In two unrelated investigations, two women with unique, first-hand knowledge and information about potential crimes by the former president and his allies are speaking to investigators.
Welcome back to the "Infinite Ocean of Lies", Jay. I hope your time away was healing. Thank you for continuing to scrape the crap from my personal windshield and that of thousands of others.
So many threads that tie this together! What are the chances of any of this gelling before the midterms? Next year? I look and think that there is no way he won't land in prison, but the media seems to spin it as an "if" and not "when".
Thanks, as always, for your straightforward posts.
What I don't understand is why any attorney, but especially a woman, would willingly work for a known pathological liar, grifter, and admitted serial sexual assaulter. I guess the guy who took the $3M retainer has a logical financial incentive, especially if he can get Orange Jesus to fire him shortly after the check clears, but the rest of these suckers?
Diane, Heike has it right. I carried " Redwels" at trial & at my law office for decades. Easy to open & easy to pile in manilla folders. The Redwell nick name in Northern California was an "Expando". Easy to label easy to mislabel at Nar-a-Lago. Easy to mislead even an Attorney acting in the administrative & statutory legal capacity as a "Custodian of Documents". TMI? :)
A Redweld folder is larger than an envelope and can hold more documents. Attorneys like to use redweld folders because you can add the smaller "manilla file folders" with individual labels inside the larger, more sturdy redweld folder.
Thank you for your tireless work getting to the bottom of all of this. I realize we have a long way to go and appreciate how well you continue to connect the dots. Thank you!
Welcome back to the "Infinite Ocean of Lies", Jay. I hope your time away was healing. Thank you for continuing to scrape the crap from my personal windshield and that of thousands of others.
So many threads that tie this together! What are the chances of any of this gelling before the midterms? Next year? I look and think that there is no way he won't land in prison, but the media seems to spin it as an "if" and not "when".
Thanks, as always, for your straightforward posts.
Bobb was foolish to sign that under any circumstance. They should all know that Trump throws everyone else under the bus, eventually.
What I don't understand is why any attorney, but especially a woman, would willingly work for a known pathological liar, grifter, and admitted serial sexual assaulter. I guess the guy who took the $3M retainer has a logical financial incentive, especially if he can get Orange Jesus to fire him shortly after the check clears, but the rest of these suckers?
Noose tightening? Perhaps?
I would like to know what you mean by "Red Weld". I've googled it and all I find is info about envelopes. Thank you.
This is a redwood folder
*redweld - not "redwood".
But what does Jay mean by using in this context - not as an envelope?
Diane, Heike has it right. I carried " Redwels" at trial & at my law office for decades. Easy to open & easy to pile in manilla folders. The Redwell nick name in Northern California was an "Expando". Easy to label easy to mislabel at Nar-a-Lago. Easy to mislead even an Attorney acting in the administrative & statutory legal capacity as a "Custodian of Documents". TMI? :)
A Redweld folder is larger than an envelope and can hold more documents. Attorneys like to use redweld folders because you can add the smaller "manilla file folders" with individual labels inside the larger, more sturdy redweld folder.
So I guess in this context, Jay's using it as an "expanding case"?
"Expanding case" - YES! Excellent point.
Thank you for your tireless work getting to the bottom of all of this. I realize we have a long way to go and appreciate how well you continue to connect the dots. Thank you!
Thank you for the clear explanation, especially of the details (like custodian of records) that don’t get covered elsewhere.