I've spent the past couple of days existing somewhere between despair and numbness. Why do people want me to continue to exist there? Have they no sense of fun? Do they think stomach ulcers due to stress are funny?
My only disagreement with the various conversations in Jay's screed are that I see almost no state as unwinnable now that the kids are pumped up. But he had to keep the election close for the sake of humor, so it's all good.
This cracked me up. Poor Madyson. I can't think Kamala would go with a gay guy cuz that might be a bridge too far for the voters who are a bit squibbly over a Black woman. But wouldn't it be a hoot to see Pete debate Vance?
We need to follow the "one fight at a time" rule. We love Kamala (she was my first choice back in 2019), and Pete, but we're not the ones we need to reach. It's going to be harder than we think right now for us to put her in the White House.
I have to say, that business about who's in charge in NC when the governor is out of state has changed my thoughts about him.
About the NC governor: I've lived here 5 years and seen him once. Roy Cooper presents as a great combination of Andy Griffith and Atticus Finch -- what's not to like?
Cooper's absence, leaving Lt. Gov. Mark "Some People Need Killing" Robinson" as acting governor, is a solvable problem: throw a party wherever you need Cooper, with a giant screen and a local celebrity host. It's 2024 -- if some folks can work from home, others can campaign from home -- or govern from another state for 48 hours. And shop for a judge to test that provision in court -- TFG has shown us how to do legal delay!
(Robinson *may* have been talking about Nazis -- but I'm sure the Proud Boys and current Nat-Cs understand he was talking to them, not about them.)
BTW, if there's a woman or girl in your life that you care about, get busy: 1) make sure she'll always have medical care if she needs it, and 2) help break the final glass ceiling -- Yes, we KHan!
Thank you for saying this - nobody is saying this. I have been in the south since I was 7 years old - been in every southern state - I worry all this excitement is completely underestimating how having a woman of color run for president of the US will motivate many previously ambivalent southern voters to turn out for the other guy.
Is there a large group of undecided Southern voters we could lose? I’d assume that the majority of white Southerners are already for Trump (but I know that my stereotypes of white Southerners is clouding my perception).
As someone who has a 19, 20, 23 and 27 year old in my household, I can tell you that they and their friends, who are all in school have a hard time voting when their professors decide to make important exams on that day, and then allow no time to vote. Voting by mail is something that requires organization. Students are slammed with details that they have to suddenly manage. I wish there were a "take a student under your wing" program to help them vote. We are working on that in Democrats Abroad Germany.
I suspect even getting mail-in ballots to kids in college is a bit tricky. Do the ballots go home? Or to their dorms or other college residences (if they aren't in a commuter school)?
I love this, Jay. Madyson is s great character and would be fun to watch in an SNL skit. You were too optimistic, though, about Josh Shapiro. Although I think he’s great and would be a fabulous VP and then POTUS, I can’t see the general American public voting for a Black-South Asian woman and a Jew. I’m Jewish and would vote for Shapiro in a heartbeat, but I’m also gay, a Boomer, well-educated New Yorker. I most certainly am NOT a typical voter.
See, that’s why you write political analyses and I don’t ! You know so much about the real situation and what’s needed- I take a view that’s not related to the necessities. I appreciate being educated by you. Thanks!
I’m also all of those things (except gay), and I think a Jewish VP would be the kiss of death. Same for a gay VP. Straight white Christian male is who’s needed, despite what a brilliant team Harris/Buttigieg would make. Our country is too backward to vote in that team, unfortunately.
Carol, I agree with you 100% -- even though Jay says she needs to win in PA, MI, and WI and that the rest of the general American public isn't important, I think Harris DEFINITELY needs a straight, White, Christian male. It's that simple.
I agree- which is why my immediate thought was Newsome. Unfortunately, that doesn't work because he's from CA - which doesn't expand the pie, and he declined (not sure why). But I thought that would have been a great ticket.
