Aug 19Liked by Jay Kuo

Walz may not be a native son, but he has lived in Minnesota long enough to personify "Minnesota Nice". He's a breath of fresh air in an ugly political climate.

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I call him "Minnesota Good."

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He's Midwestern good, too. He is reminding those states in the Midwest that are on the fence, like Ohio, what it once meant to be Midwestern good. Nebraska, too. Indiana seems lost, but I wouldn't be shocked if he pulled in Kansas.

Normally, vice presidential candidates don't have any impact on the race. I guess Palin did a little.

In this race, we have two of them who will. Vance, who is a laughing stock, and Coach Walz, who may finally help Dems remind flyover country that flyover country loves progressive answers to issues (according to itemized polls).

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As a native Midwesterner myself, whose home town is hosting the DNC, I can appreciate Walz and what he represents. I appreciate his coach wisdom in this campaign. https://officialharrispresident.com/products/george-karl-kamala-and-the-coach-shirt

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this isn't her website. please be clear about that.

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Whose is it?

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it belongs to ShirtGoat, who are not being honest when they use the word “official”

you can reach her shop via her website:


I got to that via her instagram.

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Palin and Ryan had major impacts. While Palin was good at talking her views were so extreme that they sank McCain's chances because there were even Republicans who feared her being that close to the White House. Ryan was another pair cement shoes who didn't have much appeal and when things like his hypocrisy about wanting benefits to others that he got among other things he sank that ticket.

Walz on the other hand is quite inspiring because he's all the good guy feels without all of the bad guy baggage which makes him such a great fit because he knows how to draw fire and protect his team.

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I call him a mensch who believes in helping others as do his family members.

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Aug 19Liked by Jay Kuo

As always you nailed it! As a Minnesota resident it is gratifying to see Gov Waltz marks a new standard for masculine behavior and thinking. If only ALL citizens saw him as we do!

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Walz is everything Trump and Vance claim to be but aren’t. He’s a down-to-earth, real, honest, strong, patriotic man who truly embodies the American Dream: grew up humbly, served his country, went to school on GI Bill, became a teacher, coach and community leader.

I can’t remember Trump EVER going into some small restaurant or truck stop to glad hand or pick up a snack. Does he ever even work the rope line at these tarmac events?

Walz has charisma and he gets what people feel. We're not going back!

I've gotten so many high-fives wearing this "Kamala removes stubborn orange stains" shirt and people asking where to get it 🤣

I got it from here 👇


Vote blue up and down the ticket.

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Trump goes into a restaurant and loudly announces he's paying for everyone's lunch. Then he ducks out without paying anything.

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Trump has stiffed restaurants in that manner many times! Furthermore, he STILL owes many cities and counties all over the country FROM HIS 2016 CAMPAIGN hundreds of thousands of $$ for security their law enforcement provided! The outlaw Orange Menace!!!

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Said no one ever 🤣🤣.

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In a small restaurant that already has trouble with bills because of a landlord who has a sleazy lawyer writing sleazy leases, tons of insurance from insurance companies that create contracts that even some lawyers have trouble deciphering, and harassment from the mob. Trump's team researched the place so they know all of this. When Trump ducks out he gets into his limo and laughs his ass off.

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Today, on the way home in DC from an appointment, my spouse and I talked about how Kamala and Doug have, like the Obamas and Bidens been PART of DC - they shop, eat and play here. Tim and Gwen will too, finding their favorite non-spicy restaurant food and bookstores and other places like where to fish along the Potomac. THAT feels mighty good. We've suffered like other cities with huge numbers of vacant storefronts and restaurants. They will make it fun to look for 'sightings' which we in DC, w/o our own Fed representation, always long for. Just good people. (The last OOO - oval office occupant - before Biden ONLY went to his hotel which is now a) not his and b) in receivership and for auction.)

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That's a lovely thing to envision!

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Also don't forget that Walz taught English in China in 1989. AFAIK he never interacted with the CCP when he was 25. But GHW Bush had a special relationship with the Chinese government at that time.

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Unfortunately, they are now going after him for his repeated trips to China when he was teaching. My hubs is a news junkie and was watching Faux news last night and Watters was going on and on about this and suggesting that he was an agent of the CCP. Guess we'll see where they go with that.

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Yeah Gomer Comer and Gym Jordan are exercising their customary performative outrage. That's why I brought up GHWB's involvement with the Chinese Communist Party - he actually was involved with them, but that doesn't matter to these clowns.

