I wouldn’t take a second-place job to someone who called me Birdbrain but it’s been well established that Republicans don’t think like normal people.

Honestly the whole thing is built on a house of cards. Trump is exhausting, like all domestic abusers, and I suppose it’s not impossible that a certain number of his followers (and certainly the “independents” who somehow are still on the fence in the general) could wake up one morning and just decide they’re tired of him. But when and how many? I don’t think it can be predicted.

“Trump’s former senior advisor Steve Bannon, who is currently under New York state indictment for fraud and could be in jail next year. (I know that’s an aside, but it’s fun to point out.)”

It’s more than that. We should be pointing out their crimes at every opportunity. Would that the “objective” media observers do the same.

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“Trump is exhausting, like all domestic abusers”. That phrase captures the essence of the last 8 years.

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Spot on! Keeping a defensive but educated eye on maga related chaos while pursuing a reasoned, hopeful (I try) approach to political engagement has been mentally, emotionally, and spiritually draining. The internal battle against apathy is real.

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“The internal battle against apathy is real”. Interesting statement.

My internal battle is a bit different. I am an empath. Something I have only recently come to understand and wish I had recognized earlier, much earlier in my life. For me the pain of others is visceral and unrelenting. It can be a single person I know (eg a friend who calls to say she will be euthanatizing her dog tomorrow) or masses of people I will never meet (eg the residents of Ukraine and Gaza). Since the rise of Trump and Make Anger/Hatred/ Bigotry Acceptable Again, I have learned that I have to have some respite. Like the advice from the airplane cabin crew, “In the event of an unexpected decrease in cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop. Put YOUR mask on first, and THEN assist others”. In other words, you are of no help to anyone else if you are asphyxiating.

We all need sometimes to step away from the frustration and fear and anger and dread we feel at the state of our country and our world. And then welcome ourselves back to the fight. “And this time I know our side will win”. (Viktor Laslo in Casablanca).

May it be so.

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I have said many times that his 4 years in office was like living with an abuser all over again. I feel much more at ease now, but I still keep my eye on him.

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Does it ever.

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1. New Hampshire doesn’t matter. First or last, it doesn’t matter.

2. Trump doesn’t want a VP, able or otherwise. He wants a sycophantic butt kisser who will sing his praises and boost his ego on demand.

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"Birdbrain" (snicker)...that's a compliment, quite honestly.

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And one that he can throw to the wolves (or under the bus) when it becomes necessary.

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And do as he/her was told to do. Not like Pence.

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The Democrats need to play the long game like the Republicans have... vote for an experienced, elder statesman who will ensure abortion rights, work to repeal the hideous tax cuts for the wealthy and repair our world standing. Biden has surrounded himself with smart, forward thinking people who he depends on for advice and ideas. TFG surrounds himself with yes men who use him to achieve their own power hungry goals. The Republican Party is a shadow of their former selves. They’ve lost their way into fascism and that alone is the single reason to vote blue.

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Jay, thank you for this analysis. I agree but...You are too soft on MAGA voters. I think you have sidestepped the main reason hard-core MAGA voters can’t/won’t support Haley and will make a stink about anything like VP Haley. It’s not that she flip-flops on Dear Leader (hell, all of his sycophants do it). She is a woman, and she is a person of color; she plays up the first identity, she avoids talking about the second identity. No matter. Without all the racists, white nationalists, and misogynists in the MAGA core, there’d be no one. THAT is why they can’t stand her.

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She is also not submissive, won't be content to stay in the background or do exactly what she's told to do like Susan Collins. She is not the kind of woman Republicans love to control.

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I suspect this may be true, but her favorable ratings have remained fairly high among the MAGA crowd, at least until Trump decided to start to go after her.

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And as long as she continues to hew to her celebrated reason concerning the start of the Civil War, she's aces!

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Can a shapeshifter do anything more than consolidate the non-Trump vote? No, IMO.

Vote for the old guy. Fast forward to a Blue House + Senate 315 days from today = a real chance at peace in Europe and ending Putin's reign of terror by supporting the most effective military power in Europe today. Freedom in Georgia? Belarus? How many other states benefit from a Ukraine win.

Imagine travelling to Ukraine in '25. One of the singularly most beautiful regions of the world. Food to die for, kind, generous, good people.

