Jul 9Liked by Jay Kuo

I will vote for anyone and anything opposing Donald Trump and his crime family. If Joe Biden is on a respirator on Election Day, I will gladly and ferociously cast my vote for him. If he is replaced with Kamala Harris (a perfectly competent candidate) and/or a rabid dog, I will vote for that ticket over anything containing the word Trump and/or any of the listed criminals from Project 2025.

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You know that movie Weekend at Bernies? If two guys are standing on either side of Biden on election day, waving his arms around, I'll vote for Biden.

On a more serious note, if Biden remains in the campaign, I hope Dems have the courage to push Kamala forward as a damn good insurance plan.

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Charles, you da MAN!!

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Wait. What'd I do? :-)

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That means you are in a cult. You will follow someone who is not conscious. You literally just proved Trump Derangement is a cult.

No person with a working brain would want someone incoherent protecting the nation but a brainwashed cult member. I am sure you don’t see the irony and that’s ok. That comes with being brainwashed.

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Go back to Russia, creep.

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Me too and there are a lot more like us out there (probably the people who don't answer the polls!).

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Same here anyone ‼️‼️

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Me too, Kim!

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100% Kim!

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Great comment Kim!! I agree.

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Send this to the New York Times and the Washington Post and all the other idiot media people this is perfect analysis of the entire situation

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We don’t need project 2025 to know that Trump is planning on manipulating the levers of power to prosecute his political enemies and sic the military on the American public.

Project 2025 needs more public exposure. Use trump's image and voice repeating over and over what he wants to do on Day One. It will reach the independents and the rest of the fence-sitters if democracy is worth saving. Everyone freedoms are at stake now.

It's time to wear this "VOTE removes stubborn orange stains" t-shirt 👇


Vote Blue up & down the ballot!

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Here's what I posted on Joyce Vance's Substack a day or two ago:

Dems should organize a "teach-in" in Milwaukee, along the lines of the anti-war teach-ins throughout the late '60s. Get together loads of volunteers, each reading a segment of Project 2025, then discussions on the implications of the work quoted...set it up near the site of the GOP Convention, and have at it...that is, if the local cops don't come down hard and crack heads for "unlawful assembly" sort of thing.

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The section I read for a discussion I was in today, based on Joyce Vance's recommendation was a slog. It was the one on Dept of Education. That is from page 319-362. I have to read others to see if they are as redundant and poorly written. Also, you have to read people in the know who tell what some of the subtext is so that innocuous sounding things like supporting taxpayers and students can really be understood.

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Yes. But it is good to realize how thoroughly it is going to destroy the USA and the constitution in order to send money to their opportunistic friends, and take our tax dollars to support homeschooling Christians to live off of the rest of us.

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Jul 9Liked by Jay Kuo

They may be slow learners, but they do learn! https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/07/09/trump-project-2025-heritage-foundation/

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You know, should Biden stay the course, we can expect and will get "Good days and bad days" from Joe all the way to Election Day, that's inevitable. Question will be: Will the "good days" well outnumber the "bad days", and which will leave the bigger impression upon the voters?

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The good days will leave the bad days in the dust.

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They already know. They don't care.

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Well, that fatalistic attitude will not get us anywhere! In my humble opinion

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They don't know yet. But they will definitely care.

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Ooooo, perfection!!!

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Jul 9Liked by Jay Kuo

It's great that we keep spreading the word about this nightmare. Too bad the rest of the MSM world isn't. Yesterday I called each and every Congressional Democrat calling for Biden to drop out of the race, and gave their staff a piece of my mind. The level of disrespect for an incumbent President running for reelection is staggering. On top of that they have no plan for replacing him; they all just say Do Something! I'm sorry but "Do Something" is not a plan.

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Since all this "Will he, or won't he?" business is on a day-to-day basis, anything short of a complete face-plant at the upcoming Nato talkfest will push the narrative from ""Do something!" to"Do nothing!", as Joe has got this, and we all move on, those damned polls notwithstanding.

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TBH, "Do nothing!" is not a realistic plan, but that may emerge by default as the "winner".

