Hoping this is just the beginning with bigger indictments to come for him and his cohort so that the rule of law is put back in its rightful place as front and center of our country! Thanks so much for sharing this with your considerable and insightful expertise!

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Jay, thank you for highlighting the 11th Circuit's reasoning that the declassification argument is a "red herring". Of serious concern is Trump's statement to Sean Hannity last night, " That if you send it

[classified docs] it's declassified" implying Trump may have already distributed national security secrets unlawfully. The 11th Circuit opinion permits the USG's formal "damage assessment" to continue immediately.

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This is all wonderful and somewhat comforting news. On top of that, I will, henceforth, be calling him Cobbledick. Thank you, oh so much, for that gem.

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It's so good.

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My favorite part was how they stopped just short of calling Judge Cannon a F-ing idiot. My question is why these financial institutions just took his word for these ludicrous valuations. I could never go to my bank and claim my home is worth $5 Million without them independently verifying it.

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I fear there may have been corruption at his lenders.

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Probably the reason US banks don't want to have anything to do with him, and he was getting financing from Russian oligarchs through Deutsche Bank. A friend in a NYC banker and he says they have viewed him as a joke and unacceptable risk for decades.

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Wasn't there a whole big thing about Deutsche Bank and somebody's son mixed up with tRump and his loans? I forget the details, and at the time I wondered why it wasn't getting more attention. Swept under the rug, just like every other stinky deal he's involved in.

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Especially since they knew he was a corrupt ratfink lying POS. His reputation precedes him, always. Sort of like a stench that can be smelled long before the source is viewed.

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right? Of course the wealthy get better treatment than the rest of us

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I know everyone should have "adequate" representation, but the orange septic tank's lawyers should take notes. As the Ms. James and her team proceed like the iceberg heading towards the Titanic, the lawyers representing the family should get their retainers up front; expect 3 out of the 4 to not listen; they will try to sue because they did not win their case in an effort to recoup their financial losses; and/or may end up losing their credibility/ license/ practice/ prison/ etc. because they took them on as clients. [NOTE: she will listen because like the one that spawned her, she learned how to throw everyone under the bus and deny doing so despite physical evidence and sworn statements.]

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Should the New York AG prevail in the case against Trump Org and the business is put in receivership could those responsible for winding down the assets of Trump Org :

1) Ask the FBI to search the Trump properties for classified materials? I do not think that the any new owners would like to have folders with classified markings (or PRA documents) fall out of some closet.

2) Fire 'Employee-1' at Mar-a-Lago and kick him out? As I understand it being an employee there was the only way he could get around restrictions placed on the property and live there.

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So if Trump can declassify top secret documents by just thinking it, then can we all get together and think Trump and family into jail?

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Thank you for the clear explanation.

I still wonder why he gets away with flagrant court shopping (in picking the Cannon dimwit), and why the simple fact that the documents belong to the government isn’t the end of all of the B.S.

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I have been asking the same questions for two weeks. No answers that I have seen. But they 11th Circuit judges do appear to dismiss the classified vs non-classified document argument because all of the documents belong to the government by law.

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Quoted from the article: Rather alarmingly, Trump further added, “because you’re sending it to Mar-a-Lago, or to *wherever you’re sending it*…” implying that he may have sent top secret documents elsewhere.

Which begs the question: Could there be other warrants issued for other tRump properties? We all know that he polluted--uhm, dug Ivana's grave--uhm, RESIDED at his NJ golf club all summer, could there have been documents, tops secret documents at that, brought there? I'm sure the DOJ has considered this possibility, now that he implied that it's altogether possible.

I, for one, would love to see them raid every property that has the name tRump on it. Starting with Bedminster NJ, Ivana's grave included, and right down to Ivanka's and Jared's kids' toyboxes. Sorry, not sorry.

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Looking forward to many more smashed dishes and ketchup splatters at Mar-a-Lago. *trump will no doubt spin it that he's creating jobs. LOL

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"If you're president you can declassify a document by just thinking about it".... so later tomorrow I will be a millionaire because I bought a lottery ticket, I thought about winning and I will take the ticket in and tell them so. I'm sure they will just write me the check because of my stunningly infallible logic

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Who knew Trump was part Jedi and declassified the documents by a Jedi mind trick? Ovi-Wan is pissed.

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I keep reading that judges, etc. were appointed by trump. I never think that. If I were going to assign a person as appointee, I’d say Mitch McConnell. My own personal opinion is that trump was just a figurehead - did what he was told as long as it went along with his grandiose ideas of being. Reagan was another one like this - my opinion only. He was a mouthpiece for whoever was really running the government. He did what he was well trained to do - speak words given to him as though they were his own. Any good actor should be able to do that. The difference between the two is that at least Reagan had some intelligence - trump has none. That’s why he screws up so much and says the wrong things at the worst times.

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For sure Trump did everything the Federalist Society "recommended."

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God Damn, I love your content! Sorry, had a shingles shot today and I'm a bit "off."

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Thank you for simplifying the legal status for me and others who need to remain knowledgeable. You give me hope that the rule of law will prevail.

As a retired clinical social worker I wonder if he will ultimately end up with an insanity plea but I haven't seen anything about this? What are your thoughts on this especially given his magical thinking and delusions of grandeur?

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You’re the best JAY. I think we all hope that you continue with this platform well after this situation is history. You’re doing a fine job of enlightening us

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Totally on point. You are concise, give supporting information and so easy to read. So kudos!

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