I am from NC and LOVE the COOPS! I am shocked that people outside NC really know him. He's so quiet and not flashy.
He'll bring the 20% of GOP primary voters who went with Haley et al, and couldn't/wouldn't vote for tRump if there were a viable alternative...worth consideration, or....
KH needs to go with Kelly because of his military creds and awards far outrank Vance's. his service on key Senate committees like intel, environment, and armed services, his adventures in space, and his long marriage to a former Dem rep who was shot and seriously injured and went on to actually do something to help victims of gun violence. He's the antidote to Trump and he understands teamwork and democracy.
C. For a vacancy in the office of United States senator, the governor shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy. That appointee shall be of the same political party as the person vacating the office and, except as provided in subsection D of this section, shall serve until the person elected at the next general election is qualified and assumes office. If the person vacating the office changed political party affiliation after taking office, the person who is appointed to fill the vacancy shall be of the same political party that the vacating officeholder was when the vacating officeholder was elected or appointed to that office.
D. If a vacancy in the office of United States senator occurs more than one hundred fifty days before the next regular primary election date, the person who is appointed pursuant to subsection C of this section shall continue to serve until the vacancy is filled at the next general election. If a vacancy in the office of United States senator occurs one hundred fifty days or less before the next regular primary election date, the person who is appointed shall serve until the vacancy is filled at the second regular general election held after the vacancy occurs, and the person elected shall fill the remaining unexpired term of the vacated office.
I believe the election would be for the midterms though--a long way down the line, but still a risk when every Senate vote Dems can squeeze out counts towards filibuster/filibuster reform.
It's too good a story to pass up if she's up to this. Astronaut, military guy, and victim of our insane gun culture who has stepped up bigly to become an activist voice in gun violence? You can't write novels with that kind of plot line.
Far better to run like you're 10 points down until the polls close, than to run thinking that there's a blue tsunami. The first way gets the blue tsunami.
I talked to her in 2020 at the opening of Mark's office. Of course it went virtual a month later. Maybe she has improved since then, but then she just seemed not all there. 100 years ago people would call her "simple." She was wonderful and gracious, but I don't see her being up to the task. I have no problem being wrong.
Thanks a lot. That makes it a very personal decision far outside of conjecture, at least for me. It's none of my business. I'm sure Kamala already knows whether he'd consider it.
That does not mean the person appointed would necessarily win the following election. Senate seats are too important to take away a senator in a "competitive" state. Kelly is far more valuable where he is.
Whether the red team likes it or not, AZ is just going to get bluer as PHX and Maricopa County grow. The schadenfreude when new neighbors complained that they’d moved here because they thought it was conservative…!!
This! I have multiple Gen X, uber liberal, women friends who were planning to only vote down ticket because of their horror at what is going on in Gaza, and their refusal to endorse Biden because he hadn’t done more to force Israel’s hand. As a Jewish woman, I wholeheartedly hope that Harris picks someone more sympathetic to the Palestinians plight, or at least someone who is not on the record as being so biased towards Israel.
I have a young friend in Philly, progressive, said she doesn’t know a single person who would vote for Biden because of Gaza. The kids aren’t going to go for Shapiro.
He's pro-Israel, which is tacitly endorsing the Palestinian genocide (wiping out Palestine has been Netanyahu's game from the very beginning of his tenure as PM). Being staunchly pro-Israel while Netanyahu was playing in Pres. Biden's face re: genocide is part of what sunk Pres. Biden, especially with younger voters.
Agreed but at this point, anything other than explicitly telling Bibi to kick rocks; permanently withhold guns, bombs, and other military aid to Israel; and commit to an immediate cease-fire is not going to fly with younger voters and Palestinian allies. And Dems NEED those votes.
I was actually referring to Senator Kelly, not the governor. However, any concerns were allayed by the post by someone else shared that the governor must appoint a Democrat replacement.
