Whenever there is an announcement of newly indicted defendants or a new DoJ investigation of wrongdoing in Washington, I frequently see comments and questions around this: What about Ginni Thomas?
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm at the point that, when I see "Freedom" or "Liberty" mentioned as part of the name of a group, I automatically assume it's a crooked far-right extremist group.
Unfortunately, many of the under educated and poorly educated public, don’t know who Sinclair Lewis is nor have they read read new world or 1984. That’s why the far right love the uneducated.
That is definitely one of their tactics. Take a look at the American Journal of Public health, 2012 January: 102 (1): 63–71. Inventing conflicts of interest: a history of tobacco industry tactics.
Oh yes. I know exactly what you mean. I took my flag pole off my front porch about 8 years ago for a siding project. I got a new flag pole & flag shortly thereafter, but I've never put them back up. Every time I come across the box they're in, I just think "Nah. I don't want to be like *them*." Old pole and old flag are coiled up in the closet downstairs.
I fly mine proudly. It's a symbol of the country I want, expect, hope for. Unless we take back our symbols from "them," we allow those symbols to mean what they say instead of what they really mean.
"Freedom" and "Liberty" are definitely critical words for the Republicans in general and especially the far right. They sound great because they are part of the essence of what the United States is all about. But what they mean officially for everyone and what they mean for those on the right is quite different. The primary focus for those on the right is freedom and liberty to do as they please without any concern for the consequences to others and without any responsibility or accountability. They are only concerned about their freedom and liberty to indulge themselves as they please in pleasurable experiences, money and power.
I think fundamentally, these words mean "as long as you don't harm someone else, do as you will" to the left and "I got mine; everyone else can f**k off" to the right.
I see comments all the time, online, on political news shows, etc. asking what these people hope to gain from this level of corruption/illegal activity. Seriously why would a lawyer or an retired army general risk all this? The answers I see are unconvincing; they love trump, or they hate Democrats, or they hate Democracy; are some of the unimaginative responses. I think it's much more sinister than that. They see themselves as the new "government." The new Himmler, Goering, Keitel, or Goebbels. You might think this is hyperbole, but I don't think so. Why do you think Tuberville is holding up military promotions? Do you really think Tuberville cares at all about a woman having an abortion? No, the end goal is to have these positions open for when "they hope" trump returns; or someone like him. They will "vet" all the new promotions to make sure they are sufficiently loyal.
Money is a path to power. Power is what they want. The decision of a diagnosis between a narcissist and a sociopath is the motivation. The narcissist wants adoration. The sociopath wants power. Listen to what Trump said in the Hollywood tape. You can do anything you want if you’re famous. You can get away with anything. He wants fame because it gives him power.
Including killing someone on 5th Avenue. Power is what allows a criminal to escape consequences. Money can often buy power. It’s everyday people who have given away their own power to Trump. Trump was freely handed his fame (ergo, power)by voters. To understand why people give up their power to an evil beast is the trillion dollar question.
People's actions, especially those of people who are used to things just kind of going their way by default, are generally more haphazard and unexamined than they appear. Never forget: the board of Theranos had half a dozen former federal appointees on it, including Henry Kissinger and Jim Mattis. There was nothing sinister about their presence; they were defrauded just as thoroughly as all the other investors; they just saw that a bunch of other prestigious people had signed on and stopped thinking.
If you're enough of a political nihilist to truly believe some version of "everyone does it", it's very easy to slide into more and more obviously corrupt behavior, especially if you've walled off any outsiders who might say, "hey, maybe just don't?" Just look at local machine politics in places like Hudson County. It's not that there's a nefarious plot to keep the mayor in power, it's just that there's nobody actually watching what he's doing. Same with the raid on the Marion County Record. There was no grand scheme there, just a pissy local restaurant owner, a pliant police department, and no oversight whatsoever.
I understand and appreciate what you're saying, but this feels very different than mid-level money grabbing corruption; or a pissy local restaurant owner. People I know tell me "every generation has it's political turmoil, and this is ours." I don't think that's true anymore, some of these people are truly evil. If you look at the recent history of dictators, they take uneducated, no talent thugs, and put them in charge of the government. These crazy people were not prepared in 2016 when trump was elected, and trump won't be appointing people like General Mattis to provide an "adult" in the room. They are not going to make the same mistake twice. Then that pissy local restaurant owner is in charge of something important, like rounding up people in the LGBQT communities; or worse.
Tuberville IS a dumb, grandstanding a**hole, but those type of people are easily manipulated. Somebody is whispering in his ear; "there's a choice position for you in the new government."
