Older women should beware of these draconian abortion bans. States enacting them are seeing high numbers of OB/Gyns leaving. There are 500 less of them in Florida alone. So if you are post menopausal and think these banns don’t affect you, You are wrong.
Yes. And if MAGA start using Comstock to avoid having to pass abortion laws, well, one part of the law outlaws, "any filthy, vile, or indecent thing, device or substance and every paper, writing, advertisement or representation that any article, instrument, substance, drug, medicine, or thing may, or can be, used or applied, for preventing conception or producing abortion, or for any indecent or immoral purpose..."
The thing is, the word "thing" can include stirrups, speculums, and other devices that are used (as all we females know) to do Pap tests, and pelvic exams. And knowing these determinedly ignorant power mad fanatics, they will indeed try to ban it all, figuring, women don't really need Pap tests, pelvics, etc. They will make, on purpose, OB/Gyns an illegal profession. Let all the women give birth in the fields, or in their bed, like in the olden days!
They have been telling us that they would do these things for decades, just because they hadn't the power to pass them, doesn't mean they wouldn't once they got power.
Care for post menopausal women, IVF, contraception, etc, all on the line thanks to Trump.
I know several Trump voters who thought that women seeking abortions would simply be turned away. Now they're talking about charging miscarriage victims with attempting an abortion in some states.
It is going to be quite difficult for OBGYNs to practice in Florida, especially if they specialize in high risk pregnancy or IVF. It is going to be difficult for ER doctors, Family Medicine OBs (family docs who provide pregnancy care and can perform caesarians), GPs, PA's, nurses, and EMTs to provide pregnancy care, because Florida's 6-week ban (which begins at conception!), would render them criminally responsible for providing care for ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, unviable fetuses beyond the "6 weeks," and miscarriage complications. The language we use to discuss abortion in the media needs to be changed from the right's pro-life/anti-life language to women's reproductive health care. People are not educated that nearly 25% of pregnancies are not viable. Period. And in Florida, citizens don't realize the law now enforces a pseudo-6 week ban. Politicians have no place in legislating women's health care. Politicians certainly don't legislate men's care, including viagra. Also, to provide help in blue states (like NY) that don't recognize FMOBs, it would help if the state accredited them, as is commonly done in the west and midwest and, even, Florida, and incentivized them to practice in the northeast, a lot could be done to alleviate the influx of health-care refugees.
Yes, I see older women saying “why should I care” or “I don’t even have granddaughters “ a lot on instagram posts. I comment back similar to your words.
And if you don't care about reproductive care rights being lost because you are post-menopausal do us a favor, just don't vote, the women that are fertile deserve the same rights we had.
Remember all the political cartoons that came out showing him in a diaper? And that was way back in 2016. I really cannot at all grasp what the hell is going on. None of this crap is new.
For once, I agree with 2016 Lindsay Graham. The GQP is destroying itself, and I’m not at all sad about it. We do need at least two political parties in these United States, but they need to be sane, focused on issues the American people care about, believe in the rule of law and follow the Constitution. The GQP/MAGA party no longer does.
We have two. We have a centrist (mostly) Democratic party. It's like the Republicans of the 1970s. If Obama stepped into a hot tub time machine into 1970, he'd have been a Republican in the mold of Illinois Senator Charles Percy.
The other party is a left of center Democratic party. On the fringe of that you have the idiots calling Biden Genocide Joe.
I think what will happen is that the centrist Dems and the Never Trumpers as represented by folks like The Bulwark (a never Trump Republican substack) merge into its own centrist party that will look more like the 1970s Republicans. This won't and can't happen in today's political climate, but I think this is the right wing's last hurrah. They're giving it quite a go, I'll give them that, but I think it ends badly for them, including a whole ton of indictments.
for Maureen: Did they ever? The MAGA party is the current iteration of the so-called Freedom Caucus, which was an iteration of the Tea Party which was an iteration of Newt Gingrich and his Contract with America's Conservative Opportunity Society--a group that included young conservative House Republicans. So these critters have been around for a good long time--since the mid-1980's at least. At no time has that group ever been even minimally interested in actually serving the interests of their constituents. They were all about poking a stick into the wheel and mechanics of actual governing. The MAGAs and their ilk are all abject idiots.