I agree for the reasons you named, but question if Mark has the full throated voice to aggressively attack the GOP ticket and agenda that’s needed. He’s kind of soft spoken and nerdy.OTOH. as VP he would backstop KH from actually being attacked physically…his gun control stance means Trump’s 2A base would fear him becoming President.
That's a fun exercise! But Kelly is more than just Arizona and possibly Nevada. He is pulling independents, military, and is popular with minority voters. Not to mention he's an astronaut!
Side note: I spit out my coffee laughing at this Jay - '“They move at gay speed, ma’am,” Dillon said.'
He appeals to the manly man. I wish I didn't have to think that's helpful, but I don't make the "rules." I don't know how Gabby Giffords is feeling these days, though. Is she up for a campaign like this? The two of them make a great American story that if you read it in a novel you'd say, "Oh, come on."
Oh, I have no idea how she's doing. My assumption is just that when we sustain that type of injury, it's a long road forever. I hope, hope hope she's doing great!
If Gabby had to step back from a crazy campaign schedule, it should be understood. Heck if she made selected events only, she would still be far ahead of Mrs. TFG. Gabby would bring additional humanity into U.S. politics, and she is another strong woman.
I would hope there'd be no expectations at all about participation in events. Zero or one hundred is fine with me. She's already done a lot more than I think I could do given those circumstances.
All the Dems would have to do is post a picture of Gabby side by side with a picture of Trump’s ear. It won’t go over well, no matter who you are, attacking another victim of political violence. Especially women!
Hold on here! I am from Kentucky. "A nice white Christian man" is the description of Governor Beshear? Yep. and Nope.
Andy Beshear is a forward-thinking Democrat who has been in perfect lockstep with President Biden's agenda. Beshear literally saved us during covid, has one of the best ACA medical insurance websites in the country and made full use of the Infrastructure dollars. He has had to navigate a MAGA legislature since his first term and has done a masterful job.
I realize the dialog presented here is fanciful but let's avoid stereotyping. ok?
And he has political acumen. Try getting elected Democratic Governor in a ruby red state by beating McConnell's hand-picked Republican opponent.
Definitely funny and I don't know where you get all your energy. I wish I had a quarter as much. But, let me say a few more serious things about Mark Kelly, who I think you've discounted: 1) He is good on military stuff, not Kamala''s strong point, although she has come out strongly for veterans; 2) Arizona is a border state and Kelly has a very clear and not hysterical position on immigration (set out on his senate web page) which is somewhat to the right of mine but still includes a path to citizenship for dreamers and people who have been in this country a long time; 3) Kelly is also very articulate on the subject of gun control and regulation.
This is very fun and I appreciate you writing it. That being said I would say Shapiro is a HARD NO for reasons other commentors have also highlighted.
Kamala has the opportunity to disentangle herself from the ugliness of the Israel/Gaza situation for this campaign and picking Shapiro would pull her right back in, a serious unforced error that I really hope they don't commit.
Exactly. One of her greatest strengths is she doesn’t carry the weight of what I believe was Biden’s only real policy mistake . He should not have played politics as usual with the Gaza conflict.
She needs to change course on this.
And if Shapiro is her VP she will lose the youth vote.
We just “fixed” the Israel problem with young people by switching to Kamala…and you want to add an observant, pro-Israel Jew to the ticket? And I say that as a woman with a Jewish husband and grown kids (who fill me in on how their peer group thinks).
Yeah, I'm all for a Jewish prez or veep or whatever, but this is probably not the time for that. That's Netanyahu's fault, and nobody else's, but it is what it is. We need that youth vote, and we need them excited like they are now.
I do want to point out that anti-zionist Jews exist, and an anti-zionist Jewish person could be great, but a pro-state-of-israel Jewish (or non-Jewish; after all there are more zionist Christians than there are zionist Jews) person needs to stay far away from this ticket.
The youth vote is mainly anti-genocide and anti-zionism, not anti-Jew (despite some folks' attempts at painting us anti-zionist folk as anti-Jewish).