The House GOP is going to have even less success smearing Walz than they had smearing the Bidens, i.e. "he committed impeachable offenses but we couldn't find any evidence but he still committed impeachable offenses and we have to go with that because we have no interest in actually governing or helping the American people - Hunter Biden's Laptop!!!."

(great band name, BTW)

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Another thing they're going to try to attack him on and it's going to be like dust hitting an industrial fan at full power.

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That's a great shirt.

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Robin, I think it is an old and a new. Good manners and civility have been a hallmark of a gentleman. Trump and his ilk just have never been gentlemen. We need models like Walz for our young men more than ever as he beats off the sickening behavior of the MAGAs as they took over the former Republican party.

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Trump believes manners, ethics/morals, and service are for suckers and losers.

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That is because Trump fits his beliefs to his behavior. It is easier that way. Well, he has already lost an election to Kamala and Joe and he is losing the campaign to Kamala and Tim, so we shall see if he really can show contrition as a loser. I doubt he can ever admit that to himself. We are looking at a White Supremacist violent revolution if he is not declared the winner and I hope that the military is prepared for them, including managing their own White supremacists within.

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Considering what a narcissistic psychopath he is I doubt he could ever admit or want to admit defeat.

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Aug 19Liked by Jay Kuo

They don't know what to do with him because he is something seldom seen in politics. Tim Walz is the epitome of honesty, decency, kindness, inclusion, and bravery. He is also an incredibly effective and successful governor with an unrivaled record of passing laws that benefit and protect working class folks of every ethnicity and every gender. He's done this without ever using his office to enrich himself. If he can make it to the top in politics, there is real hope. Kamala chose wisely.

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They don't know how to handle Me. Smith Goes to Washington and thrived. He thrived because of his genuineness. That genuineness is kevlar and their kryptonite.

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Aug 19Liked by Jay Kuo

Well Comer and his oversight committee - OOPS - I meant propaganda committee, is now investigating Gov. Walz's "engagement" with China. You know, when Walz's went there to teach?


Yeah, they have nothing...

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Does Comer do anything other than investigate democrats?

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Hardly the first. Remember Trey "Draco Malfoy" Gowdy? Not to mention that jock itch from Ohio.

Whenever the GOP has the House of Rep and the Dems have the White House, the House goes bonkers on investigations. The only Republicans that seem to be on committees that come up with actual stuff seems to be Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger.

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Wait Comer is alive and still has a job?? I thought he packed it in.. he’s still knee deep in Repuklicants shit 💩

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Thank you Nina I had the guys face in my head but it’s the wrong face lol

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And the Kentucky dude is an asshat

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Not the former FBI director James COMEY but the Kentucky Congressman James COMER.

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Afraid he’s still there…..

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That's because he is Repuklicant 💩.

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Not that I know of.

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No, if you have one card you will play it. It doesn't matter who or what it is about. One trick pony bores the audience quickly.

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He's gone through multiple ponies that so the same trick because they either escape or die.

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It's his #1 hobby other than sucking his thumb.

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Hoping the trademarks issued to Ivanka by China in "17, for voting machines, body bags and coffins, enter the chat again. Someone is watching to make sure those voting machines didn't get made, right?!

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There was a lot more going on with Ivanka that I would like knowing about. She went to Argentina for more trademark voting machines and Trump ordered a financial embargo. He ended it the day the Argentinians gave her the trademark. And now they have a Right Wing President. Is there a connection? Seeing as Trump projects his actions, are there corrupt voting machines (not Dominion or Smartmatic) floating around especially in a few Red States which showed their Senators as less than 20% approval but they won big anyway?

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Precisely, wondering if Venezuela may have contributed something for his consideration as well, after hearing that is his “exit plan”.

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I hope he stays there permanently.

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Wouldn't it be epic if some Red states have machines that only have election material in Spanish?

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They're probably in storage waiting to be used. I think it be funny if whenever someone uses everything is in Chinese and they have to back to the other machines. That would make for some epic headlines.

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Gollee, where do Dumb and Dumber find the time; they’re already investigating Kamala!

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Tweedledum and Tweedledumber 😛

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Spot on! 🤣🤣

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Instead of passing ANY legislation this session—useless as teats on a bull!!!

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Comer still has a job?

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19

His district is safely bright red, but hopefully soon will lose his title as Chairman.

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His district is gerrymandered all to heck - look up the Comer hook.

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Combover is so dumb he hasn’t a clue just how dumb he really is. Democrats on his committee play soccer with his head.

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The Dems on that committee are going to have a lot of fun with this. And you know they'll ask about Ivanka's deals and Trump's $17m deposit in a Chinese bank account after shuttling TPP and more...

