This is so disheartening, to even imagine that in 2021 the SCOTUS is even hearing a argument on voters rights
I don’t care what your political affiliation is
this is wrong on merit. Why is it so challenging to be Black in these supposed to be United States
We been in this struggle for 57+ years. Fire hoses, dogs, church bombings, nooses, mob massacres, lynchings, burning crosses, tide to the whipping post, KKK. Yet in 2021 the SCOTUS is hearing voters right cases ? Perhaps we will never save the “ soul of this Nation “
Thanks anyway Jay Kou for this no frills unbiased summary
I felt the same taking my first Voting Rights course. But then I came to understand the history of minority vote suppression a lot more thoroughly, and it made total yet still shocking sense to me.
Disgusting that this is even a thing and that we have a SCOTUS that doesn't seem to value our most basic, hard fought right to vote. I half expect them to have some sort of ceremony on the court's steps literally burning the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Shameful.
It’s even more disheartening to realize that while the GOP has only won the national popular vote for the White House once in the last 20+ years, they have appointed 6 of the 9 justices.
This is so disheartening, to even imagine that in 2021 the SCOTUS is even hearing a argument on voters rights
I don’t care what your political affiliation is
this is wrong on merit. Why is it so challenging to be Black in these supposed to be United States
We been in this struggle for 57+ years. Fire hoses, dogs, church bombings, nooses, mob massacres, lynchings, burning crosses, tide to the whipping post, KKK. Yet in 2021 the SCOTUS is hearing voters right cases ? Perhaps we will never save the “ soul of this Nation “
Thanks anyway Jay Kou for this no frills unbiased summary
“ We got some difficult days ahead of us “
The struggle, I would argue, is 400 years old. Slavery and its consequences is a deep evil, one that we have yet to fully reckon with.
It baffles me that we must even *have* legislation like the VRA to define, in a supposed democracy, who can and cannot vote.
I felt the same taking my first Voting Rights course. But then I came to understand the history of minority vote suppression a lot more thoroughly, and it made total yet still shocking sense to me.
One could probably effectively argue that we never really were a democracy at all. Always a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Disgusting that this is even a thing and that we have a SCOTUS that doesn't seem to value our most basic, hard fought right to vote. I half expect them to have some sort of ceremony on the court's steps literally burning the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Shameful.
It’s even more disheartening to realize that while the GOP has only won the national popular vote for the White House once in the last 20+ years, they have appointed 6 of the 9 justices.