I agree, and, for the record, I'm a pro-two-state Jew, a zionist who is outraged at Israel's long history of blocking peace prospects. There are wiser choices at this time than Shapiro (or Pritzker, for that matter).
I love Jared Polis, our Colorado governor, but I would love for him to stay in Colorado and then run for the Senate when he’s done with his governorship.
Awesome breakdown. My daughter had an interesting theory this morning that I've decided to run with. What if...Joe staged all of this? Starting not just with the lousy debate with the near miraculous recovery immediately after. He knew exactly how the media and sketchy Democrats would react. What if this was a really long game going back to 2020? He knew Kamala wasn't going to get the nomination, but if he put her on the ticket as VP...Fast forward to this election season. Joe's exhausted and really doesn't want a second term. If he doesn't run, it turns into a free for all with Kamala maybe not getting the nomination. Doing it the way he did, look where we are...nomination in 2 days. Like I said, just a theory, but how Dark Brandon is this?
“Maybe we lean into it,” laughed Harris. “Jews: They fix broken things.” == tikkun olam - the restoration of ‘the world, universe’. You got that right.
i think this is fun and we don't always have to be in nightmare mode.
I've spent the past couple of days existing somewhere between despair and numbness. Why do people want me to continue to exist there? Have they no sense of fun? Do they think stomach ulcers due to stress are funny?
My only disagreement with the various conversations in Jay's screed are that I see almost no state as unwinnable now that the kids are pumped up. But he had to keep the election close for the sake of humor, so it's all good.
This cracked me up. Poor Madyson. I can't think Kamala would go with a gay guy cuz that might be a bridge too far for the voters who are a bit squibbly over a Black woman. But wouldn't it be a hoot to see Pete debate Vance?
We need to follow the "one fight at a time" rule. We love Kamala (she was my first choice back in 2019), and Pete, but we're not the ones we need to reach. It's going to be harder than we think right now for us to put her in the White House.
I have to say, that business about who's in charge in NC when the governor is out of state has changed my thoughts about him.
About the NC governor: I've lived here 5 years and seen him once. Roy Cooper presents as a great combination of Andy Griffith and Atticus Finch -- what's not to like?
Cooper's absence, leaving Lt. Gov. Mark "Some People Need Killing" Robinson" as acting governor, is a solvable problem: throw a party wherever you need Cooper, with a giant screen and a local celebrity host. It's 2024 -- if some folks can work from home, others can campaign from home -- or govern from another state for 48 hours. And shop for a judge to test that provision in court -- TFG has shown us how to do legal delay!
(Robinson *may* have been talking about Nazis -- but I'm sure the Proud Boys and current Nat-Cs understand he was talking to them, not about them.)
BTW, if there's a woman or girl in your life that you care about, get busy: 1) make sure she'll always have medical care if she needs it, and 2) help break the final glass ceiling -- Yes, we KHan!
Just one person’s thought. I felt MUCH calmer during Covid knowing Roy was in charge in NC and our Mayor Steve Schewel guiding the Bull City.
Thank you for saying this - nobody is saying this. I have been in the south since I was 7 years old - been in every southern state - I worry all this excitement is completely underestimating how having a woman of color run for president of the US will motivate many previously ambivalent southern voters to turn out for the other guy.
Is there a large group of undecided Southern voters we could lose? I’d assume that the majority of white Southerners are already for Trump (but I know that my stereotypes of white Southerners is clouding my perception).
OMG! Pete would make mincemeat out of him! Oh please!
Madyson is awesome. She'll go places after she gets a little less green around the ears!
Kids and women.
Thump Trump
I'm not worried about the women's vote, though. The youth vote is always tenuous.
As someone who has a 19, 20, 23 and 27 year old in my household, I can tell you that they and their friends, who are all in school have a hard time voting when their professors decide to make important exams on that day, and then allow no time to vote. Voting by mail is something that requires organization. Students are slammed with details that they have to suddenly manage. I wish there were a "take a student under your wing" program to help them vote. We are working on that in Democrats Abroad Germany.