"Defeat in Ukraine and regime change in Moscow would undoubtedly lead to a diminution of Russian power in the near and mid-term. Some parts of the Russian Federation with non-Russian majorities such as Chechnya, Dagestan, Tatarstan, North Ossetia and others might break away. However, the core of the Russian state with its nuclear weapons and vast energy, agricultural, and mineral resources would remain viable and intact and would have clear incentives to act in accordance with international norms and rules" R.D. Hooker, Jr Nonresident Senior Fellow

Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security - Transatlantic Security Initiative


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How about this: Vote for the Wise Guy ... Joe Biden 2024

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Vote for the “kind” guy that has an actual heart ❤️

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Don't forget Finland; Putin already made threats against them, just a few days ago. He made it clear that it would be retaliation for joining NATO.

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Let's not overlook Trump's age and health status. Unlike Biden (who appears to be very healthy for his age) there is a non-negligible chance that Trump will not have a lot of moons left in life. That could throw a huge monkey-wrench into either the election, or his next term.

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There is some reporting that he is using a “toe hold” lift now when he makes public addresses—a device recommended by doctors for elderly folks who face balance issues. Not sure if this has been corroborated.

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Jay, there are photos of him using these toe pads, and they appear to be genuine. For instance, see the Xitter posts in this story:


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I don't know how you can see anything under his feet in those photos. It's just too dark in the one, and I really do not see anything but his shoes in the other.

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Given the loyalty of MAGA, I sometimes suspect that TFG could get their votes even after his funeral. A 'memorial presidency' if you will. Yeah, I know, but absurdities are getting easier to imagine every day.

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From Trump on down (if one could burrow any further into the grime), the Republican field is as barren a wasteland as the neuronal density in many of their combined hemispheres. There is no there here, there or anywhere....other than many empty bangs and whimpers.

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As far as I’m concerned, they’re all vile whether they come like #trumpstinks or seemingly moderate but hates women’s rights like Haley. They are either fascists or corporate shills willing to harm those of us who work all our lives by gutting health care and social security so the Koch’s can afford more yachts.

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If they nominate Trump they’ll be saddled with a deeply flawed candidate with a track record of losing. If they somehow nominate some else (very unlikely) Trump will burn the GOP down. It’s lose-lose for them. The time for Republicans to get principles and dump Trump is long past. They are now the party of crime and treason and must be defeated soundly next year no matter which goober gets the nomination.

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I tend to agree. Yet there are so many wild cards that remain. I may write about these tomorrow.

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You manage to keep up with everything even while away. Thank you. And Boxing Day used to mean giving money to the help (and also going to a panto). Enjoy!

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Happy Boxing Day! Cheers.

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Here's what one candidate wrote on Christmas Day. It deserves scrutiny:

"...Woke Military, Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Iran, All Electric Car Lunacy, and so much more, are looking to destroy our once great USA. MAY THEY ROT IN [HEL*].


What is he saying here?

Seems he just told our military and two close allies to go rot.

Will the media even report it? Ask any followup questions? Dismiss it as a rant?

This is as close as we get to 'policy' from Republicans - so we have to ask what this word salad means.

This man is not getting the questions serious presidential contenders need to answer: as in what are your views of Iran? What do you think of what Hamas is doing? And Netanyahu?

Is he getting a free pass on this incoherent rant?

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Jonathan Turley appears ready to give him one.

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Why, Trump’s policy statement is so clear, a 60 year old Cletus could understand it. Go find me a 60 year old Cletus to explain it to me. #Groucho

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Your analysis is getting closer to mine but I don't have trouble saying this is class struggle as so many refuse to do. GOP elites are in disarray as MAGA continues to redefine the party along class lines. The real question underlying everything is whose interests does the GOP serve? That question has become complicated as populism puts pressure on the donor class to respond constructively for working class folks.

While the Kochs are hedging their bets with Haley the donor class continues to provide reliable dough at the primary level for the chaos candidates, insuring a confrontation down the road between the donor class and the populists (such as they are).

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The more inter-Party chaos, the better. Here's hoping the chaos peaks just before the election.

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I dunno - those folks have a LOT of guns and few inhibitions. Stir enough chaos into that mixture, and you could get a sizeable explosion. Not sure who could keep that tamped down.

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I'll drink to that.

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But, but, aren't Haley's parents some of those dreaded immigrants?

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Isn't cognitive dissonance fun?!

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[whispering] Drumpf

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Koch can spend $$$$ to pay for door knocking because they left their products at double pre Covid-19 prices (dropped from triple so it wasn't as obvious) which helps make the current administration look bad in public opinion on consumer prices but also helps line their libertarian pockets. Vote 💙


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Also: republicans will never actually vote for a woman. She’s toast no matter what.

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