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Thank you for your efforts. It’s unbelievable when they, more than anyone, should know what’s at stake.

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Must be they grooved on the daily disrespect and boorishness at every press conference. But they do love their yachts!

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Head of the Heritage Foundation said recently that Project 2025 was keeping some of their plans hidden from the liberals. Wonder if the MAGAS ever imagined that if they come after one group, they'll eventually find a reason to come after some of them. This is not s fight between liberals and conservatives, this is fight between Democracy and autocratic Fascism.

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I’ve saved the whole PDF in case they do take it down.

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It made me feel ill to download it!

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Not deep thinkers in the MAGAt brigade. Just as all those who thought they’d never be the one tossed under the bus.

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It's like they don't understand that eventually they will lose their guns and other liberties they hold dear. I don't know many authoritarian fascist dictators who let their citizens have an arsenal of weapons to fight back with once they know their rights are up for grabs too and that they won't be benefitting from the oligarchy that will be put into place.

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Trump is a lazy mo-fo. He doesn’t work on policy. His only goals are a) staying out of jail, and b) getting a constant stream of ego strokes, and c) keeping all the dark money coming in to fund his lazy-ass rich boy lifestyle. So it’s a safe bet that “his plan” is a dumbed down version of the one the actual nazi policy wonks made up. Preferably done in crayon for him to read aloud with his finger on each word, and with short enough talking points that fit in one line on a teleprompter. He’s that much of a bum. He’s 100% all in on signing off whatever the nazi wonks put in front of him as long as it meets either or both of his goals. So yeah, this is all him, and none of it at the same time.

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His only goal is to be king. A narcissist’s dream come true!

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“…all him, and none of it at the same time.” Well said. How terrifying that the infrastructure is being crafted.

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Its plausible deniability— a familiar MO for Donny. If & when it comes crashing down he will avoid being tainted by it. He will just step into another Teflon suit like he’s been doing since he entered public life.

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It *has* to come crashing down because it's a compendium of white nationalist/christofascist fever dreams with a nod to yet more tax cuts and deregulation to keep our oligarchs happy with the check book. Even for republicans, these "ideas" are completely galactic scale batshit crazy. And their normal run of the mill ideas never work worth shit anyway. So basically, it's a gigantic steaming pile of shit that will blow up in their faces if/when they ever get a chance to give it a shot.

I'm hoping they get wiped out in November so there will be at least another 2 years of the crazies blaming the failure on "not being conservative enough". If they keep getting their asses handed to them, they will eventually learn that in a democracy they have to govern for everyone, not just their fascist enablers and donors.

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You'd think they'd have the sense to keep quiet about all of their "distress". All of this nonsense just makes them look like a bunch of idiots. Which makes me wonder, why are they all yakking away about this? It doesn't seem like a good non-plan. What was interesting was how sudden the outflow of doubters was, like minutes after the debate, and all based solely on the debate. It's like they were waiting for Biden to flub up, waiting for an excuse to throw him under the bus. Who works harder than Joe? None of those Congressmen and women.

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Hey Chris, nice reponse

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Jul 9Liked by Jay Kuo

Jay, it's all well and good to pull Donald's chain a bit but I'd really rather see his lapses examined like they're doing to Uncle Joe. "Donnie must be losing a step. He says he doesn't remember much at all? Well, at his age, after all he's nearly 80, it's not surprising. Sad..."

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Won’t help, but i wrote a note to the NYT about more scrutiny for Trump. I feel better though.

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Hah. I got a reply …. Sorta wishy washy… guessing it’s a boilerplate.

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Thanks for your efforts!

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I think I can translate that tweet, “Project 2025, stand back and standby”

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🤣 yes, exactly

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Keep spreiding the word on this!

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Jul 9Liked by Jay Kuo

I’m filled with “if only’s” on reading this. If only MAGA followers would listen. If only so many MAGA followers weren’t in it for the power. If only our nation hadn’t gotten so cynical about politics. If only ..if only.

This piece Jay is fantastic. Spot on. And if only it got to the ears and soul of all the undecided, the frustrated mass who focus on age, on the short sited who refuse to take the long game approach to voting blue. If only people loved this country for its people’s sake and not just their own piece of power. Thank you Jay.