I'm a professor, and I always schedule a day off for election day. It ought to be a federal holiday anyway. Spread the word!
I suspect even getting mail-in ballots to kids in college is a bit tricky. Do the ballots go home? Or to their dorms or other college residences (if they aren't in a commuter school)?
Agree. Just recomfirming 💙
Women and men who care about women. Our village.
Thank you.
I love this, Jay. Madyson is s great character and would be fun to watch in an SNL skit. You were too optimistic, though, about Josh Shapiro. Although I think he’s great and would be a fabulous VP and then POTUS, I can’t see the general American public voting for a Black-South Asian woman and a Jew. I’m Jewish and would vote for Shapiro in a heartbeat, but I’m also gay, a Boomer, well-educated New Yorker. I most certainly am NOT a typical voter.
It doesn’t have to be the general American public. The ticket just has to win in PA, MI and WI.
See, that’s why you write political analyses and I don’t ! You know so much about the real situation and what’s needed- I take a view that’s not related to the necessities. I appreciate being educated by you. Thanks!
I’m also all of those things (except gay), and I think a Jewish VP would be the kiss of death. Same for a gay VP. Straight white Christian male is who’s needed, despite what a brilliant team Harris/Buttigieg would make. Our country is too backward to vote in that team, unfortunately.
Carol, I agree with you 100% -- even though Jay says she needs to win in PA, MI, and WI and that the rest of the general American public isn't important, I think Harris DEFINITELY needs a straight, White, Christian male. It's that simple.
Thank you! And I appreciate the commas in “…straight, white, Christian male.” I wasn’t sure about that. 💙
I agree- which is why my immediate thought was Newsome. Unfortunately, that doesn't work because he's from CA - which doesn't expand the pie, and he declined (not sure why). But I thought that would have been a great ticket.
I am from NC and LOVE the COOPS! I am shocked that people outside NC really know him. He's so quiet and not flashy.
Sadly. You are SO right. Hopefully after several years of a successful Harris presidency, the country will start to grow up and open their minds.
Yes GenZ is really pumped and I am loving it so much!!!
The kids are all right.
“Have they no sense of fun?”
I can’t stop watching this video of VP Kamala laughing and dancing!
How's this for a longshot: Adam Kinzinger.
He'll bring the 20% of GOP primary voters who went with Haley et al, and couldn't/wouldn't vote for tRump if there were a viable alternative...worth consideration, or....
He's still a republican on mmany other issues, though.
“We have the gay vote, ma’am,” Dillon assured her. “They were wearing ‘Kamala’ Ts on Fire Island on Sunday.”
“Already?” Harris asked.
“They move at gay speed, ma’am,” Dillon said.
I almost spit out my coffee because it was so spot on and hilariously funny! Thanks for this bit of fun this morning, Jay. Much appreciated!
Loved this! 😂
Reading this I felt like “ oh that’s my country! That’s who we are! Am I getting my country back?!?!”
This was my favorite part too!
Oh, true that.
KH needs to go with Kelly because of his military creds and awards far outrank Vance's. his service on key Senate committees like intel, environment, and armed services, his adventures in space, and his long marriage to a former Dem rep who was shot and seriously injured and went on to actually do something to help victims of gun violence. He's the antidote to Trump and he understands teamwork and democracy.
I will counter with he will likely be replaced with an R, and make the Senate that much more impossible to contemplate holding.
I gotta go with Shapiro
Kelly can't be replaced with a Republican.
From AZ statutes:
C. For a vacancy in the office of United States senator, the governor shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy. That appointee shall be of the same political party as the person vacating the office and, except as provided in subsection D of this section, shall serve until the person elected at the next general election is qualified and assumes office. If the person vacating the office changed political party affiliation after taking office, the person who is appointed to fill the vacancy shall be of the same political party that the vacating officeholder was when the vacating officeholder was elected or appointed to that office.
