I’m Christian and also (as did many Christians in Germany, Poland, etc) stand with my Jewish friends and the Jewish community . This is a horrifying trio of information.
I am part Jewish, immigrant, female, non-Christian, autistic, and bisexual. I am right up there with you being terrified. You are definitely not alone.
P. S. How awesome is Dr. Heather Cox Richardson?! I love her.
Fellow Jew here, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with you and everyone here....
Also, as an aside, should anyone need a sympathetic, likeminded ear, should you feel overwhelmed or panicked or just need to talk, please do not hesitate.
DM for contact, or we could form a support network for anyone interested.
Thank you for sounding the alarm. Most media is far too complacent about the kind of dark forces Trump has now aligned himself with. Democrats need to be making sure that all those suburban Republican moderates know what a vote for Trump really means.
Jay--Something has occurred to me about a lot of these shootings. It is the apparent disregard or lack of planning of the shooter for their own survival. There seems to be no real attempt to get away or survive. Is this becoming an American far right version of suicide bombing?
This is exactly what I’ve been thinking. These people are not interested in personally surviving. They are on a mission, and that’s all that matters to them… To succeed in what they are trying to do. It’s almost as if they do not have a soul inside their body. Can you imagine the grief they bring upon their own families who are so ashamed and traumatized by things that they have done. We are dealing with a very evil part of society, and I am frightened
Either they don't care about the grief and shame they bring upon their families, or... they make their families proud. This sort of radicalization often begins in the family. Racist remarks at the suppertable in front of young kids, remarks made while riding in the car, sometimes passed down for generations. The families, after their loved one acted with such horror and are now dead, would NEVER admit to it, however. They never saw their loved one's 'radicalization.' Yeh. Sure. Uh-huh.
When does mainstream media stop covering things that are noise, rather than news? Trump, so broken inside, relies solely on external adulation (just like Hitler). He is willing to be outrageous to get the media attention. I’m puzzled and deeply concerned how the media falls for this. It is lazy and dangerous reporting.
CNN has so fallen for it they are giving him his own town hall tomorrow. With only GOP (Guns Over People) voters allowed in. Questions vetted ahead of time- what kind of softball questions will he get? And how can Kaitlen Collins control this monster?
So very true. Even local news is sound bites and sensationalisms. Mainstream media is like all media outlets, in business for viewers. “and that’s the way it is” was a long time ago. We now have 24 hour news, local news from 4-8 on TV and yet we aren’t getting the info we need to make informed decisions. Many people don’t want to hear the “boring” or the hard news. You can point to the media but they are actually giving their audiences what they want not what they need to hear.
I wish the United States citizenry, and most of the mainstream media, would pay more attention. The fascist minority has shown repeatedly that they will do exactly what they say they will do, if they are able to seize power (or be voted in, by a complacent, ill-informed and manipulated public). We are one election away from concentration camps and death squads.
Bravo, Jay. Happy to see you putting in print in one place, many of the pieces put together by Rachel on last night’s show. There is one further link which I’d love to see you explore, and which Maddow alluded to: the more than circumstantial ties to mass gun deaths--particularly in non-white communities--and these same fascist groups, or RWDS--Right Wing Death Squads. It’s the same trajectory Nazi gangs took throughout the 1920’s before seizing power in 1933. I believe the link between these groups, the mass murders, the flood of AR-15’s in this country, and the NRA is becoming more visible as a pattern emerges. Not only do I think that funding for these killers is coming from the NRA, but one would have to be comatose to think that GOP dark money groups & Putin’s purse are not funding this terrorism, to provoke a Reichstag-like backlash and surge to totalitarian rule. The language of all these Hitler Impersonators is straight out of Mein Kampf. Only a very tough, law & order liberal crackdown on guns, hate speech, attacks on human & civil rights, dark money fundings & calls to violence will stop this century’s Nazis. I strongly urge the HRC to double down on fighting these monsters.
Yes! Keep hitting hard. We’ve got to look at Germany’s anti-Nazi, anti-Domestic Terrorism laws. As a member of the LBGTQ community, the grandfather of a lesbian AND as a Jew, I strongly recommend that HRC make this fight a top priority.
