If there is a positive side to Trump's increasingly obvious mental glitches, it is that he and his minions will be less and less able to conceal them from the general public as the campaign proceeds through the summer and into the fall. Which is one of the many reasons I don't pay attention to polls.

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A profound negative side, he will continue his campaign unabated (he may or may not win), but his mental troubles thought he campaign will likely become more apparent as the stresses of travels and trials take their toll.

On the campaign trail Trump can't show weakness. If he loses, he then can use his diminished mental state to get out of jail time. Yup, you heard it here, Trump will whine he is unable to serve his sentence. The strong robust man that just weeks ago demanded the presidency and announced h is fit for office (likely even with a Drs note confirming such fitness) will tell the world and the judge that he is unfit. Likely producing a Drs note to that effect from the same doctor.

How is that for irony? The guy that inflates and deflates his worthbased on who is asking will inflate or deflate his health as well. It's all one big con!

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I don't think his ego would let him appear weak and he'd still have years of appeals to go through before jail is an imminent risk. He already seems to see himself as a "leader in exile" and wields power over his base accordingly. I think he's more likely to flee to a country that won't extradite him, then continue to undermine democracy from afar.

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I have long thought that he would flee to a country that won't extradite him - since he lost the last election, actually. I guess his ego won't let him think that there is any chance he would lose again. But I'm sure Jared has a plane ready and a place for him to go to waiting for him to leave the US.

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The USSR? Hungary? Brazil? I know the USSR doesn't exist anymore and that Bolsanaro has been defeated, but does he? Good riddance in any case.

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This wouldn't surprise me one bit.

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I've literally been telling everyone around me this exact thing or that he would leave the country to one that won't extradite him. There is always a plan B for that ahole.

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He would never admit to diminished mental capacity, coz he has the bigliest brain in the world. It's my biggest reason for optimism. As his cognitive decline becomes more and more obvious and less and less deniable fewer and fewer undecided or even reasonable conservatives will be able to sanction voting for him.

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I do hope that His insane orange dictator in the making does not even reach this fall, one way or any other. Amen

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Unfortunately none of the mainstream media is covering this. I hadn't heard about it until today....

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The problem is - I don't think his rabid followers care.

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I wonder how they'll frame that, “Real men run away from their obligations/debts”. Just curious what spin they'll put on it.

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What I find most disturbing about the mainstream media is they don’t seem to put two and two together. If tRump wins, the consequences for many in the mainstream media could be catastrophic. Freedom of speech? The MAGA core has been clear about their intentions and opinions. Despite the media giving far too much coverage to them, tRump continues to rant about how biased towards Democrats and Biden. I’m not sure if they are being willfully ignorant or are simply that stupid.

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It may be a “tragedy of the commons” type problem. Each reporter or editor is thinking only about how to get ahead right now. They aren’t worried about the long term problems they are creating.

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You’re right, Jay. It’s all about clicks and ratings. It’s certainly NOT about fairness in reporting. That has fallen by the wayside and left to die.

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I couldn't agree with you more. Here is the email I wrote to NBC when they hired Ronna McDaniel. I made that same point about the destruction of a "free media" should the likes of tRump be elected:

To All Involved in the Hiring of Ronna McDaniel,

I am writing to you to express my outrage and utter disappointment over NBC's decision to hire Ronna McDaniel who perpetuated the lie of a stolen 2020 presidential election, consistently spread misinformation about the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, and disparaged journalism throwing into question the integrity, ethics & honesty of your profession.

Your decision to hire such an unethical, dishonest and despicable person evidences that you value ratings & profits over journalistic integrity, honesty and ethics. Sadly, your misguided attempt to engage in "bothsidesism" and represent a group of right-wing extremists, who have declared to overthrow democracy by electing a self-professed dictator, will result in the actual destruction of a free and unbiased press. In such a scenario, NBC will be left with reporting only government-sponsored propaganda and even your currently alleged "bothsidesism" will not survive. The Hitlers, Putins & Trumps of the world will be dictating your hiring and firing decisions and will stomp out any freedoms of your profession or expressions of critical voices.

