Past tense: failing to hold Trump accountable HAS ERODED public confidence in our justice system.

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says you. Are you a lawyer? My guess is no. Just another Trump-derangement syndrome.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

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Thinking one needs a law degree to make a statement about our justice system is an intellectual disorder. Try harder to THINK, sir.

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Sounds like a lot of BS. He should be indicted on the Covid virus alone that killed more than 600-700,000 people while he was President claiming the virus was "fake". That alone is negligence. As a nurse IF I did that I would lose my license, jail time, plus a huge fine.

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And, the substantial; evidence from the over 700,000 deceased the "Silent Witnesses".

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Liberalism is a mental disorder. Are you suggesting Trump knowingly killed 700..000.??? What a freaking idiot. Get help.

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You’ve been brainwashed.

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He never claimed the virus was fake.... good thing you're a nurse and not a journo.

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Feb 26, 2020 "This is a flu. This is like a flu" aka FAKE. The FACT that he did NOTHING to help stop or prevent the virus from spreading shows his incompetence as well as your stupidity for supporting him. http://doggett.house.gov/media/blog-post/timeline-trumps-coronavirus-responses

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You are right, Wreck referred the Pandemic management to governors, mayors, school boards & the folks in the Omlette Line at Mar a Lago.

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Slippery like a mob boss.

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Lock him up!

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I would love to see you do an article about the pride we feel with President Biden proving he is the world leader we needed. I’m just so impressed with his leadership skills and how he got NATO, EU, G7, etc all rallying behind a common cause.

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And the G20.

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I just everyone is far too spineless. They are terrified to try and indict a past President, regardless as to his crimes because they believe unless they have absolute, positive, smoking gun in hand, standing over the victim with gun powder residue on his hands proof of illegalities, they think they won’t be able to get a conviction and THEIR careers will be destroyed! Personally I think there’s far to much ass covering going on here!

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Twice indicted (impeached) while holding office, and twice acquitted by the partisan voting in the Senate. The Presidency has grown so powerful, far beyond -- I feel -- what the Framers could ever have envisioned, that it seems impossible to hold it accountable. The frauds in New York State were allegedly committed by a private citizen, before he held public office. But the immensity of the office frightens away prosecutors. Had these frauds been committed by a former mayor or governor, indictments might have come more easily.

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What about Mo Brooks' comments? Does that affect the likelihood of a Trump prosecution?

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Yes, Brooks' very public statement is a substantial "admission againt interest" and is admissible on multiple grounds per the Trial Court`s ruling after a crminal referral & subsequent Indictment.

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This Bragg guy has got to GO !!!

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I her words “deplorable” but I understand. Dems get to the polls in November 2022 & 2024.

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Slippery as an eel.

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