With all the subpoenas served on Trumpworld in the past weeks, it might be tempting to conclude that the Justice Department will simply investigate this matter forever, circling and circling the organizing, funding and execution of January 6 without ever striking at key White House conspirators.
Thank you very much for these posts. I'm so grateful to you for sharing your knowledge so I can have some understanding of what is going on. I also love your personal Facebook posts, especially vegan ones!
Thank you very much for these posts. I'm so grateful to you for sharing your knowledge so I can have some understanding of what is going on. I also love your personal Facebook posts, especially vegan ones!
How do these people sleep at night?
Thank you for your work in identifying the salient points and explaining their meaning and significance. Very much appreciated.
Thank you for sharing your legal knowledge. I always feel a bit better about everything going on when I'm done reading these newsy emails!
Jay, thank you for posting the quality Getty Images photo today with proper credit to the Artist, Drew Angerer. 🙏
Thanks for clarifying DOJ’s tightening of the noose on Trump & acolytes into election fraud. Your observations greatly appreciated!
I have a hefty supply of popcorn as all this schadenfreudeningly unfolds. 🍿😎