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A friend posted this AM that Trump is not involved with Project 2025!!! And she reads my posts daily!!! How to get thru to people

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The full on MAGA people probably won't care, but there are those out there who are on the fence and they need to be convinced, they need to keep reading and hearing how terrible Trump is. I heard a mouse peep (relative to the roaring about Biden) about how there were some people who veered towards Biden after the debate because they were so outraged/disgusted/horrifed by Trump's performance, which was totally awful.

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I actually got a little sick to my stomach reading through the chart comparing Project 2025 with Agenda 47. Restricting access to contraception? Banning gender-affirming care? Eliminating the Department of Education? Monstrous. And there's so much more. This is terrifying, and anyone saying these things are "too extreme and can't happen" is not paying attention to the overall plan that includes greater executive control, and replacing as many government employees and federal judges as possible with absolute loyalists. It CAN happen, especially with the current corrupted and far-right leaning SCOTUS. Our rights are NOT safe.

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Agreed - the people who say “it won’t ever happen” need to look into the steps leading to WWII, as well as other autocracies around the world. We might WISH it couldn’t happen here.

(My daughter is one of them. I can’t get a word in. She’s never known any REAL trouble in her life. I think that’s the case with so many, as the population from WWII is dying off.)

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The 2024 Republican Party released its platform yesterday. It calls for using the Fourteenth Amendment to protect the rights of fetuses from the time of fertilization and not the human beings who are already here.

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Yep, I saw that. Dastardly use of the 14th Amendment. So that would outlaw IVF and IUDs, I suppose?

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Yes, exactly. Christo-fascism.

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The fetus party!

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I've had that pushback of "oh that won't happen here". I was like I'm sure the people in Germany or Europe felt the same way for a while too.

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Jul 9Liked by Jay Kuo

Why aren't all of the media outlets putting the Project 2025 information on blast? Everyone needs to know about this or democracy (as we know it) is done! What can we, as individuals, do to spread the word about this? I need some serious and practical suggestions.

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Why? Consider who the *actual* owners of main stream media are: the extremely wealthy. They will willingly overlook Project 2025, and all of tfg's warts, because they are hoping he will repay them with even larger tax cuts if he is once again POTUS.

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Then it's up to us to share the crap out of the links to the short version, the long version and the main bullet points.

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Maybe they think they're immune, but they're naive if they don't think the current SC won't overturn the 1964 *New York Times Co. v. Sullivan* decision.

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I recall hearing in a very short clip about tax cuts by Trump……for the wealthy no doubt.

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Tax cuts on the backs of the middle and lower income??

Cuts only mean something else or someone else pays for that cut!! Who got rich off the last Trump tax cuts?? It wasn’t the middle and lower income. It was on the BACKS of the middle and lower income! Vote 💙💙💙💯

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Why, they are gonna pay for those tax cuts, you know! Once they have eliminated the Dept of Ed, the EPA, DOT, and cut the bejeezus outta Justice and whatever else they have in mind, taxes won't be necessary. Except, of course, for whatever it costs to keep thee and me in work camps and such. And we will pay for our own incarceration.

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And we “THE American tax paying public “ need to see this on the screen they paste to their faces so it never leaves a doubt. What happened to truthful propaganda? Get this absolute truth on every web site.

PBS, NYT, Wash.Post…., make them complicit in a downfall of democracy for charging us for their misrepresentation of truth!!!!!

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Excellent! This is journalism...NYT, take note.

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Keep blasting all media with this!!! The public must know what a Trump presidency will do to the US!!!

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Jul 9Liked by Jay Kuo

Thanks Jay, great as always. And the NYT can fvk all the way off: https://www.jefftiedrich.com/p/top-new-york-times-editor-defending

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Jul 9Liked by Jay Kuo

Thank you for this! So helpful in addressing Trump’s continued stretching of truth.🫣

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Jay Kuo

As I said when he slithered down his golden staircase in 2015 -- Whatever trump says, think opposite.

He's a hack.

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