The legal system has to be slow to insure protection of the innocent - though that can be infuriating - it is the price of "due process." But, do not ever counte Merrick Garland out - he is a brilliant prosecutor and wont press charges he cant win.

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Excellent article - on numerous levels. A lot of folks are yet to realize that Bannon is a determined Anarchist. Trump happily fed him, because his goal is to disrupt and dismantle the American system of government. To Trump, Bannon was merely a useful pawn in Trump's quest. Like many others, Bannon will pay a price (as he should) - without even realizing he was being used.

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I lose my patience with people criticizing the DOJ, and Garland, specifically, for not moving "fast enough." They aren't investigating drug deals, or "smash and grabs" here. If every 'i' isn't dotted and 't' crossed, they'll blow it. Garland has long had a reputation for keeping his cards to his vest, and no leaks of information. Any information he puts out is carefully calculated for it's impact. Let him do his job, and he will.

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One again, THANK YOU! This is a call to reason, to solidarity, to truth, and to perseverance. We need to trust that people of good intent will rise up to hold those of evil intent accountable. Constancy, compassion, integrity, decency-Mr Garland exhibits all those and more. Thank you for reminding us to remain fast in our resolve-together-and not drown in the shit they throw at us.

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To summarize Ecclesiastes 9:11- 17, the race is not to the swift, the battle is not to the strong......the words of wise men are heard in quiet more than the cry of him that rule fools.

My favorite quote provided by my grandfather, "Patience. Desired by many, mastered by few."

Garland has the patience of Job and the wisdom of Solomon. I like to think the reason he wears glasses is not just to see, but to keep shit from flying into his eyes.

The orange septic tank along with his minions and poor copies will have their day in court, be it on earth or someplace else. Regardless of the location, the outcome will not be pleasing to any of them.

We need to keep voting for what is right and not to cause harm to others. And of course, have patience for good things do come to those that wait and do the hard work.

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I wish. But with tons of trump judges sitting on the bench, it's not going to be easy.

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True, but even many of them do not like the orange spotlight. They do not like to be called out when the decisions rendered are based on what they think they owe instead of the law. We can wish, but we also need to do our part and encourage others to do theirs. It will take many to help push that "boulder" down that hill.

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i so so much appreciate reminders like these - thank you!! keeping you and your family in peace vibes and ease

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The two GQP front runners for 2024 are under criminal investigation.

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Thank you for the excellent reality check, and I agree completely. Unfortunately, there is yet another and seemingly endless pile of diarrhea that the MAGA crowd are now spewing designed specifically to impede the electoral process, and that is flooding local election authorities with FOIA requests for election information that the officials are required by law to respond to. This amounts to such an immense clerical burden on already understaffed offices that they are often unable to do their regular jobs of preparing for (and later, processing) the upcoming elections - which is precisely the intention of the MAGA maggots. There needs to be some sort of restriction placed on unwarranted and superfluous election data requests. One partial solution might be to create more transparent and accessible election data portals that would qualify as FOIA conduits so that election offices could simply respond to such requests by directing inquiries to their information website. But this would probably require some legislation as well as re-vamping of antiquated systems, which would be a long way off - probably at least one or two more election cycles away.

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And just a year ago we all thought NOTHING was going to happen with DOJ...see what is happening now!

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The "flood the zone" tactic is something the evangelicals began doing in the 1950's in response to the scientific theory of evolution. The evangelical Christians flooded the zone with chaos etc to at the very least to cast doubt about the scientific community in general and the theory of evolution in specific. The evangelicals also proceeded to cause chaos and crisis in public education and then privatization of education over the next decades. Now, these decades later, the numbers of people claiming to be evangelical or even Christian has been substantially reduced because steadfastly continuing on with a proven truth, calling out the zone-flooders and replying with facts works over time. My point here is that the "flood the zone" is a tactic and the response suggested in this article - keep calm, let the system work, keep pointing to proven facts - has worked in other similar situations.

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Thank you Jay for breaking it down for us!

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Extremely well said. I shared to many.

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Is there legal jeopardy for those who did the Venezuela air plane trip? Does San Antonio sheriff have grounds to investigate?

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The mills of the gods. . .

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Welcome back, Jay! What's the best way to shovel it back on them? I'm thinking you cut the head off of the snake.

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That’s one way…

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Typo: “So while it might feel cathartic to decry—incorrectly by the way—that there have (been) no legal consequences…”

Typo: “The authorities, who are among the best we’ve eve(r) had in charge…”

Love you, Jay. Keep it up.

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