And the GQP in its current condition (traitorous, racist, misogynistic, lying, general swampiness) needs to be destroyed. Maybe a new version that believes in legislating, defending the Constitution, etc (I.e. pre-Reagan/Gringrich) could emerge.
The "common factor" in tRump's recent actions is tRump himself and what HE wants, in order to (1) aid his campaign, and (2) keep him ultimately out of jail. He doesn't give a rat's arse about abortion, FISA, Ukraine, etc., it's me-me-me 24/7, and that will eventually sink him, bank it.
He wants to get even with Zelenskyy for the refusal to announce an investigation into Biden and son, though. It took balls big enough to be seen from space to refuse the crazy orange ogre's demands. Which the regime tried to cover up, and led to his first impeachment. Tangeranus never forgets when he gets told "No!"
(1) I've been saving two quotes until the right moment arrived, and Jay has provided it. Probably the more relevant to his analysis today, is the followijg: "Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers, which they dare not dismount. And the tigers are getting hungry." Winston Churchill, 1936.
(2) And the second may explain why drumpf's followers cling to his instructions: " Dictators make one contribution to their people -freedom from the necessity of informing themselves and making up their minds." (I've lost the source)
Joe Biden taking questions from the press on April 10, 2024
reporter: “on the issue of abortion, what do you say to the people in Arizona who are witnessing a law going into place that dates back to the civil war era?”
This reportedly off the cuff zinger from Biden, is yet another of many examples demonstrating that Dark Brandon is very much with it and able to do the job of President. Just saying.
How about some NYT Pitchbot news: " Why the Arizona abortion decision spells trouble for Biden".
The Times today tried "bothsidesing" the abortion issue, digging into Joe Biden's earlier support for the Hyde Amendment, then his subsequent disavowal...and somehow that has equivalency to tRump's nothingburger video "statement" on "states' rights' " and abortion. Oy vey, another new low for da Grey Lady.
Yes, Biden persuaded him to see reason. I suspect his church programmed him agaianst LGBTQ people. As the churches are not real enlightened with the times. (some are, but the Black community churches often are not.)
It’s incredible. The Republican Party is blind to the facts that they were wiped out in the mid terms, because they are deaf to the rights of women!
And it’s not just the female who is impacted by this law that denies them health care for their bodies— during that time when their most important function for our species is critical— reproduction!
It’s those who love them. Their parents and family—- and that male who is their partner — who impregnated them. His future is tied to hers!!
It ain’t just the women!!
The GOP has demonstrated that they have morphed into a political ‘cult’ and are ignorant to the reality of a functioning political party.
Not if Judge Merchan has anything to say about it...he's already slapped down the tRump legal team for "repetitious motions" - all denied - and if they continue the clownery during trial, they'll risk contempt charges. No choice for tRump, he sees the process through to jury decision, and THEN continue with appeals, if necessary.
It's a mistake (and I'm not saying you're making this mistake, just a general observation) to think Trump cares even the tiniest bit about the success of the Republican Party, other than as a vehicle for him to grift and avoid prosecution. He wouldn't care if they lost every race for every office at every level, except that he'd have fewer allies willing to slow or stop the legal system's prosecution of his many crimes. That's the very narrow lens through which he views the GOP, and any understanding of his actions hinges on that.
There's a joke about him that dates back to the 80's. : A woman gets in the elevator with trump. She immediately starts gushing about how wonderful he is, and offers oral sex to him. He thinks a minute and replies "Okay, What's in it for me?" His massive ego was very obvious even then.
Republicans have been laying the groundwork for all this mayhem since Reagan. The treason weasel is the extreme manifestation of this. But the goal is and always has been the destruction of the federal government's support of all Americans, except where THEY can use it to control peoples lives. If trump flames out and burns everything to the ground, they will see it all as a success.
With all these points against him, including the huge disparity in election funding budgets, it would be a loss of unfathomable proportion for not only our democracy but the entire world. This requires EVERY democrat and independent to get out and vote this fall - a sluggish, close race only gives them fuel for the future. It must be squashed beyond recognition.