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Also—Jared’s $2B BRIBE arranged during an official state visit with Saudis, and WHAT state secrets did he trade for that highly illegal side deal???

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Thank you, Janis!! I notice the MAGA mainstream media (NYT, WaPo, Fox, CNN, even NPR) is not talking about this. Although today the Republicans introduced a bill to impeach Pres. Biden because he "monetize(d) his office of public trust to enrich his family,” amounting to abuse of power." That is not a description of Pres. Biden. (The Republicans themselves admit they have no evidence, they just want to impeach him for it.) It IS a description of Donald Trump and Jared Kushner. The only recourse we have, I guess, is to talk it up on substack blogs. The MAGA media will probably take active steps to suppress that.

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I'm hoping that Jared Moskowitz, Jamie Raskin, and Lev Parnas have a field day with this.

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Did you ever notice how OOPS and GOPS are so similar?

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That slime Comer is a disgrace to his constituents whose he is SUPPOSED to be representing!!!

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Oh, but he is representin' the HELL outta his constituents. He's from one of those districts where every third house is dripping with the name and image of The Convict, where Margie Three-names is a saint, where libs are owned and voters are de-registered. Gerrymandering is a terrible thing...

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Biden is no longer a target. That landed with a thud, so Comer's moving on. Does anyone even pay attention to him?

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Yes, I do. I want to know what these fascists are doing.

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Just like the impeachment inquiry on Biden.

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Tim Walz has driven the MAGA set so barking mad that at Hillbilly rallies, his supporters are passing out "cum cups"...yes, medical-grade sample cups containing some milky, viscous substance resembling semen billed as "JD Vance Full Family Kits". Now, at this point The Onion has thrown in the towel, as NOTHING in the make-believe MAGA world could possibly top this stunt. In whose shattered mind can this possibly be thought of as a "winner"? Mocking the Walz family's IVF route to having children? Or, "fight white-people 'displacement' by mass impregnation of white women?With Hillbilly's sperm? Eeewwwwww!

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I think I’m gonna hurl.. JFC the MAGAt brigade are fucking weird MFKRS..

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These are same geniuses that believed in drinking bleach.

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That is so incredibly icky!! & While wearing depends & Kotex on their ears? These MAGATS are vulgar grotesques

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OK, Ick factor aside, there is a huge lack of credible journalism out there. Maybe The Onion should lean into the whole "onions have layers" concept and try doing aggressive investigative journalism with snark. Maybe work in partnership with John Oliver or Jon Stewart.

They can still print the weirdo news just by reporting accurately on MAGAs.

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There are actual pics that these Einsteins have posted on social media to “own the libs” when they keep proving that any rock has a higher IQ.

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They are sick people and need mass psychiatric help.

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They needed serious deprogramming out of the cult.

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Weird indeed.

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Those jizz cups are full of unborn babies. Those people should be arrested.

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After a few minutes to a few hours (how long sperm can live outside the body), they are "baby killers." Pro-life, my ass!

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Every sperm is sacred.

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Robin, so right. For these MAGA weirdos, it's not pregnant women wanting abortions that should be their punitive focus. It's men's billions of unused sperm, probably wasted in "unholy daily activities" that I'm sure are prohibited by the Old Testament (the sin of Onan??). These men are the ones that ought to be imprisoned--25 years to life each?--for killing unborn babies. Are we going to be logical or not?

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They are weird

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It's one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. Just when you thought they could't get any dumber or weirder.

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Vance really is weird. There's just no getting around that. Maybe the GOP could also pass around little miniature sofas? On keyrings, maybe. Souvenirs for their true believers. The AP interviewed a true believer, a 64-year-old Trump supporter who votes for Trump every election from 2016 on because the man, Robert Bridy, says Trump is a “working class guy like us.” Weird! Bridy would probably treasure a sofa key chain with Vance's face on it.

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I've heard about that sick joke. It's the latest swindle in a long line.

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Aug 19Liked by Jay Kuo

In addition to those reasons, I also think the MAGA netizens are attacking Walz because the Democrats have done such an effective job defining and destroying Vance. Moreover, Dems attacks against Vance (not that they needed much help) have been very effective in discrediting the entire GOP ticket, and Walz personally invented that effort by popularizing "weird". If it can be done to them, they figure they can do it to the Democrats.

The problem for them is that Vance and Trump are so similar that Vance has actually undermined one of Trump's biggest strengths: the way the media and the public have normalized his creepy and insane behavior. Vance is a proxy for Trump who hasn't been normalized, and Dems have played that brilliantly. Walz and Harris are complementary but completely different in terms of background and experience, so attacks on Walz couldn't effectively discredit Harris even if they were landing.

