The GOP has worked tirelessly to make sure people of color can’t vote make sure you check your registration right up to November and get et out there and show the party of MAGA their fascist beliefs will NOT take over this country

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Holy Crap! That's some powerful stuff he wrote and thanks for your perspective. It looks like the trump onion is finally getting peeled and we are now getting to the heart of de-fusing trump and MAGA. I think Biden's bold move to call MAGA out is just what the doctor ordered. Thanks for making my day!

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We are in what feels like a Kobayashi Maru scenario situation…. And like Kirk, we have to find a way to win.

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What really pisses me off is the fact that magats are slamming Joe for speaking the truth and calling them out, yet their orange guy can say whatever he wants and it's okay with them. It's okay for 45 to divide the nation with racism, misogyny, hateful rhetoric, etc., but when we call them on it, they cry foul. The hypocrisy is astounding! We MUST turn out in droves this November, or we may never have another legitimately free and fair election! I'm fired up, y'all! 💯👍

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Marco Rubio says Biden smeared “half the people of the country” continuing the lie that Trump and the MAGAs make up half the country. There’s The Big Lie and all the Little Lies.

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I would have loved to watch the speech, but, none of the networks covered it. They decided reruns were more important. I am so utterly disappointed in our media. They bitch about losing market share to streaming, then pull crap like this. The media picked their side in 2015, with their incompetent coverage of trump, and have never looked back. From what I've read about the speech, the only people ticked off about it are the people he called out. Good. Everything he said, needed to be said. The rest of the Democrats need to follow his lead. We must win in November.

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It's like there are very few reasonable Republicans anymore. They've become zombies! It's as if they are all willing to burn it to the ground to remain in (or gain) power. The tactics they're using, it just defies any reason that there isn't some 'check and balance' in place to keep them from tilting the playing field the way they're doing. But yet, here we are. The only thing that would fully defeat all these sleazy tactics would be to vote Blue in such numbers, with such force, that they can't possibly claim it was fixed and that they were cheated. It's our only hope. But they'll probably cry foul anyway.

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Articulate and well written. Biden has no choice but defend the country from all enemies foreign and domestic!

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I consider it telling that intensifying and directing such rhetoric at MAGA right-wingers, a group that has made extensive, continuous, and ever wilder use of pejorative labels, hyperbole, conspiracy theories, and out and out falsehoods to demonize their political opponents, has so obviously and immediately touched a nerve. They are obviously very much aware of the power of such characterization, and sensitive to seeing it applied to themselves.

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For me there is such profound irony in the right calling Biden’s speech “partisan” and a lot of mainstream media mostly going with that narrative as if some form of apology might be required. And as if we hadn’t been treated to far worse divisive and demonizing partisan rhetoric from the former guy practically daily for four years which has continued to this day. Yesterday’s somewhat muted and apologetic response in the media demonstrates how successfully the right has managed to control our culture’s political “narratives” for years. I’m really glad Biden has chosen to speak out! But it’s going to continue to be a rocky road ahead!

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Spot On Jay, see also, The New Yorker's, Susan B Glasser's "Joe Biden's This-Is-Not-Normal Speech." www.newyorker.com then click on "The Latest Articles". Good stuff.

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Finally and not a minute too soon !

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We can disagree on things like how the government taxes to raise money, or how it spends that money, but there are some basic lines that have to be drawn. It is important that we keep strong institutional checks and balances on power, and that we do not allow those in power to use that power to stay in power.

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