D. If a vacancy in the office of United States senator occurs more than one hundred fifty days before the next regular primary election date, the person who is appointed pursuant to subsection C of this section shall continue to serve until the vacancy is filled at the next general election. If a vacancy in the office of United States senator occurs one hundred fifty days or less before the next regular primary election date, the person who is appointed shall serve until the vacancy is filled at the second regular general election held after the vacancy occurs, and the person elected shall fill the remaining unexpired term of the vacated office.
Wow, I did not know that! Thanks Charles!
I think OP meant that Kelly risks Dems losing the AZ seat the next time it comes around for election.
Worth the risk if Gabby is up for it healthwise. This is going to be the long-promised blue tsunami, anyway.
I believe the election would be for the midterms though--a long way down the line, but still a risk when every Senate vote Dems can squeeze out counts towards filibuster/filibuster reform.
It's too good a story to pass up if she's up to this. Astronaut, military guy, and victim of our insane gun culture who has stepped up bigly to become an activist voice in gun violence? You can't write novels with that kind of plot line.
Far better to run like you're 10 points down until the polls close, than to run thinking that there's a blue tsunami. The first way gets the blue tsunami.
I didn't say otherwise. In fact, that's exactly what I did say in a separate comment.
I talked to her in 2020 at the opening of Mark's office. Of course it went virtual a month later. Maybe she has improved since then, but then she just seemed not all there. 100 years ago people would call her "simple." She was wonderful and gracious, but I don't see her being up to the task. I have no problem being wrong.
Thanks a lot. That makes it a very personal decision far outside of conjecture, at least for me. It's none of my business. I'm sure Kamala already knows whether he'd consider it.
That does not mean the person appointed would necessarily win the following election. Senate seats are too important to take away a senator in a "competitive" state. Kelly is far more valuable where he is.
I humbly disagree. We need this election more than we need to worry about the state of play in Arizona in two years.
Whether the red team likes it or not, AZ is just going to get bluer as PHX and Maricopa County grow. The schadenfreude when new neighbors complained that they’d moved here because they thought it was conservative…!!
Our governor here in AZ, Katie Hobbs, is a Dem and would get to replace Mark Kelly with another Dem in the Senate so we wouldn’t lose that.
Until the next election.
Another Arizonan. My one issue is that, to me,he is as excite as watching already dried paint.
Agreed. He is calm to the point of zzzzzzzz. He would need to up his game considerably.
Kelly killed it in the debate against Blake Masters in 2022!
Fair enough. Honestly, I didn’t see it so maybe I’m being a little unfair.
Shapiro's stance on Israel-Gaza will hurt her.
This! I have multiple Gen X, uber liberal, women friends who were planning to only vote down ticket because of their horror at what is going on in Gaza, and their refusal to endorse Biden because he hadn’t done more to force Israel’s hand. As a Jewish woman, I wholeheartedly hope that Harris picks someone more sympathetic to the Palestinians plight, or at least someone who is not on the record as being so biased towards Israel.
I have a young friend in Philly, progressive, said she doesn’t know a single person who would vote for Biden because of Gaza. The kids aren’t going to go for Shapiro.
The youth.
What is his stance?
He's pro-Israel, which is tacitly endorsing the Palestinian genocide (wiping out Palestine has been Netanyahu's game from the very beginning of his tenure as PM). Being staunchly pro-Israel while Netanyahu was playing in Pres. Biden's face re: genocide is part of what sunk Pres. Biden, especially with younger voters.
Hmmm. Israel is not monolithic. I’m pro some of Israel but very anti Netanyahu and genocide.
Agreed but at this point, anything other than explicitly telling Bibi to kick rocks; permanently withhold guns, bombs, and other military aid to Israel; and commit to an immediate cease-fire is not going to fly with younger voters and Palestinian allies. And Dems NEED those votes.