Michael Flynn has experience in taking down governments. He is still out there doing the work of a coup under the name of Christian nationalism. Flynn, Manafort, and Roger Stone, the dirty trickster from Florida were all pardoned by Donald Trump. I don’t think it was a coincidence that the two people next in line for the presidency, Pence and Pelosi, were targeted for death during the .
Several weeks ago, I was looking up information on an Army base; I forget why. I wound up seeing how many major military installations are located in deep red states.
Jay, Outstanding work connecting the many dots all leading to Ginni Thomas and her bank accounts (offshore much, Ginni?). But to answer the question which titles your piece today, "What About Ginni", well, she, her husband, and the GOP in Congress will say as one, "Yeah, so, what ABOUT Ginni"? Nothing to see here, please move along. Grifting has become so engrained in politics, it's now simply background noise, and Thomas&Thomas will keep on truckin', no worries. What a bloody shower!
Well, some of those many scams have been in the public record for years, including how "non-profits" associated with our Ginni have blatantly engaged in partisan political work, but nothing so far has been done about it. I'm afraid that it's all about bidness as usual, where grifting and fraudulent action wrap themselves round the First Amendment, and Citizens United has codified Big Money and No Ethics in American politics. "Keep pressing"? Best of luck, but keep on reporting, it can't hurt.
Quick! Look over there! Hunter Biden, Hunter Biden. I read the Politico article, and my head was spinning, couldn't make sense of it all. Thanks, Jay, for helping me out
I worry about what would happen if the attorneys for Sidney Powell and/or Jenna Ellis requested a mental evaluation of their clients. They're so delusional (as are most Republicans these days) that I wonder how legit an insanity defense might be.
Anything is possible. But I’ve seen people with paranoid schizophrenia and other mental issues stand trial because they were able to help with their defense, knew right from wrong & were able to control their actions. Like the overwhelming majority of criminals, these turkeys made choices based on what they wanted. And were both trained licensed attorneys.
About 1% of cases try that defense. Of that 1% only 0.25% succeed. ... Falling for a conspiracy theory hasn’t helped Jan 6 defendants.
We may get a hint about Powell. Her attorneys have claimed 1) No reasonable person would believer her claims (citing Dominion’s filing calling her claims bizarre, etc.) ... and later in the filing ... 2) She believed it all and still does. I don’t know when Dominion’s defamation case against her will produce any results.
Rudy is an example - I very much doubt Rudy can go the insanity route even with his hair dye. He is on record telling at least one judge (as did other election fraudster attorneys) that a case was not about fraud. The judge cancelled the hearing for the fraud evidence. Then tossed the case. In public they all whined about how the courts never heard the evidence & how unfair it was. (Keeping the scam going - Fundraising). He told the truth when he was asked point blank by the judge. He knew as an officer of the court the wrong answer would have consequences. Shows ability control his behavior.
I was going to say - half sounds WAY low. Also..... criminal insanity IS a thing. I am certifiably nuts - five out of five medical professionals agree on the subject. But I don't run around spewing conspiracy theories and trying to overturn elections. So.... while being nuts is not a crime, being nuts AND committing crimes is.... well.... IS.
Mind-numbing and worse crimes I say than Americans will ever know. Democrats need to quit sparring with each other and go on the attack. More Jack Smiths, please!
As most will find corruption on this level by these actors no doubt disturbing, none of it is remotely surprising.
Citzens United, a crime wave embraced by both Republicans AND Democrats will take statesmen and women of infallible moral character to rescind.
Look at what it’s lead to, 3 years later in 2013 federal voting requirements are rescinded by the Roberts court, a complete disgrace, Democrats took the high road and let it slide. Should have been on the campaign trail, “Your rights have been trampled!!” But no, they thought they’d have the votes to overcome the gerrymandering.
Ginni and Clarence are instrumental in maintaining this deadlock hold on the electorate the goal of turning our democracy into a full blown fascist state will remain legal as long as republicans hold any meaningful office anywhere in this country.
Elect men and women who will demand investigations of actions by SCOTUS are legal and then investigate the shit out of all Republicans appointees.
Mind numbing. All these back door goings on have shaken me. What a tangled gnarly web of deceit we’re seeing. Thank you for such detailed writings, Jay.
Harlan and the Thomases are shady AF. That’s all I have to say.
Thank you Jay for this piece. I knew it was bad but this is much worse than I imagined.
