I read your article title, “Trump’s Offensive,” as a factual statement. Trump IS offensive. Also, thanks for the article.

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It was a pun!

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😂 you beat me to it - Trumps Offensive- why YES, Yes he is!!

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I did too

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Same! LOL

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Holy cow, what self-respecting attorney would sign his name to a Double Jeopardy motion in this case? It's like saying if someone who was drunk driving and killed someone is sued in civil court, he can't be indicted for the same conduct.

Oh, sorry, I forgot his lawyers are not self-respecting.

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I swear sometimes it seems like Trump is in the room when these filings are being typed up dictating what needs to be included. And then the law clerks/lawyers/babysitters put it into legalese, likely knowing if they don't do what this client wants them to do, they ain't getting paid. And fail to realize that they STILL may not get paid.

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Exactly. There are lawyers in this country that are self-respecting!!! Rarely. In case for the noble principle of everyone deserving legal representation, it is. But reading between the lines, most lawyers say 99% will only represent defendant on a basic idea "don't work if I don't get paid" In another words, self-respecting will only apply as long as their service rendered must be paid. They all do it only for the money, only for money 99% of the time. Same to most tRump's lawyers but some've got screwed HUGE by this genius (being cult leader getting unbelievable financial supports from thos gullible supporters) orange cancer!

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As a legal secretary for 20 years and also a judge's assistant, you cannot and should not lump all attorneys together. There are really wonderful and smart lawyers who we all love.. Andrew Weissmann, Mary McCord, Joyce Vance, Michael Popock and Karen Friedman Agnifilo who give us their insights into the Trump trials. And then there's Roberta Kaplan who took on a case that many said was unwinnable for E Jean.

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Painting with broad stroke.....Well, please understand that is my personal experience. However, you are right about not all lawyer like how I commented. If you want to do a substack on self-respecting lawyer, I wlll subscribe to it. But most lawyers will only work for money. Rarely there is small percentage of lawyer that is self-respecting, like Jay and Joyce Vance plus others.

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Excellent analysis. That being said, you have more faith in this SCOTUS than I do. As always, I hope that you are correct.

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I don’t think they like Trump’s brand of MAGA Republicanism. They are more like McCarthy than Jordan. At least most of them.

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Wow, it's like they're just slinging stuff against the wall to see if anything sticks. Meanwhile, another Fulton County defendant, former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis, pleas out. And the pundits were so worried about a crowded courtroom on Indictment Night. Looks like there may be one Cheeto standing, and maybe a a diehard or two. These people would be comical if they weren't so dangerous.

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Wow things are moving fast! I just read an article that predicted Ellis might be the next to plead out, and now it's done? 🙂

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They're dropping like flies! (Apologies to flies for the comp)

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

oh how I enjoyed the pancake analogy! "Does the first person get a free pass simply because he’s the very first to mess up, like the first pancake in a batch? It makes zero sense. " Thank you, Jay, as always for your clear eyed, easy to understand analysis. I agree with Bill C. below--Trump IS offensive.

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That first pancake, always a loss!

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indeed! I think that it is because the griddle is not quite in that hot sweet spot.

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I wonder, too, if there's some sort of alchemical process between batter, metal, and heat that transpires with that first application, resulting in an ideal lubricating coat on the griddle for successive drops?

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Love the pancake analysis. I always just use the excuse that the first one was a bit dodgy to justify eating it as I cook more . . .

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tRump's three main arguments: weak; weaker; weakest. Motion to dismiss DENIED.

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Perhaps we will someday look back with gratitude that tFfg and his lawyers subjected every cockamamie legal theory to a test by either pre-trial motion or appeal to avoid liability for criminal behavior so the next slimy character disguised as a politician who comes along will be more quickly dispatched when he/she faces justice for crimes committed under cover of the office. There won't be any dodges left after we're done with this marathon of legal perseveration currently underway. Whether inside the courtroom or outside, the more time he spends with his attorneys and the less time he poisons the public with more of the same on the campaign trail, the better I like it.

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Good thought! Let’s hope it comes true.

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It might make it easier to bring indictments against him for whatever he does to overthrow the 2024 election; half the documents and research are already prepared.

He'll trot the "Double Jeopardy" argument out again, presumably on the basis that if he's convicted once, he can commit the same crime again forever without facing charges for it.

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"There won't be any dodges left after we're done with this marathon of legal perseveration currently underway." Statements such as this always bring to mind for me a Robert Heinlein quote in "Stranger in a Strange Land" - Jubal Harshaw: "Straining at gnats and swallowing camels is a required course in law school." The whole point of a legal education is training people to make reasonable arguments out of unreasonable facts.

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TRUMP: a coup attempt is part of Presidential Duties.

Also TRUMP: It's not the President's Duty to prosecute me.

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I wish that Fani Willis had an orator, a la A Knight’s Tale (movie starring Heath Ledger and Paul Bellamy) to introduce her:

“And so without further gilding the lily and with no more ado, I give to you, the seeker of serenity, the protector of Italian virginity, the enforcer of our Lord God, the one, the only, laaaaadyy Faanni Willis!”

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I’m not a lawyer, nor do I portray one on TV, but I was laughing out loud by the end of the 5 motions and before reading your “take a deep breath” comment! 😁 How the high court would spend more than about 5 minutes considering these is beyond me. I’m very thankful for the time you spend on this mess, keeping us all sane!

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Whenever you say: “take a deep breath”, I immediately feel a tad calmer because I know you’ll be presenting a reasoned approach. I’m too emotional to be a lawyer! 😂. I hope your instincts about SCOTUS are good.... hard to trust their judgment. Anyway, Thank you for this summary!

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Yes, yes, he is most offensive.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

Thank you for your analysis today. It helps to understand the reasoning and process. I appreciated the 1st test pancake analogy too.

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Oct 24, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

Thank you for your commentary. I imagine thee attorneys will not be paid either for defending the biggest liar to ever be in the Oval Office.

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I imagine that there was a substantial payment up front. I do wonder about attorneys staking their career on a long shot.

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Most lawyers representing this "genius" are paid.....by tRump's campaign which have received unbelievable finacial supports and donations coming from those gullible supporters of orange cancer. They work as long as they are paid! And MAGA selling bullshit is easy and profitable beyond imagination.

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I wonder if history will ever rank "Trump Campaign" up there with "Ponzi Scheme", Enron and auto warranties in the annals of fraud and deceit.

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His business skill is scamming (as proven in the case brought by NYAG James). His political campaign is the same except it's legal due to IRS Code! No matter what, if we go voting him a defeat in 2024, this orange cancer will be labeled as HUGE fraud master plus MAGA leader of domestic terrorist organization representing Republican Party!

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In the world we're in, the publicity of having done it probably helps them more than their eventual loss will hurt them.

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Trump's offensive...I agree

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The one fact, seldom mentioned, regarding Trump and the 1/06 insurrection, is his attempt to force the Secret Service, to drive him to ther Capitol. Why? He wanted to lead the assault. How much easier it would now be, if he had.

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