Good point.
And Cooper is awesome but again, you leave NC in the hands of a lunatic.
But he's termed out in December, anyway.
Why? The governor is a D. Or would it be required to have an election? I don't recall when his current term is up.
The gov is a Dem and her term isn’t up for another two years
I was actually referring to Senator Kelly, not the governor. However, any concerns were allayed by the post by someone else shared that the governor must appoint a Democrat replacement.
I agree Kelly may be the strongest pick.
I like Andy Beshesr too.
But as Madysin’s Venn diagrams reveal, it’s a numbers game. That’s how this works? We have to win PA.
Judith, we can't afford to put any "competitive" Senate seat at risk. Kelly is far more valuable where he is.
I’m concerned about Shapiro for the same reason. We need him here and we’ll need to make sure ballots are counted correctly. PA is too evenly divided.
I agree for the reasons you named, but question if Mark has the full throated voice to aggressively attack the GOP ticket and agenda that’s needed. He’s kind of soft spoken and nerdy.OTOH. as VP he would backstop KH from actually being attacked physically…his gun control stance means Trump’s 2A base would fear him becoming President.
God, that last sentence is bleak. Correct, I think. But bleak.
Yes! He’d be the best choice, strategically.
I've been thinking he'd be perfect for blindsiding the Trump campaign.
Oh, no, Kamala, absolutely put the intern on the paid staff. She's adorable.
That's a fun exercise! But Kelly is more than just Arizona and possibly Nevada. He is pulling independents, military, and is popular with minority voters. Not to mention he's an astronaut!
Side note: I spit out my coffee laughing at this Jay - '“They move at gay speed, ma’am,” Dillon said.'
He appeals to the manly man. I wish I didn't have to think that's helpful, but I don't make the "rules." I don't know how Gabby Giffords is feeling these days, though. Is she up for a campaign like this? The two of them make a great American story that if you read it in a novel you'd say, "Oh, come on."
The Kelley thing is at he has the military experiencene to attract indpedents and smarter republicans, across the board and in swing states
I didn't know Gabby was not doing well. What's wrong with her? (Yes, I know she got shot)
Oh, I have no idea how she's doing. My assumption is just that when we sustain that type of injury, it's a long road forever. I hope, hope hope she's doing great!
She is on a lifelong recovery journey. It’s very tough. (She is a childhood friend…)
Hugs to her!
If Gabby had to step back from a crazy campaign schedule, it should be understood. Heck if she made selected events only, she would still be far ahead of Mrs. TFG. Gabby would bring additional humanity into U.S. politics, and she is another strong woman.
I would hope there'd be no expectations at all about participation in events. Zero or one hundred is fine with me. She's already done a lot more than I think I could do given those circumstances.
She should be doing as much, including nothing (but that doesn't sound like her), as she chooses.
She has not recovered her full capacity as she was shot in the head. She's a trooper though, and keeps going.
And let them just try to attack Gabby. They’d look even more foolish than they are.
Esp. with the Felon's fakey "ear injury" bandage. What a joke!
You know they will, they are already using racist/misogynistic attack on Harris. They have no shame.
All the Dems would have to do is post a picture of Gabby side by side with a picture of Trump’s ear. It won’t go over well, no matter who you are, attacking another victim of political violence. Especially women!
Hold on here! I am from Kentucky. "A nice white Christian man" is the description of Governor Beshear? Yep. and Nope.
Andy Beshear is a forward-thinking Democrat who has been in perfect lockstep with President Biden's agenda. Beshear literally saved us during covid, has one of the best ACA medical insurance websites in the country and made full use of the Infrastructure dollars. He has had to navigate a MAGA legislature since his first term and has done a masterful job.
I realize the dialog presented here is fanciful but let's avoid stereotyping. ok?
And he has political acumen. Try getting elected Democratic Governor in a ruby red state by beating McConnell's hand-picked Republican opponent.
