Keep going. I’m only a small new paid subscriber, but your articles are extremely powerful (I’m passing them on to friends).Your clear, straight talk analysis, and your ability to paint the picture by pointing out and ordering important details - all have recently made you a must-read for me. Please stay positive and keep going. Your unique journalism and voice are needed now more than ever.

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Thank you

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

Fortunate that Musk just didn't dump all of tRump's Twitter data before the courts ordered their surrender, and claimed "server error-inadvertent deletions", or whatever. I'm sure there was covert contact between the two, but doubt if Musk wanted to go the "co-conspirator" route for obstruction of justice, and join His Orange on the docket.

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There's still time for EM to join the Orange Man...lots of room in the courts....

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Musk has come late to the realization that..."Everything tRump touches, dies", and is shying away from the Orange Cancer.

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Especially if he's pulling these kinds of shenanigans.

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Typos and grammatical errors: tRump wrote it

Perfect English: It was someone else


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Funny, but not sufficient for court!

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It will make a fantastic game, though, when all that data becomes public: Guess which tweets Trump wrote!

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Make a drinking game with it ; if the tweet was written by dumpster you take a drink , if not , take another drink ! At least you will drown out his voice !!😅🤣😂

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Huigi, if there are either. “ALLCAPS” or initial Caps on Selected Words, Trump wrote it.

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Elon is nearly as despicable as Trump; they are both buzzards of a feather, lead by arrogance, entitlement and undeserved bravado.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

I'm just waiting for him to miss his first interest payment so the banks can call in his loans for default. The bank will get their money first and then the bank can sell it to someone with a brain. Then it can be restored and not be a home for the racists and bigots.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

Lordy, there are DMs, and videos, and recorded phone calls.....😆

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Lordy, there are DMs, and videos, and recorded phone calls

Oh My!

We aren’t in Kansas any more Dorothy!

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

OT: Mark Meadows has already filed suit for "removal" of his GA indictment charges to a federal jurisdiction under the "acting as a US officer" claim...expect tRump and several of the other indictees to follow suit.

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This is largely a time wasting maneuver, and yes, I expect many others will pursue this action. However, the courts have fairly consistently held that political actions in pursuit of illegal objectives don’t fall within the definition of official duties.

I suspect Meadows will be slapped down. The biggest problem that I see with his being indicted in the Georgia case, is that it might limit his usefulness as a witness in the DC federal case if Jack Smith is counting on him having flipped and being willing to spill some beans. If what he says in a DC court, assuming the trial of that case precedes the one in Georgia, can be used against him in the Georgia case, then we can expect a lot of “taking the Fifth.”

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Absolutely, it's a predictable time-waster that was already shot down for tRump in the "hush money" NY indictment, but anything to delay the inevitable. BTW, the federal judge hearing these suits is Steve Jones, an Obama appointee, FWIW.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

It is increasingly clear there are other U.S. living quarters more suitable for 45 than the White House.

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Now a paid subscriber!

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I’ve been a paid subscriber for a while, but if there are ways to up the amount (I think there are), please advise. I know it’s not going to make a big difference but I hope it helps! You are my TOP favorite analyst!

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The best way to support me is to support my team at The Big Picture!

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

My "side-by-side" photo mashup would show heavily armed men in camo next to that comical man-baby parade float meme of Trump with the caption, "These men are on the same team."

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jay Kuo

Great news. Love how the court handled twit. 😁👍

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Words cannot (and should not...) express my opinion of EM & my sadness at the layoffs.

I noticed another commenter asked about the possibility of increasing one's subscription. I'm interested in that also. (Would only be a smidge, but every smidge helps.)

I'll also be checking out Think Big Picture.

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The best way to increase your support is to give a gift subscription to a friend!

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I just became a paid subscriber. It isn’t much, a small token. You keep me informed during the week and hysterical on Saturdays! Thanks for your service.

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Dan Scavino is soooooo screwed.

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somehow I've missed what Twitter did to The Social Edge. Can you explain a bit further?

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Yea please. It was news to me as well.

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