And that Ginni is drawn to QAnon conspiracies is no surprise to me. She has a history in cults. I recall reading how in the 80s she spoke out on them after having “escaped”. But it seems her mind is prone to being susceptible to manipulation and lies. She seems drawn to the absurd and never learned to question her sources.
If the Republicans were at all serious about 'draining the swamp,' they would support overturning Citizens United. Until that happens, 'draining the swamp' is nothing but hyperbole and about as disingenuous as it gets and that should be pointed out LOUDLY anytime 'draining the swamp' is mentioned.
Yes, what about Ginni, but also what about Citizens United ruling and all the dark money that funds this wickedness? Taking down Ginni, Clarence, and all their right wing nut buddies might be a good first step in reclaiming the country for citizens rather than billionaires and corporations.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm at the point that, when I see "Freedom" or "Liberty" mentioned as part of the name of a group, I automatically assume it's a crooked far-right extremist group.
I automatically substitute "Fascist" for "Freedom" or "Liberty" in the name of any group. Same if the name includes the word "Christian."
Exactly right.
Add Patriot
Right? It's like a glaring neon sign blinking "Orwellian Double-Speak Here!".
We are living the reality of Sinclair Lewis's warning, "When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross"
"When fascism comes to the United States it will be wrapped in the American flag and will claim the name of 100-percent Americanism."
- Sinclair Lewis.
Unfortunately, many of the under educated and poorly educated public, don’t know who Sinclair Lewis is nor have they read read new world or 1984. That’s why the far right love the uneducated.
When I was in school 60 years ago, one of the parents tried to ban Brave New World. My dad said let kids read what they want!
Sadly true!
Me too - sad isn’t it?
That is definitely one of their tactics. Take a look at the American Journal of Public health, 2012 January: 102 (1): 63–71. Inventing conflicts of interest: a history of tobacco industry tactics.
Oh absolutely...."Freedom", "Liberty" or "Patriot"
That one bugs me. The ladies I know with that name are lovely people!
Or, just as ridiculously and sadly, when someone displays an American flag too. Time to take it all back!
Oh yes. I know exactly what you mean. I took my flag pole off my front porch about 8 years ago for a siding project. I got a new flag pole & flag shortly thereafter, but I've never put them back up. Every time I come across the box they're in, I just think "Nah. I don't want to be like *them*." Old pole and old flag are coiled up in the closet downstairs.
I fly mine proudly. It's a symbol of the country I want, expect, hope for. Unless we take back our symbols from "them," we allow those symbols to mean what they say instead of what they really mean.
"Freedom" and "Liberty" are definitely critical words for the Republicans in general and especially the far right. They sound great because they are part of the essence of what the United States is all about. But what they mean officially for everyone and what they mean for those on the right is quite different. The primary focus for those on the right is freedom and liberty to do as they please without any concern for the consequences to others and without any responsibility or accountability. They are only concerned about their freedom and liberty to indulge themselves as they please in pleasurable experiences, money and power.
I think fundamentally, these words mean "as long as you don't harm someone else, do as you will" to the left and "I got mine; everyone else can f**k off" to the right.
I make the same assumption.
I see comments all the time, online, on political news shows, etc. asking what these people hope to gain from this level of corruption/illegal activity. Seriously why would a lawyer or an retired army general risk all this? The answers I see are unconvincing; they love trump, or they hate Democrats, or they hate Democracy; are some of the unimaginative responses. I think it's much more sinister than that. They see themselves as the new "government." The new Himmler, Goering, Keitel, or Goebbels. You might think this is hyperbole, but I don't think so. Why do you think Tuberville is holding up military promotions? Do you really think Tuberville cares at all about a woman having an abortion? No, the end goal is to have these positions open for when "they hope" trump returns; or someone like him. They will "vet" all the new promotions to make sure they are sufficiently loyal.
Also, there’s lots of money at stake.
Money is a path to power. Power is what they want. The decision of a diagnosis between a narcissist and a sociopath is the motivation. The narcissist wants adoration. The sociopath wants power. Listen to what Trump said in the Hollywood tape. You can do anything you want if you’re famous. You can get away with anything. He wants fame because it gives him power.
Including killing someone on 5th Avenue. Power is what allows a criminal to escape consequences. Money can often buy power. It’s everyday people who have given away their own power to Trump. Trump was freely handed his fame (ergo, power)by voters. To understand why people give up their power to an evil beast is the trillion dollar question.
Yes! It’s impossible to separate power and $$$ in the present
For now, the ones that are getting in on the ground floor (like Ginni) are the ones who will be rewarded. The rest will get scraps, if that.
Maybe not the best analysis to bump, Jay...