A bit of a technical point. FISA does allow for surveillance of US citizens, and the whole Carter Page thing was based on FISA Section 1. However, the negotiations right now are limited to FISA Section 702 which regards monitoring foreigners... Whose conversations with US citizens are also included. These conversations are the part that the proposed warrant amendment would cover.
But thank you as always for the thoughtful analysis!
I think the criteria of foreigners "whose conversations with US citizens are also included" juiced Trump to send in the flying monkeys. Because he is a US citizen who talks with foreigners.
"Dr. Bandy X. Lee is sounding the alarm again, reminding the nation about the clear threat posed by a Donald Trump presidency. “I cannot be assured that [Trump] will refrain from using nuclear weapons the second time around, or provoke others into using them,” Dr. Lee said. “As we know from all the Pentagon war games, once it begins, that is truly the end of humankind.”
Older women should beware of these draconian abortion bans. States enacting them are seeing high numbers of OB/Gyns leaving. There are 500 less of them in Florida alone. So if you are post menopausal and think these banns don’t affect you, You are wrong.
Excellent point!!
Yes. And if MAGA start using Comstock to avoid having to pass abortion laws, well, one part of the law outlaws, "any filthy, vile, or indecent thing, device or substance and every paper, writing, advertisement or representation that any article, instrument, substance, drug, medicine, or thing may, or can be, used or applied, for preventing conception or producing abortion, or for any indecent or immoral purpose..."
The thing is, the word "thing" can include stirrups, speculums, and other devices that are used (as all we females know) to do Pap tests, and pelvic exams. And knowing these determinedly ignorant power mad fanatics, they will indeed try to ban it all, figuring, women don't really need Pap tests, pelvics, etc. They will make, on purpose, OB/Gyns an illegal profession. Let all the women give birth in the fields, or in their bed, like in the olden days!
It's not and "if" they'll use Comstock, it's when. Everytime sane people thought "they're not going to do that," they did, they have and they will!
They have been telling us that they would do these things for decades, just because they hadn't the power to pass them, doesn't mean they wouldn't once they got power.
Care for post menopausal women, IVF, contraception, etc, all on the line thanks to Trump.
I know several Trump voters who thought that women seeking abortions would simply be turned away. Now they're talking about charging miscarriage victims with attempting an abortion in some states.
All unintended consequences of voting for Trump.
It is going to be quite difficult for OBGYNs to practice in Florida, especially if they specialize in high risk pregnancy or IVF. It is going to be difficult for ER doctors, Family Medicine OBs (family docs who provide pregnancy care and can perform caesarians), GPs, PA's, nurses, and EMTs to provide pregnancy care, because Florida's 6-week ban (which begins at conception!), would render them criminally responsible for providing care for ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, unviable fetuses beyond the "6 weeks," and miscarriage complications. The language we use to discuss abortion in the media needs to be changed from the right's pro-life/anti-life language to women's reproductive health care. People are not educated that nearly 25% of pregnancies are not viable. Period. And in Florida, citizens don't realize the law now enforces a pseudo-6 week ban. Politicians have no place in legislating women's health care. Politicians certainly don't legislate men's care, including viagra. Also, to provide help in blue states (like NY) that don't recognize FMOBs, it would help if the state accredited them, as is commonly done in the west and midwest and, even, Florida, and incentivized them to practice in the northeast, a lot could be done to alleviate the influx of health-care refugees.
And every man should care if they have a daughter or a son or a wife or every have sexual encounters.
Yes, I see older women saying “why should I care” or “I don’t even have granddaughters “ a lot on instagram posts. I comment back similar to your words.
Tell them they are selfish idiots. It won't stop there. Wait until they get uterine cancer or any reproductive organ cancer.
And if you don't care about reproductive care rights being lost because you are post-menopausal do us a favor, just don't vote, the women that are fertile deserve the same rights we had.
I want to read this title as "Trump is the Wedgie."
Diaper Wedgie.
Remember all the political cartoons that came out showing him in a diaper? And that was way back in 2016. I really cannot at all grasp what the hell is going on. None of this crap is new.
Oooo, so gross.
Butt her emails!
DIAPER DONNIE has another hissy fit, film at 11 .
I just see a wedge salad and think "eeew."
