The big difference between this phone log crime and the Nixon tapes is that there used to be Republicans with enough integrity to turn on the leader of their party for his criminal actions. That cannot be said of today's amoral, castrated GOP.

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I have to keep reminding myself that the process causing the resignation of Nixon in 1974 took well over three years. You'd think the preponderance of evidence, both public and private, would have meant a much quicker resolution (conviction IMO) to the present matter but it's clear that the enormity of the offenses and the extent of the that same effort among legally elected representatives adds to the weight of the problem the legal system has in bringing this to the courts.

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I’m tired of “weighty rulings” and smoking guns. He and many others belong behind bars now but like all the other lawsuits, he plays the judicial system masterfully, which makes me ill.

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Time to act is upon us - DOJ, do your job.

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Thank you for another brilliant, clear summary Jay; and may I say I'm enjoying this immensely.

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Thank you for this summary. All branches of government and the law must must continue to push for justice against Trump. He is a criminal, an agent of horrific crimes against our America. I, for one, understand why his niece has called him, "the most dangerous man in America." He is a twisted, immoral distortion of what a true leader should be.

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I'm of the opinion that it's extreeeeeeeeemly unlikely that tRump will ever see the inside of a jail cell. He may be held accountable, but will likely dodge and weave and get out of it somehow. That said, it's those who surrounded him to help perpetrate this horrible act of treason on the American people are the ones who will pay for this. Up to and including his kids. And it wouldn't surprise me in the very least if they flee. I'd wager they will. The rest of those involved, Congressmen, White House aides, etc, will be behind bars one day. I don't care how long it takes, as long as it happens.

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In conjunction with yesterday’s article about Ted Cruz and his involvement with Jan 6 as well as his relationship with Eastman…

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Jan 6 Committee can offer some indictments & we can cook goose.

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