Exactly. Follow the money. The stench will get stronger as you get closer to the crimey ones . . .
You only have to read the Heritage Foundation’s project 2025 to understand the game plan. Underreported.
And how nuts the authors are
That is one effing scary story.
I haven't had the stomach to read it yet, I know the gist of it from articles I've read. Guess I'm going to have to read it.
I feel the same. And I don't want to buy it and give them any money either.
That's what libraries are for. I read a lot of stuff that I do not wish to encourage the authors of. I seldom buy it.
Oh, good god, that’s so depressing and has a good chance of being true!
I'm sorry, I didn't want to depress anyone. But we have to fight back, and fighting back is hard, depressing, and tiring.
People's actions, especially those of people who are used to things just kind of going their way by default, are generally more haphazard and unexamined than they appear. Never forget: the board of Theranos had half a dozen former federal appointees on it, including Henry Kissinger and Jim Mattis. There was nothing sinister about their presence; they were defrauded just as thoroughly as all the other investors; they just saw that a bunch of other prestigious people had signed on and stopped thinking.
If you're enough of a political nihilist to truly believe some version of "everyone does it", it's very easy to slide into more and more obviously corrupt behavior, especially if you've walled off any outsiders who might say, "hey, maybe just don't?" Just look at local machine politics in places like Hudson County. It's not that there's a nefarious plot to keep the mayor in power, it's just that there's nobody actually watching what he's doing. Same with the raid on the Marion County Record. There was no grand scheme there, just a pissy local restaurant owner, a pliant police department, and no oversight whatsoever.
I understand and appreciate what you're saying, but this feels very different than mid-level money grabbing corruption; or a pissy local restaurant owner. People I know tell me "every generation has it's political turmoil, and this is ours." I don't think that's true anymore, some of these people are truly evil. If you look at the recent history of dictators, they take uneducated, no talent thugs, and put them in charge of the government. These crazy people were not prepared in 2016 when trump was elected, and trump won't be appointing people like General Mattis to provide an "adult" in the room. They are not going to make the same mistake twice. Then that pissy local restaurant owner is in charge of something important, like rounding up people in the LGBQT communities; or worse.
My exact thoughts on Tuberville. It's all part of the grand takeover plan.
I think you nailed it.
This is what terrifies me about the Tub’s behavior/efforts, Floridian that he now is.
Tuberville IS a dumb, grandstanding a**hole, but those type of people are easily manipulated. Somebody is whispering in his ear; "there's a choice position for you in the new government."
Michael Flynn has experience in taking down governments. He is still out there doing the work of a coup under the name of Christian nationalism. Flynn, Manafort, and Roger Stone, the dirty trickster from Florida were all pardoned by Donald Trump. I don’t think it was a coincidence that the two people next in line for the presidency, Pence and Pelosi, were targeted for death during the .
Several weeks ago, I was looking up information on an Army base; I forget why. I wound up seeing how many major military installations are located in deep red states.
Jay, Outstanding work connecting the many dots all leading to Ginni Thomas and her bank accounts (offshore much, Ginni?). But to answer the question which titles your piece today, "What About Ginni", well, she, her husband, and the GOP in Congress will say as one, "Yeah, so, what ABOUT Ginni"? Nothing to see here, please move along. Grifting has become so engrained in politics, it's now simply background noise, and Thomas&Thomas will keep on truckin', no worries. What a bloody shower!
We need to keep pressing, it seems.
Well, some of those many scams have been in the public record for years, including how "non-profits" associated with our Ginni have blatantly engaged in partisan political work, but nothing so far has been done about it. I'm afraid that it's all about bidness as usual, where grifting and fraudulent action wrap themselves round the First Amendment, and Citizens United has codified Big Money and No Ethics in American politics. "Keep pressing"? Best of luck, but keep on reporting, it can't hurt.
Please do, and thank you once again for your efforts to shine a light on these cockroaches . . .
Quick! Look over there! Hunter Biden, Hunter Biden. I read the Politico article, and my head was spinning, couldn't make sense of it all. Thanks, Jay, for helping me out
You say “If it was illegal to be certifiably nuts, half of the GOP would be behind bars.” I think the figure is closer to 95%.
I was feeling charitable
I worry about what would happen if the attorneys for Sidney Powell and/or Jenna Ellis requested a mental evaluation of their clients. They're so delusional (as are most Republicans these days) that I wonder how legit an insanity defense might be.
Anything is possible. But I’ve seen people with paranoid schizophrenia and other mental issues stand trial because they were able to help with their defense, knew right from wrong & were able to control their actions. Like the overwhelming majority of criminals, these turkeys made choices based on what they wanted. And were both trained licensed attorneys.
