Thank you for this, Jay. One of your best. The way we talk about these things is so important, and that is one of the weaknesses of the media and some Democrats. Even the New York Times, which I find generally pretty reliable, is getting on the "disarray" "feud" etc. etc. bandwagon on this one.
The old news mantra "if it bleeds it leads" is never more true than now. Everyone is struggling (well, nearly everyone it seems, someone must be doing well...) especially the news business. they don't have their orange darling to pump up clicks so they have to create sensation by mislabeling negotiations and egging politicians into taking digs at each other. its actually a bit perverse.
I guess the place to look are media outlets that do not have to worry about funding (although there are issues with that form of funding as well).
Thank you for this, Jay. One of your best. The way we talk about these things is so important, and that is one of the weaknesses of the media and some Democrats. Even the New York Times, which I find generally pretty reliable, is getting on the "disarray" "feud" etc. etc. bandwagon on this one.
Thanks, Jay - a much needed perspective to help interpret what can seem like a failing democracy from time to time.
The best messaging the Democrats have - is from the Republican Lincoln Project…..
The old news mantra "if it bleeds it leads" is never more true than now. Everyone is struggling (well, nearly everyone it seems, someone must be doing well...) especially the news business. they don't have their orange darling to pump up clicks so they have to create sensation by mislabeling negotiations and egging politicians into taking digs at each other. its actually a bit perverse.
I guess the place to look are media outlets that do not have to worry about funding (although there are issues with that form of funding as well).
Jay - you say this so well and so clearly - I can only hope people will read it and understand and act.