For once, I agree with 2016 Lindsay Graham. The GQP is destroying itself, and I’m not at all sad about it. We do need at least two political parties in these United States, but they need to be sane, focused on issues the American people care about, believe in the rule of law and follow the Constitution. The GQP/MAGA party no longer does.
We have two. We have a centrist (mostly) Democratic party. It's like the Republicans of the 1970s. If Obama stepped into a hot tub time machine into 1970, he'd have been a Republican in the mold of Illinois Senator Charles Percy.
The other party is a left of center Democratic party. On the fringe of that you have the idiots calling Biden Genocide Joe.
I think what will happen is that the centrist Dems and the Never Trumpers as represented by folks like The Bulwark (a never Trump Republican substack) merge into its own centrist party that will look more like the 1970s Republicans. This won't and can't happen in today's political climate, but I think this is the right wing's last hurrah. They're giving it quite a go, I'll give them that, but I think it ends badly for them, including a whole ton of indictments.
This is how I see it too. I just can't envision how we get there though. Still to chaotic!
for Maureen: Did they ever? The MAGA party is the current iteration of the so-called Freedom Caucus, which was an iteration of the Tea Party which was an iteration of Newt Gingrich and his Contract with America's Conservative Opportunity Society--a group that included young conservative House Republicans. So these critters have been around for a good long time--since the mid-1980's at least. At no time has that group ever been even minimally interested in actually serving the interests of their constituents. They were all about poking a stick into the wheel and mechanics of actual governing. The MAGAs and their ilk are all abject idiots.
And the GQP in its current condition (traitorous, racist, misogynistic, lying, general swampiness) needs to be destroyed. Maybe a new version that believes in legislating, defending the Constitution, etc (I.e. pre-Reagan/Gringrich) could emerge.
Oh, yes…he was absolutely correct. But now? Just another invertebrate political worm.
The "common factor" in tRump's recent actions is tRump himself and what HE wants, in order to (1) aid his campaign, and (2) keep him ultimately out of jail. He doesn't give a rat's arse about abortion, FISA, Ukraine, etc., it's me-me-me 24/7, and that will eventually sink him, bank it.
He wants to get even with Zelenskyy for the refusal to announce an investigation into Biden and son, though. It took balls big enough to be seen from space to refuse the crazy orange ogre's demands. Which the regime tried to cover up, and led to his first impeachment. Tangeranus never forgets when he gets told "No!"
Yup. Whiplash Wannabe Dictator TFG will continually jerk folks around to stay out of jail and get elected.
I hope the GOP enjoys their wedge salads smothered in Russian dressing. Dessert is a 300 lb pound cake with a rancid orange topping.
Oh, good one! 🤣
Very kind of you to put him at 300, rounding down at tax time, so fitting!
(1) I've been saving two quotes until the right moment arrived, and Jay has provided it. Probably the more relevant to his analysis today, is the followijg: "Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers, which they dare not dismount. And the tigers are getting hungry." Winston Churchill, 1936.
(2) And the second may explain why drumpf's followers cling to his instructions: " Dictators make one contribution to their people -freedom from the necessity of informing themselves and making up their minds." (I've lost the source)
Worth sharing on other Substacks.
Thank you!!
Joe Biden taking questions from the press on April 10, 2024
reporter: “on the issue of abortion, what do you say to the people in Arizona who are witnessing a law going into place that dates back to the civil war era?”
Biden: “elect me. I’m in the 21st century.”
[from Jeff Tiedrich, Everyone is Entitled to My Opinion substack, April 11, 2024. https://open.substack.com/pub/jefftiedrich/p/why-the-fuck-is-the-new-york-times?r=1knhs2&utm_medium=ios]
This reportedly off the cuff zinger from Biden, is yet another of many examples demonstrating that Dark Brandon is very much with it and able to do the job of President. Just saying.
How about some NYT Pitchbot news: " Why the Arizona abortion decision spells trouble for Biden".
The Times today tried "bothsidesing" the abortion issue, digging into Joe Biden's earlier support for the Hyde Amendment, then his subsequent disavowal...and somehow that has equivalency to tRump's nothingburger video "statement" on "states' rights' " and abortion. Oy vey, another new low for da Grey Lady.