I listened to a livestream of Heather Cox Richardson back in June 2022, and what she said was so profound to me, I transcribed it. Please read, it applies to this 100%:
“The PEOPLE never back a dictator. Dictators do not rise from majority backing. Dictators rise when a very few, a small minority of people get behind an individual because they are mediocre and they want power. And the majority is so divided and so unlikely to take that crazy dictator seriously that they don’t organize to push back against that small faction. That’s how Hitler took power. They do not have a majority. They have a minority and the majority can not get their act together to push back against them.” - Heather Cox Richardson
Time to organize a much wider coalition, including people who are currently not paying attention, and push back.
Robin, trump probably thinks that the Kushner family doesn’t count as Jewish since the grand children have Trump blood in them. Ivanka does too android Jared doesn’t count. He just came in handy when Trump needed a Jew.
I don’t understand why the national media,which seems so anxious to broadcast everything Trump, has not been talking much about these rallies and tours and Hungarian events. What gives?
Commentary such as this needs to reach a much larger audience. Ditto Richardson', Vance's, and Takei's. All of you are talking this week along very similar lines, including the blithe overlooking of these threads by the media.
How can this group of miscreants and maladroits constantly harp on their "Judeo-Christian" values, all the while espousing vehement anti-Semitism? It is so far beyond hypocrisy that I have no word for it. The cult does not even come close to espousing, in any true and basic sense, either of those value sets.
Exactly - do they (and their followers) not see how crazy this looks and sounds? Jesus was Jewish and not white. Christians follow teachings of Jesus which has to do with love. How there can be Pastors for Trump mystifies me. It’s all terrifying!
Dr. Heather Cox Richardson is also calling the alarm. I am Jewish. I am TERRIFIED!
I stand with you and with the entire Jewish community. We will never allow what happened before to happen again.
I’m Christian and also (as did many Christians in Germany, Poland, etc) stand with my Jewish friends and the Jewish community . This is a horrifying trio of information.
I am part Jewish, immigrant, female, non-Christian, autistic, and bisexual. I am right up there with you being terrified. You are definitely not alone.
P. S. How awesome is Dr. Heather Cox Richardson?! I love her.
I'm also Jewish and live in a very red small town. As far as I know, I'm the only Jew here. I'm also terrified. 😞💔
Fellow Jew here, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with you and everyone here....
Also, as an aside, should anyone need a sympathetic, likeminded ear, should you feel overwhelmed or panicked or just need to talk, please do not hesitate.
DM for contact, or we could form a support network for anyone interested.
Yours in solidarity.
I'm also very sorry!
I’m so sorry!
And the only person more vilified than someone who is Jewish is someone who is ATHEIST. We're just demons in the flesh.
Thank you for sounding the alarm. Most media is far too complacent about the kind of dark forces Trump has now aligned himself with. Democrats need to be making sure that all those suburban Republican moderates know what a vote for Trump really means.
Jay--Something has occurred to me about a lot of these shootings. It is the apparent disregard or lack of planning of the shooter for their own survival. There seems to be no real attempt to get away or survive. Is this becoming an American far right version of suicide bombing?
I think you’ve nailed it there - which is why each of these mass murder events need to be labelled as Domestic Terrorist Attacks!
This is exactly what I’ve been thinking. These people are not interested in personally surviving. They are on a mission, and that’s all that matters to them… To succeed in what they are trying to do. It’s almost as if they do not have a soul inside their body. Can you imagine the grief they bring upon their own families who are so ashamed and traumatized by things that they have done. We are dealing with a very evil part of society, and I am frightened
Either they don't care about the grief and shame they bring upon their families, or... they make their families proud. This sort of radicalization often begins in the family. Racist remarks at the suppertable in front of young kids, remarks made while riding in the car, sometimes passed down for generations. The families, after their loved one acted with such horror and are now dead, would NEVER admit to it, however. They never saw their loved one's 'radicalization.' Yeh. Sure. Uh-huh.
JAY I believe the site is being monitored like you wouldn’t believe. This is the third time I’ve been knocked out and trying to post some thing.
Martyrdom and fame
When does mainstream media stop covering things that are noise, rather than news? Trump, so broken inside, relies solely on external adulation (just like Hitler). He is willing to be outrageous to get the media attention. I’m puzzled and deeply concerned how the media falls for this. It is lazy and dangerous reporting.
CNN has so fallen for it they are giving him his own town hall tomorrow. With only GOP (Guns Over People) voters allowed in. Questions vetted ahead of time- what kind of softball questions will he get? And how can Kaitlen Collins control this monster?
