Nazi Youth Group--all that’s missing is the Horst Wessel song. Oh right, Gorka spoke.

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How apropos it should be abbreviated TPUSA. About the only thing it IS good for is toilet paper.

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It’s frightening to see just how fascist Germany came to exist… we are seeing the process first hand.

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How long can Lauren Windsor go undercover? Don't enough people recognize her by now?

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They are frightening, but more people need to see these people to be aware.

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Why is Fauci the only expert? Why has more people died with the vaccine rolled out than died when we had no vaccine. That is not misinformation. It is easily looked up on any resource you choose to use. Stop with reading only headlines.

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You obviously follow QAnon and Charlie Kirk.

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I actually look at all data from both sides. They say with each variant not as deadly just more contagious. That is out of the CDC mouth. The experts from South Africa said this variant at most would be just like the common cold. Yet Fauci says we need more vaccines we need more boosters. So once again why is Fauci the only one we listen to? And with each variant not as deadly as the one before just more transmittal why di more die with vaccines than without? All this information is on CDC website plus many others. Please don't be lazy and let people tell you the information . Look at all the information out there and decide for yourself. I know lots of people that love Charlie Kirk and gotten the vaccine . So your argument makes no sense. If that is your argument then you have no idea what is really going on and you are just letting hatred run your life.

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That's not true. I read everything that comes out about the varients. I don't know why so many are against the vaccine. What if people in the past hadn't gotten polio shots? Your parents would have been born crippled. If your grandparents hadn't gotten the vaccine for scarlet fever, you and your parents wouldn't be here because they would have died. If trump's grandfather had died during the Spanish flu, he wouldn't be here and we wouldn't be in this mess with vaccine denial and the Jan. 6 riot.

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I like in your reply that I can't see here but can see in my emails how you just attack and call names . If you want I can screen shot it and post. Also I asked to name your source I will look at it. Never said I was an expert but can use that same argument against you . You are no expert . See how that works. You are now all mad . You are letting your hatred run your life. Just this morning I read an article that is on yahoo where South Africa expert is saying that this new variant is on the downhill side in less than a month. And saying the reason why is because people have already been infected with one of the variants. So they have natural immunity already and the variant is running out of people. Once again I told you where my source came from. Did you know we still don't have a vaccine for AIDS? It's been 40 years. Did you know AIDS is a deadly virus and yet you do not have to let anyone know and sleep with them. Which is one of the way it is transmitted. Are you okay with people giving other AIDS and tell them? Also are you against abortion? At 9 weeks the baby has fingerprints . So you must be against my body my choice. Can you get the non-emergency FDA approved vaccine?

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The article was from The Washington Post

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Dec 22, 2021
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Don't engage MIKE.

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And by the way when you talked about past vaccine did you also know that all those were one time ? No booster not a yearly thing. Did you know the flu shot is a yearly thing ? Also why not engage me ? We as people should be allowed to talk and listen to each other. I have asked you to let me know your sources and you won't. Why not? I would love to a discussion with you. If you just want to do as you are told thats fine also. We all have that right. But instead of engaging with me you will ignore me and tell everyone how right you are with NO facts because you have hatred in your heart.

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You're accusing me of hate but you keep going on and on and thrashing the subject to death.

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So for that. I just feel like that is what you are running on. I've asked you to name your resource so I can look at it so we can have an open discussion. Also when you just pick certain part of my reply and call me a certain supporter that's not a good argument and seems like all you have is hatred for anyone you disagree with you. Let us discuss your sources information

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Look it up on the CDC website or yahoo or CNN . PLEASE do the research. Name your sources like I did. I will look at. I am open to look at all information.

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Another great piece, BUT YOU NEED TO FIX IT, JAY! Rittenhouse was a 2-time killer, not 3-time. He wounded the 3rd guy.

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He meant to kill the third person. He had a gun. I don't agree that a gun should have been pointed at Rittenhouse, but Kyle told his mother he wanted to shoot rioters.

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So dangerous…..and the careful use of their words so they don’t get in legal trouble.

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They learned that from trump. He does the same thing. That's how he played these people.

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