Definitely funny and I don't know where you get all your energy. I wish I had a quarter as much. But, let me say a few more serious things about Mark Kelly, who I think you've discounted: 1) He is good on military stuff, not Kamala''s strong point, although she has come out strongly for veterans; 2) Arizona is a border state and Kelly has a very clear and not hysterical position on immigration (set out on his senate web page) which is somewhat to the right of mine but still includes a path to citizenship for dreamers and people who have been in this country a long time; 3) Kelly is also very articulate on the subject of gun control and regulation.
I think Kelly is a strong prospect.
Delightful read!
I SO hope this conversation happened. Exactly this way. Thanks for the laugh, Jay. It feels good to be hopeful again.
BTW, somebody online suggested this for Harris's campaign theme song. Not bad.....
I think "Freedom" by Beyonce is now the campaign song. Kamala used it yesterday with Beyonce's blessing. :)
Can't argue with Bey.
I like that. It makes me feel hopeful for my daughter and granddaughters!
Love this song, great suggestion!
Great song!
This is very fun and I appreciate you writing it. That being said I would say Shapiro is a HARD NO for reasons other commentors have also highlighted.
Kamala has the opportunity to disentangle herself from the ugliness of the Israel/Gaza situation for this campaign and picking Shapiro would pull her right back in, a serious unforced error that I really hope they don't commit.
Exactly. One of her greatest strengths is she doesn’t carry the weight of what I believe was Biden’s only real policy mistake . He should not have played politics as usual with the Gaza conflict.
She needs to change course on this.
And if Shapiro is her VP she will lose the youth vote.
We just “fixed” the Israel problem with young people by switching to Kamala…and you want to add an observant, pro-Israel Jew to the ticket? And I say that as a woman with a Jewish husband and grown kids (who fill me in on how their peer group thinks).
Yeah, I'm all for a Jewish prez or veep or whatever, but this is probably not the time for that. That's Netanyahu's fault, and nobody else's, but it is what it is. We need that youth vote, and we need them excited like they are now.
I do want to point out that anti-zionist Jews exist, and an anti-zionist Jewish person could be great, but a pro-state-of-israel Jewish (or non-Jewish; after all there are more zionist Christians than there are zionist Jews) person needs to stay far away from this ticket.
The youth vote is mainly anti-genocide and anti-zionism, not anti-Jew (despite some folks' attempts at painting us anti-zionist folk as anti-Jewish).
Agree totally.
I agree, and, for the record, I'm a pro-two-state Jew, a zionist who is outraged at Israel's long history of blocking peace prospects. There are wiser choices at this time than Shapiro (or Pritzker, for that matter).
I feel like she's threading the needle now on Gaza, but it will be harder to do with Shapiro, who has been a vocal critic of Gaza protests.
I love Jared Polis, our Colorado governor, but I would love for him to stay in Colorado and then run for the Senate when he’s done with his governorship.
Awesome breakdown. My daughter had an interesting theory this morning that I've decided to run with. What if...Joe staged all of this? Starting not just with the lousy debate with the near miraculous recovery immediately after. He knew exactly how the media and sketchy Democrats would react. What if this was a really long game going back to 2020? He knew Kamala wasn't going to get the nomination, but if he put her on the ticket as VP...Fast forward to this election season. Joe's exhausted and really doesn't want a second term. If he doesn't run, it turns into a free for all with Kamala maybe not getting the nomination. Doing it the way he did, look where we are...nomination in 2 days. Like I said, just a theory, but how Dark Brandon is this?
I do believe Uncle Joe has always had a Dark Brandon streak that he encourages people to underestimate. And I LOVE that.
I’ve been wondering the same thing:)
“Maybe we lean into it,” laughed Harris. “Jews: They fix broken things.” == tikkun olam - the restoration of ‘the world, universe’. You got that right.
Excellent writing. Thanks for sharing hope with us!
I enjoyed this quite a bit. Thank you!