About 1% of cases try that defense. Of that 1% only 0.25% succeed. ... Falling for a conspiracy theory hasn’t helped Jan 6 defendants.
We may get a hint about Powell. Her attorneys have claimed 1) No reasonable person would believer her claims (citing Dominion’s filing calling her claims bizarre, etc.) ... and later in the filing ... 2) She believed it all and still does. I don’t know when Dominion’s defamation case against her will produce any results.
Rudy is an example - I very much doubt Rudy can go the insanity route even with his hair dye. He is on record telling at least one judge (as did other election fraudster attorneys) that a case was not about fraud. The judge cancelled the hearing for the fraud evidence. Then tossed the case. In public they all whined about how the courts never heard the evidence & how unfair it was. (Keeping the scam going - Fundraising). He told the truth when he was asked point blank by the judge. He knew as an officer of the court the wrong answer would have consequences. Shows ability control his behavior.
It will be nothing but interesting to see.
I was going to say - half sounds WAY low. Also..... criminal insanity IS a thing. I am certifiably nuts - five out of five medical professionals agree on the subject. But I don't run around spewing conspiracy theories and trying to overturn elections. So.... while being nuts is not a crime, being nuts AND committing crimes is.... well.... IS.
Mind-numbing and worse crimes I say than Americans will ever know. Democrats need to quit sparring with each other and go on the attack. More Jack Smiths, please!
I wish we could clone him.
Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the money, the sine qua non of this whole spitwad of repulsivity.
We'd like to turn Ginni's smug leer upside down.
Thanks for the reminder how insane this faction of the GOP is, was and will be. Ginny is an absolute danger to our democracy.
As most will find corruption on this level by these actors no doubt disturbing, none of it is remotely surprising.
Citzens United, a crime wave embraced by both Republicans AND Democrats will take statesmen and women of infallible moral character to rescind.
Look at what it’s lead to, 3 years later in 2013 federal voting requirements are rescinded by the Roberts court, a complete disgrace, Democrats took the high road and let it slide. Should have been on the campaign trail, “Your rights have been trampled!!” But no, they thought they’d have the votes to overcome the gerrymandering.
Ginni and Clarence are instrumental in maintaining this deadlock hold on the electorate the goal of turning our democracy into a full blown fascist state will remain legal as long as republicans hold any meaningful office anywhere in this country.
Elect men and women who will demand investigations of actions by SCOTUS are legal and then investigate the shit out of all Republicans appointees.
“ evidence that Ginni Thomas may have committed financial fraud as part of a larger network of illegal money flows unleashed after Citizens United.”
Please please please, may evidence be found and may the Thomases face legal consequences.
Jack Smith rocks!
Even so, what can’t be undone are all the votes that slimy Clarence took as a sitting Justice. Citizen’s United springs to mind.
Mind numbing. All these back door goings on have shaken me. What a tangled gnarly web of deceit we’re seeing. Thank you for such detailed writings, Jay.
Harlan and the Thomases are shady AF. That’s all I have to say.
Thank you Jay for this piece. I knew it was bad but this is much worse than I imagined.
And that Ginni is drawn to QAnon conspiracies is no surprise to me. She has a history in cults. I recall reading how in the 80s she spoke out on them after having “escaped”. But it seems her mind is prone to being susceptible to manipulation and lies. She seems drawn to the absurd and never learned to question her sources.
This hurts my head, my heart, my pride, my hope. Will $$ always choose everything?
We need to get the money out of our system. We need to overturn Citizens United.
If the Republicans were at all serious about 'draining the swamp,' they would support overturning Citizens United. Until that happens, 'draining the swamp' is nothing but hyperbole and about as disingenuous as it gets and that should be pointed out LOUDLY anytime 'draining the swamp' is mentioned.
Instead of draining the swamp, they are filling it to overflowing.
"If it was illegal to be certifiably nuts, half of the GOP would be behind bars."
That is exactly right Jay!
Another eloquent, factual piece, Jay.
Thank you -- although I feel sick reading about all this. The damage a few can do to the many.
We need to change our future. We need to overturn the terrible Citizens United decision.
We must return accountability back to fundraising and demand full and complete reporting.
You give me hope!
Yes, what about Ginni, but also what about Citizens United ruling and all the dark money that funds this wickedness? Taking down Ginni, Clarence, and all their right wing nut buddies might be a good first step in reclaiming the country for citizens rather than billionaires and corporations.