly!

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That he is able to get away with this is absolute BS. I blame the Justice system for not locking him up immediately with an "implied threat" such as this. Even if you have to release him, you let him know, "NO, you cannot do that!" I blame the public for not insisting, "What? No! Arrest him!" This enabling is absolute BS.

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Getting under your skin is Trump's game......think harder! Wrestling this is NOT. Our democracy is at stake. Playing with pig in mud gonna get everyone muddy and filthy. Of course, Trump likes to be playing dirty and HE is entirely evil. Stay focused. Don't let him get away this time since he does not occupy the White House anymore. Keep eye on the prize. Get the CONVICTION for the crimes he committed in the past few years.

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Getting under someone's skin is a game one gets to play when there are no consequences to those actions. People seldom played the game of "Hey, let's get under the skin of John Gotti." I'm sure it happened, but not on a continuing, longterm or public basis. You "eff" with those you know or feel you can get away with it - you will not be called out - with personal, meaningful consequences.

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Well, your sentiment is clear. I'm confident that justice will be done. And wheels of justice just are turning slowly. That's all. We have professionals working on the case. Now keep eye on prize. Keep your faith, Bob.

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Maybe that’s what T wants, to be locked up over this bat threat. For the optics of course. He’s a poor victim of those who want to destroy the US is the message. This would certainly incite his followers to an unknown degree. All this could interfere with any upcoming indictment.

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So who among us has standing to file a criminal complaint and how can I help?

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I at least hope that a gag order is imposed, and when (in his case it certainly won't be "if") violated, it's enforced. His calling Bragg an "animal" is a Nazi tactic, serving to dehumanize and create that rationalization in his sycophants' brains providing justification for violent action. Trump needs to have his lines of public communication severed.

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Dehumanizing others is one of the first steps on the road to becoming a totalitarian-type regime, one that ultimately commits genocide. ~ Genocide Watch

It is considered to be "the crime of crimes." ~ Cornell University l Wex l US Law l lII/ Legal Information Institute

It is an international crime. Geneva Convention

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I'm waiting for the usual pathetic GOP excuses of "That's not really what he meant though..." Lock him up! Just LOCK HIM UP!

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Jesse Watters of Fox is now saying “LOCK HER UP” was a joke and that no one meant it literally. 🙄

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Sounds rather desperate.

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Or Susan Collins’ “ oh I think he learned his lesson “ after one of his impeachments. As if the president of the U. S. is just a naughty boy. What Trump said would have severe consequences from the neighborhood boys when a where I grew up.

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Well, Susan Collin’s established herself as a bad faith negotiator a long time ago. Evidence that nothing’s changed.

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It's worse than that. Trump's attorneys are calling for Bragg to be investigated. Not that they will get that, but it's the distracting noise they create.

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And Georgia wants to put a bill forth that would get Fani Willis removed as prosecutor ! What is wrong with the repugnants ! I want those involved in Jan 6 to be arrested and removed from congress !!

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Starting with Mo Brooks (who did fail in his bid for Richard Shelby’s seat, not that he was any paragon of honor, either). Can you tell I’m stuck in Alabama?

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Mark, they will say it was just a joke. Everyone knows what a great sense of humor Trump has. Not.

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Eleven years would be good in this case. Wishing Mr. Bragg safe and well

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Pretty obvious that Trump is threatening Bragg. He should be arrested now, before it is too late, and denied bail.

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To paraphrase Professor Cox Richardson, once you deny freedom for one group, you've given up the whole game; here, once you've excused one Trump crime, you've pardoned them all and are impermeable to matters of justice or reason or law. You have segmented and compartmentalized what little rationale you have remaining such that you can readily justify your Trumpy recalcitrance.

Such is the state of the GOP.

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but also remember the statement "you've pardoned them all" only refers to the elite, white man and not anyone else

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Meaning pardoned all of Trump's innumerable crimes

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Yea I guess I somehow read that wrong.

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Remember that Capone got busted for tax evasion, not for the other crimes he committed as a gangster as it was the only crime where there was a paper trail that could be used in court. Also remember that Capone died in lockup from the effects of untreated secondary syphilis…we should be so lucky with trump…

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He wants to project the image of a mob boss. Someone who has no fear of the law and no respect for the law. And the only way to disabuse him of that image is to arrest and arraign him. I wish the Georgia case was first, but this will do.

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Pretty sure he *is* a mob boss.

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trump is a thug.

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This behavior has to have a huge implication in his January 6th incitement case as it proves that he is a person who purposely incites violence every chance he gets.

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The lack of the support for the separation of powers in government is astonishing -- particularly because is being done in plain sight. Force, or the threat of force, is in the fascism playbook.

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We are into the seventh year of the "t" - this feeble imitation of an actual human - dominating our discourse, our news, our politics, our thinking. Instead of bending all efforts to silence him and lessen his influence, the Left is relatively silent, and so he continues to wreak his own particular brand of havoc, influencing others to join him in continuing the descent into insanity. Even after he is gone from this earth, I don't see the creatures that emerged from the box he opened fleeing back into the darkness. Legal issues aside, this has undermined public discourse and political action to the point that they are almost irrelevant. Yes, I'm having a bad day.

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By allowing him his own media platform with no restrictions as to violence, racism, homophobia, anti-antisemitism or xenophobia, he gets an open forum to call for threats and intimidation. The fact that so many of his cult listen to him and respond to his calls for criminal actions (and money) at their expense but never his, makes no rational sense. But then again, consider the source. In any case, the country is at a very dangerous point. Do we stay a democratic republic or devolve to a fascist, nationalistic christian dictatorship, an "illiberal democracy"?

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We all know who he is appealing to (deplorables comes to mind) but I know enough ex-trump supporters to know that he is further digging his own grave with this nonsense.

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I sure hope so.

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"Bunker Boy" likes to pose as a strong man. (Remember the "Trump as superhero" trading cards scam?) He is also obsessed with actors that have portrayed strong men, one of them notably being Robert De Niro. He has however demonstrated to any true observer that he is an abject physical and moral coward. The former POTUS has only POS left in his title.

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I used to refer to him as POSOTUS 😁

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