I saw that. Irresponsible and awful.
Jay - could you, at some point, comment on: could NY declare tRump to be a 'Vexatious Litigant'?
Didn't Obama have to 'evolve' on same-sex marriage?
Yes, Obama did "evolve" and that should be celebrated wherever it occurs. It is, after all, a short form of "learning from experience."
Yes, Biden persuaded him to see reason. I suspect his church programmed him agaianst LGBTQ people. As the churches are not real enlightened with the times. (some are, but the Black community churches often are not.)
It’s incredible. The Republican Party is blind to the facts that they were wiped out in the mid terms, because they are deaf to the rights of women!
And it’s not just the female who is impacted by this law that denies them health care for their bodies— during that time when their most important function for our species is critical— reproduction!
It’s those who love them. Their parents and family—- and that male who is their partner — who impregnated them. His future is tied to hers!!
It ain’t just the women!!
The GOP has demonstrated that they have morphed into a political ‘cult’ and are ignorant to the reality of a functioning political party.
Fools rush in, where informed humans avoid!
NY state appeals courts are tossing out tRump's filings about 10min. after the clerks record the paperwork, and...seeya in court on Monday, LOSAH!
I predict his attorneys will move to dismiss multiple times each day of the trial.
Not if Judge Merchan has anything to say about it...he's already slapped down the tRump legal team for "repetitious motions" - all denied - and if they continue the clownery during trial, they'll risk contempt charges. No choice for tRump, he sees the process through to jury decision, and THEN continue with appeals, if necessary.
It's a mistake (and I'm not saying you're making this mistake, just a general observation) to think Trump cares even the tiniest bit about the success of the Republican Party, other than as a vehicle for him to grift and avoid prosecution. He wouldn't care if they lost every race for every office at every level, except that he'd have fewer allies willing to slow or stop the legal system's prosecution of his many crimes. That's the very narrow lens through which he views the GOP, and any understanding of his actions hinges on that.
His only principle is
"What's in it for me?"
There's a joke about him that dates back to the 80's. : A woman gets in the elevator with trump. She immediately starts gushing about how wonderful he is, and offers oral sex to him. He thinks a minute and replies "Okay, What's in it for me?" His massive ego was very obvious even then.
Republicans have been laying the groundwork for all this mayhem since Reagan. The treason weasel is the extreme manifestation of this. But the goal is and always has been the destruction of the federal government's support of all Americans, except where THEY can use it to control peoples lives. If trump flames out and burns everything to the ground, they will see it all as a success.
I smell a foul Newt!
Yup, Newt played a HUGE roll in the current nightmare.
And a bigger, smellier hypocrite than Newt would be difficult to find!
Not really - tRump is both.
They are trapped in a positive feedback loop of propaganda which they willingly subject themselves to every single day.
With all these points against him, including the huge disparity in election funding budgets, it would be a loss of unfathomable proportion for not only our democracy but the entire world. This requires EVERY democrat and independent to get out and vote this fall - a sluggish, close race only gives them fuel for the future. It must be squashed beyond recognition.
I think the sycophants in the House are not ultra conservatives, but are obstructionists who kiss the arse of Mar-Lard-Ass. It is sickening.
A bit of a technical point. FISA does allow for surveillance of US citizens, and the whole Carter Page thing was based on FISA Section 1. However, the negotiations right now are limited to FISA Section 702 which regards monitoring foreigners... Whose conversations with US citizens are also included. These conversations are the part that the proposed warrant amendment would cover.
But thank you as always for the thoughtful analysis!
Yeah, I was wondering how deep in the weeds to go with that
I think the criteria of foreigners "whose conversations with US citizens are also included" juiced Trump to send in the flying monkeys. Because he is a US citizen who talks with foreigners.
"Dr. Bandy X. Lee is sounding the alarm again, reminding the nation about the clear threat posed by a Donald Trump presidency. “I cannot be assured that [Trump] will refrain from using nuclear weapons the second time around, or provoke others into using them,” Dr. Lee said. “As we know from all the Pentagon war games, once it begins, that is truly the end of humankind.”
The danger a 2nd Trump presidency represents can NOT be understated.