For all those saying, "Why should we defend Ukraine - it's always been part of Russia," remember that if Mexico ever decides it wants Texas back - after all, it was originally part of Mexico until Houston et al decided to rebel against it.

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Anne Applebaum is always worth reading. Anne has written books on Ukraine and currenly lives in Poland.

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Jay - does this conflict possibly go even further back to 1988/1990 after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the total collapse of the Soviet Union when President G. W. Bush, German Bundeskanzler Kohl, Prime Minister Thatcher and others promised Russian President Gorbachev that NATO would not expand further East? I am not at all condoning Russia's current or past aggressions towards Ukraine and am in favor of sanctions to stop Russia's illegal invasions. I am only wondering about this circa 1990 promise to Russia by the US and Allied Forces to limit NATO's expansions.

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Thomas Friedman has a good piece today explaining the US's role in creating the current crisis.

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The current crisis goes back at least to 12/5/1989 when a certain KGB Officer in Desden was isolated by the collapse of the East German Stasi and "Moscow is silent".

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Yes, it was Putin in 1989 at his last assignment in Dresden, East Germany

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Russia is behaving toward Ukraine like an abusive, gaslighting boyfriend. “Why don’t you appreciate all I’ve done for you?”

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Thanks for including the map. Complicated region, complicated issues. But Putin is certainly a complete jerk.

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Chechnya, Syria, Georgia, eastern strip of Moldova, now Ukraine.

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