Thus, your present hope of increasing your ratings or profits will be short-lived if you provide extremists like Ronna McDaniel with a platform to continuously spew lies & misinformation and carelessly giving her some kind of legitimacy. Voices like Ronna McDaniel should not be amplified to add more fuel to the fire, but must be exposed for what they represent - extremism of the worst kind - and be extinguished.

I will not listen to the lies & hatred for which Ronna McDaniel, and now NBC, stand. Instead, I am joining my fellow American citizens who stand for democracy, decency, honesty & integrity and who have declared to no longer watch or support NBC while Ronna McDaniel is a member of it.

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Spot on! I am bewildered by the mainstream press's willingness to give these people a platform. You'd think they're more educated than average and would have learned the lessons of history, let alone present day authoritarian governments. They'll be asking the first to suffer, to be constrained and controlled.

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Sorry, asking was meant to say among

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Bribed to keep it zipped, except a few exceptions. Who owns those media? Billionaires supporting fascism and big deregulations to increase their own already tremendous and insane wealth. Traitors to american citizens.

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I’d like these billionaires to see a parallel universe where they can see what might easily happen to them if they “win”!

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Another example of republicans and MSM being shortsighted on profits and power is economy.

86% of the total equity of Wall St is in the hands of 10% of our richest citizens. If this monster and his cult of incompetents, is not stopped in November, the damn of democracy will be fully breached and there will be the mother of all recessions.

If Trump and his red state government friends, with MSM’s help, can somehow pull a fast one on the country and win in Nov. , a immediate consumer strike from all the democrats on non-essential spending would force the hand of Wall Street to hasten the monster’s demise.

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Stupid is correct.

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Yeah, it's understandable that the media empire owners would be all in with TFG, because they have everything to gain, but journalists have everything to lose, so I don't get it (bonuses maybe?).

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The mainstream media must acquiesce somewhat to the immense capitalistic powers of their advertisers.

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Jay, I may have missed it, but why did the NYT sit on this story for over 3 years? I'd be curious about your analysis/reflections about that fact.

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We don’t know that answer yet.

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Maybe Alito hired Pecker to kill the story.

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"The Times, in its story that ran on May 16, said it had “recently obtained” photographs of the flag that flew outside of the Alito home. The Post, in its own story Saturday, said that it had been told of the story in January 2021 and investigated, choosing not to write about it because it appeared Alito’s wife was responsible and that it was not clear the neighborhood argument was over politics."


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It's a 😊 of a question!

They sit on it because unless Trump runs again, it's a non story?

They sit on it because releasing it earlier wouldn't have the same weight?

They sit on it until new ethics rules are released?

They sit on it unless someone with knowledge of the story, internal or otherwise, threatens to expose the story through other means? Implying catch and kill may have been at play.

It's easy to break a sorry that is simmering on the back burner when you were holding it all this time

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From several different people to date - there is no evidence they "sat on this story for over 3 years" at this point (as someone who cancelled the NYT twice, I don't defend them out of loyalty! 😵‍💫) but don't lets spread dis/misinformation like MAGAts until we know different. There are many occasions in journalism where a source comes forward with a story long after the event for whatever reason. Perhaps the "f*#@k Trump" neighbour's friends took photos at the time & seeing what the conservatives on the SC are doing have decided that if they speak up now, Alito may either recuse or retire - one day we MIGHT know 🤷‍♀️

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After Alito gave the game away with his questions during the trump immunity hearing, he should be forced to resign. But that would required some integrity from republicans, and I don't see that happening. Nor do I see the MSM accurately reporting on trump's mental decline; let alone his plans to turn America into a fascist dictatorship.

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Thank you for your efforts at dredging the news cycle for things MSM is passing over.

In a previous Status Kuo substack (Trump's brain is NOT OK) your interview provided excellent medical detail on what experts observe in Trump's behaviors. Since that post, there has been mounting evidence of accelerating symptoms that are both increasingly alarming and impossible to ignore. At his New Jersey rally, people who had paid money to show up and support Trump got up and left in response to his ravings. As for the Texas rally, that has all the hallmarks of a TIA.

