Thank you. Wow, the chickens may finally be coming home to roost.

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For all the letters and books being written, and the thousands of texts that TPM has unearthed, I find it interesting that we have not seen one single word written by Trump himself. He seems to have a strong aversion to the printed word by his own hand. This may be from a lifetime of avoiding getting caught in his many schemes and cons and seeing it show up as evidence in a courtroom.

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Thanks once again, Jay, for a cogent explanation.

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“If Clark were appointed AG, he would then send to Georgia lawmakers advising, falsely, that the DoJ’s investigation of fraud rendered the election in the state inconclusive.”

Fraudulently claiming election fraud in order to commit election fraud. Do you know how odd a word begins to sound if you repeat it too many times? “Fraud“ is getting there for me.

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Thanks for this, Jay. Clear, insightful and - wow. Incredible to see everything start to come together.

It really is remarkable how many of these folks not only see themselves as heroes but feel the necessity to write a book about themselves. There's a potential doctoral thesis in there somewhere, but for now, again, wow.

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Thank you for taking the time to write these! They are so insightful and written so clearly. We appreciate you. And hugs to you in this time of mourning for your family. So sorry for your loss.

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Thank you. We are heartbroken but strong as a family and together.

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Jay, your analysis is always so cogent and clear. Thank you for sharing your considered take on Friday's head-scratching releases by the judge (for a non-lawyer). Hope you are starting to feel a bit of solace. Peace to you.

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Thanks for clearly laying out the sequence of the actions!

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The J6 Committee has meticulously and methodically peeled this onion down to its core.

I can’t wait till the 21st. The tree gets shook and the fruits of their labours will fall.

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Totally agree!

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Plus, make sure to watch the hearing Monday at 1 p.m. Eastern. They are sure to drop a few more bombshells.

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Reminds me of the "Plummers" they were not funny at all but this crew is like the gang that couldn't shoot straight. Shooting themselves in the foot time and time again

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And self-documenting in their books. I sure hope they indict Peter Navarro before all this is over. He confessed on Ari Member’s show and wrote a book about it. His ought to be a quick trial. Lol

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Wow.. I really hope something finally comes from all these investigations. Would these congress members be removed or sanctioned?

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I fear too many who should actually be removed from Congress and be imprisoned, will get a pass for their so called cooperation with investigators.

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That's my fear too. It's like a third world county where elected officials are not held responsible for their actions. I want MTG to go to jail. I'm really hoping Jack Smith is willing to do whatever it takes to arrest these people.

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Oh, please God! ....let her be in line with the rest of those who are betraying their oath of office.

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And attorney Sydney Powell

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If not jail I would like to see her removed and unable to hold office again. She is a prime example of what is wrong in DC right now

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I totally agree with that. There’s no place in government for her.

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How do these people sleep at night?

Merry Xmas, et al.

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Hugging you, Jay. In the midst of all that’s going on in your personal life, you took all this time and energy to explain this to us. Thank you-and I truly hope you take time as you need it for yourself-grief is exhausting but important. I pray you find peace-and please know how deeply grateful I am for your insight and analysis. This info is stunning and provides hope that justice will prevail.

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This shows that the DOJ has been on top of things while many thought they were just sitting on their hands. Now it’s all in the hands of Smith. Thank you,Jay. I’ve watched several news programs and this has not been mentioned.

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THIS RIGHT HERE. Thank you for pointing this out. So many people seem to think Garland is weak.

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Question becomes how much damage the incoming House can do to the Committer's work.

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Karen, that's is one reason the J6 Committee will be meeting Saturday, Sunday with a public session on Monday. They are sending completed sections of their Report to the printing office as they are completed.

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Sound promising for indictment on the TIFDG fingers crossed 🤞🏻

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