I used to watch CNN pretty exclusively. When I saw the promo for this “town hall” I promptly switched to MSNBC.
So very true. Even local news is sound bites and sensationalisms. Mainstream media is like all media outlets, in business for viewers. “and that’s the way it is” was a long time ago. We now have 24 hour news, local news from 4-8 on TV and yet we aren’t getting the info we need to make informed decisions. Many people don’t want to hear the “boring” or the hard news. You can point to the media but they are actually giving their audiences what they want not what they need to hear.
This was covered by MSNBC.
We have to sound the alarm on this and battle low approval for the Biden administration. This is going to be a stressful year. Hate can’t win.
Thank you, Jay. You've laid this danger out so clearly. But hoo boy, we've got our work cut out for us.
I wish the United States citizenry, and most of the mainstream media, would pay more attention. The fascist minority has shown repeatedly that they will do exactly what they say they will do, if they are able to seize power (or be voted in, by a complacent, ill-informed and manipulated public). We are one election away from concentration camps and death squads.
Or autos-da-fé.
Bravo, Jay. Happy to see you putting in print in one place, many of the pieces put together by Rachel on last night’s show. There is one further link which I’d love to see you explore, and which Maddow alluded to: the more than circumstantial ties to mass gun deaths--particularly in non-white communities--and these same fascist groups, or RWDS--Right Wing Death Squads. It’s the same trajectory Nazi gangs took throughout the 1920’s before seizing power in 1933. I believe the link between these groups, the mass murders, the flood of AR-15’s in this country, and the NRA is becoming more visible as a pattern emerges. Not only do I think that funding for these killers is coming from the NRA, but one would have to be comatose to think that GOP dark money groups & Putin’s purse are not funding this terrorism, to provoke a Reichstag-like backlash and surge to totalitarian rule. The language of all these Hitler Impersonators is straight out of Mein Kampf. Only a very tough, law & order liberal crackdown on guns, hate speech, attacks on human & civil rights, dark money fundings & calls to violence will stop this century’s Nazis. I strongly urge the HRC to double down on fighting these monsters.
Not sure if you saw it, but my piece on Monday was about these RWDS and their origin.
Yes! Keep hitting hard. We’ve got to look at Germany’s anti-Nazi, anti-Domestic Terrorism laws. As a member of the LBGTQ community, the grandfather of a lesbian AND as a Jew, I strongly recommend that HRC make this fight a top priority.
I listened to a livestream of Heather Cox Richardson back in June 2022, and what she said was so profound to me, I transcribed it. Please read, it applies to this 100%:
“The PEOPLE never back a dictator. Dictators do not rise from majority backing. Dictators rise when a very few, a small minority of people get behind an individual because they are mediocre and they want power. And the majority is so divided and so unlikely to take that crazy dictator seriously that they don’t organize to push back against that small faction. That’s how Hitler took power. They do not have a majority. They have a minority and the majority can not get their act together to push back against them.” - Heather Cox Richardson
Time to organize a much wider coalition, including people who are currently not paying attention, and push back.
Trump is a monster! He associates with these people/organizations even though his daughter, son-in-law and three of his grandchildren are Jewish.
Robin, trump probably thinks that the Kushner family doesn’t count as Jewish since the grand children have Trump blood in them. Ivanka does too android Jared doesn’t count. He just came in handy when Trump needed a Jew.
I don’t understand why the national media,which seems so anxious to broadcast everything Trump, has not been talking much about these rallies and tours and Hungarian events. What gives?
Commentary such as this needs to reach a much larger audience. Ditto Richardson', Vance's, and Takei's. All of you are talking this week along very similar lines, including the blithe overlooking of these threads by the media.
How can this group of miscreants and maladroits constantly harp on their "Judeo-Christian" values, all the while espousing vehement anti-Semitism? It is so far beyond hypocrisy that I have no word for it. The cult does not even come close to espousing, in any true and basic sense, either of those value sets.
Exactly - do they (and their followers) not see how crazy this looks and sounds? Jesus was Jewish and not white. Christians follow teachings of Jesus which has to do with love. How there can be Pastors for Trump mystifies me. It’s all terrifying!
Bit awkward for Ivanka and Jared, I imagine.
It sickens me to read your breakdown of their terrifying activities...#NEVERAGAIN #NEVERAGAIN #NEVERAGAIN!
Never been more scared!!
The key is to channel fear into action and education. It’s hard, but vital.