Any thoughts on the trump appointed federal judge, in Florida, who is thinking about ruling on a special master, to look at the documents, without hearing the argument against that, from DOJ? I remember you had mentioned that a few newsletters ago, and said his legal filing was basically ridiculous. There's also been reporting, from the Washington Post, I think, that trump took some of these boxes with him on foreign trips. This seems to be getting even deeper than a lot of people realized. I would like to assume that DOJ is looking into Jared's $2B from the Saudis, too, along with whoever assisted trump with this, assuming since he never listened to the PDB, unless it mentioned him and had pictures, he wouldn't know which documents were worth stealing. This is a lot. Thank you for wading hip deep in this, and breaking it down for us.

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You are right Karen, the first "motion" was incoherent. The motion was re-filed seeking delay, of course & an unnecessay Special Master to spot the few attorney-client documents. The DOJ has already completed that screening by a separate team of Attorneys not involved in the merits of the important DOJ/ national intelligence matters. Further briefing anticipated.

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I had the same question about this federal judge in Florida actually considering the appointment of a Special Master even though there seems to be no basis for it since a judge is already handling the oversight. Perhaps this judge, having been appointed my Trump, prefers to have someone else - Special Master - take charge and the blame?

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What about his digital devices? He could easily have taken pics of useful documents to sell to foreign buyers…

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Great summary and analysis. Thank you

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Thanks for the clarity and your efforts on behalf of the country. Obstructionist rumblings caught me off guard earlier this week. Then I blinked twice and realized that the amount of bold face lying coming from trump, et al should be addressed. Are we way past censuring him? Some other way to shut him down? Or, maybe, is it annoyingly better to allow him to prattle on and further bury himself? Is censure just a slap & tickle move at this point? Like Karen, I also am not happy with the idea that a trump appointed judge in Florida seems to have been given the reins.

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Outstanding, Jay. You analyze the facts and weave the narrative beautifully. This piece should be picked up by the Washington Post, the NYT or MSNBC.com, since it merits a national audience. I intend to post all over my social media. Your writing makes the Affidavit accessible and its components come alive. You would LOVE the dramatic contents of the 75-page Affidavit in the Rob “Blago” Blagojevich arrest warrant, on which I focused and based my Substack piece. Here’s my take on how both “Blago” and Trump believed they had “fucking golden” tickets to cash in. https://villano.substack.com/p/mar-a-blago?r=cveu&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Excellent piece, Steve!

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Thanks for kind words. I’m in good company with Jay!

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A really basic but honest question: If the various potential cases against *trump become trials, would they be tried before judges or juries? And if juries, what would prevent the likelihood of a hung jury given that about 35% of our population are unequivocal *trump loyalists, many of whom consider him the object of a political witch hunt, and regardless, do not even recognize that he is liable to our legal system?

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Looks, very, very shaky Jay. See, Jackie Alemany et al report after WAPO's interviews of 14 CURRENT & former NARA employees. See, the deep dive,"Inside Trump's War on The National Archives". https://www.washingtonpost.com. The violated statutes are likely to be amended before filing but, definitely AFTER Avril Haines, ODNI's national security assessment of possible damage to human intelligence sources at home and abroad.

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Thank you for the clear summary. Seems there is a lot more coming with the bizarre ruling from the Trump-appointed political hack hearing the weird special master case. . .

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It seems likely there are still documents unaccounted for in DJT’s possession. We may never know how much material has been revealed to our enemies. His random storage and filing of documents leaves our security agencies in the dark as to what’s been divulged. Despite all of this, DJT will likely escape any consequences by “threat of riots” per Senator Lindsey Graham. GOP patriotism is very selective as is reflected by Fox News reporting.

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Oh so grateful for your insight to this big fat mess. I think we are all praying but this does not result in widespread violent riots.

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Good questions Rich. Prosecutors & defendants have the right to recuse the assigned Judge, participate in voir dire, pre-trial motons called motions in limine & use other trial tools. In the USA the People, if you will, always have the burden of Proof always beyond a reasonable doubt in this Country. The ongoing Office of DNI intelligence damage assessment by ODNI, Avril Haines, is critically important NOW.

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Please, please will someone address how it is that the top most secret document were removed from the archives in the first place? How did they get to the White House? Were they not supposed to NOT leave NARA in the first place?

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Please, please will someone address how it is that the top most secret document were removed from the archives in the first place? How did they get to the White House? Were they not supposed to NOT leave NARA in the first place?

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