"Justice" Alito is outed. Unfortunately, he doesn't care. Neither he nor Thomas seem to have any intention of recusing themselves or moderating their behaviors. Justice Roberts has demonstrated a surprising (unsurprising?) degree of acquiescence to this final plunge his court's reputation is experiencing. If he does not act to curtail Alito soon, it will be interpreted as license for future transgressions.

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But not just Alito. Thomas is even more vile and biased.

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Roberts will not do a single thing.

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I don’t believe that he will either, but I also suspect that he has a limit that has not yet been reached.

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Trump is deteriorating into a strawberry blond ball of spite. He is sounding mushy and mean, and he is freaking out psychologists and amateur psychologists alike! Alito needs to calm down in the culture wars, as Taylor Swift might suggest. He is a partisan hack, like Clarence of the Supremes.

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Recusal? Check your spelling, I believe it should be his removal!

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I’ll take recusal over nothing!

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More legislators calling out Alito's behavior and demanding his recusal. Yes, a VERY big middle finger by at least two of our Supreme Court justices.

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Jennnifer Rubin (WaPo) did cover the mental glitch by trump during his speech at the NRA.

She even talked to Dr. Gartner and quoted his thoughts.

Glacial progress when we need a tsunami.

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I like Jennifer, but wapo is in the tank for DEMENTIA DON as well.

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Owned by Jeff Bezos.

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And Jeff Bezos is too damned wealthy for his own or anybody else's good.

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I can't believe Supreme Court justices are even allowed to hold individual stocks.

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Trump could fall asleep during a debate with Biden and the Cult will just say Biden was too boring to debate. This whole situation is beyond bizarre. He wouldn't be polling 5% during normal times. There's something in the water or something.

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It’s something alright ! Cool-aid?

I think it is something in the air. Like in the airwaves, as in propaganda originated from our enemies within and from afar.

MSM worries how to keep eyeballs if/when Trumpism dies, to be replaced with boring old continued USA prosperity from Biden and the democrats.

Dreaming of blue Tsunami and filibuster bye-bye. Oh, the fun we could have improving things for ALL of us.

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The American business model is “find something addictive” and keep pumping it out.

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The cycle of addiction is complete.

Create a need/want through rampant vilification or praise of certain outcomes. Ensure those things are non-negotiable, ie no middle ground. Appoint a savior that says all the things and does take some action towards those ends. Keep feeding your new zombie more and more extreme doses to keep them inline. Tell them the only way they get more is by keeping the zombie makers in power.

Doesn't matter that the zombie makers aren't doing what they promised only that the zombies keep getting their doses.

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I’m despairing about the polls, but I do think the more people realize Trump’s brain is completely broken, the better. Our media stars are working very hard to keep that under wraps, but fortunately Trump’s ego won’t allow it.

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Do NOT despair of the polls! They show a close race trending currently toward Biden.

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I’m doing my best, but I think we all sometimes throw up our hands and go “Why isn’t Biden leading 80-20?!”

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Polls schmolls. I'm all for letting Trump speak, he'll dig his own grave. I'm 100% convinced he'll pull out of a debate with Biden, although I think Biden's played a clever game by taunting him, playing to his ego. I truly hope Biden keeps doing that and that Trump won't be able to resist because that will show how incompetent and deranged he is.

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What needs to happen re: SCOTUS is for the Senate Judiciary Committee to haul Thomas and Alito before them for questioning.

If the GOP could do that to Abe Fortas on trumped up charges in order to replace him, Durbin certainly should in the face of increasing blatant corruption.

Unfortunately, Durbin seems unlikely to do so; he still even allows blue slipping - talk about shooting yourself in the foot!

Maybe WE need to start a pressure campaign on Durbin to defend democracy!

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Alito and Thomas (and their spouses) are this egregious because they know they can. There's zero consequences.

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Why are we consistently surprised by "MSM"? Surely we must realize "MSM" is profit and share price driven, and owned by a billionaire class who simply do not care.

Flood the void with truth in our counter arguments and narratives. That is how "we the people" become the October surprise.

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Alito doesn't care. And his explanation is "fuck you."

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Ultimately, Alito is trolling smart, informed, and patriotic Americans. Just like Trump does, daily.

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The Extreme Court.

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