Also, the MAGA rank-and-file focus on Walz has decoupled them from Trump. They may be triggered by Walz, but Trump is triggered by Harris (and her crowd size, and her magazine covers...) - I don't know that Trump even remembers Tim Walz exists most of the time. It prevents them from presenting a united front or a coherent message.

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Finallly, finally, finally the Dems are bring knives--not spoons--to magats' knife fights.

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They're bringing swords.

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Great point about how Trump’s awful behavior is normalized but Vance’s isn’t and how that comes back to undermine the whole ticket.

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Good!! Keep those MAGAt fucktards guessing and that means they’re behind the 8 ball.. trying to play catch up..

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May they never catch up.

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Amen Bill!!🙌🏽

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But how do you even hope to present a coherent message when your message is the last thing from coherent?

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Their message is whatever is the last thing that comes out of tRump's mouth. That changes from minute to minute.

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They're still working on getting their fingers free from that one puzzle.

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Well, gee, it's obvious, SPW. Their message is coherent because the MAGA mainstream media (NYT, WaPo, Fox, CNN, NPR) says it is! If the media says it, it must be true.

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Walz has proven to be a great shield and his genuineness has proven to be the perfect counter to their attacks. His calling them weird worked out so well that they have nothing to deflect it with. A great defense can be an even better offense.

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Hillbilly is doing a stellar, world-class job in sinking his own favorables...I mean, the Dems just stand back and watch Hillbilly spontaneously combust, doing all their work for them, and he just keeps spouting idiocies upon idiocies, well in tune with the head of the ticket. Slo-mo train wreck, lovely to watch...the "cum cups" are MAGA icing on the cake - so to speak.

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There are a LOT of older white males in this country with pedigrees similar to Walz's who are progressives. Count me as one of them.

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My husband too which is surprising! Small town factory worker. He also only eats white guy burritos, meat, cheese, no onion!😅

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I differ from your husband and Tim Walz in that I like food that is pretty spicy. Occasionally someone will want a taste of what I'm eating and say "Whoa!"

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“And really, don’t they have anything better to do than whine about one of their own making a joke about spice tolerance levels?”

They don’t. They really don’t. Their Sun God is a bad insult comic who moans and wails operatically all day long. It’s all they know how to do. It’s all they want to do. The alternative is working, and we know conservatives aren’t big on that.

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Aug 19Liked by Jay Kuo

I like it that they both have that effortless ability to let crude insults just slip behind them. And yet, they both have an acute sense of what Dante called ‘giusto sdegno’ -righteous indignation where it comes to the casual cruelty of the MAGAts.

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Aug 19Liked by Jay Kuo

Love the analogy of a defense coach. What a guy this Tim is and how sad that the right is having to use silly things that they think we care about.

And all the while DT has such GLARING horrible things he says about others.

Go Kamala! I’m so impressed each time I hear her speak for us.

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Aug 19Liked by Jay Kuo

Absolutely. It doesn’t bother him in the least. He usually turns it right back on them with some sort of joke.

In the VP race, I was beyond thrilled that she picked Gov. Walz as her running mate.

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Great write on our hopeful Candidate!

What’s so refreshing about Walz is his attitude towards moving our country forward again; let’s not make a big issue of the weird “other side” and move on folks!

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Right! We can sleep after we get Vice President Harris elected as President

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Aug 19Liked by Jay Kuo

Like Walz, there are many FINE men who would seemingly go for the MAGA group but DON'T. My husband is one - hunter, construction worker, self made man but one who ARDENTLY supports everyone's right to be themselves! Walz has given others like him a role model for NOT being MAGA!!! But please don't be complacent about our chances this election - VOTE BLUE!

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His cry of “None of your damn business” resonates so well with voters.

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It just goes to show you how you cannot define a person's political views by basicially "looking" at them.

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Thats the same thing that drove them crazy about Bill Clinton, being a Bubba liberal.

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Bubba boys😂

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😂Love and SO understand where you’re coming from🤦‍♀️🥳

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Tim Walz is *everything they are not!* And their jealousy is going to be their undoing.

Teflon Tim is a man’s man willing to take the bullet for Kamala so she can stay the course - that’s what a good backup person does, and because he’s having FUN 🤩 doing it! He’s so much smarter than they are.

Let MAGA eat themselves alive over this. May they crawl back underground and STFU 🤬

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Aug 19Liked by Jay Kuo

Thank you this post. I needed some positives in my life and this has helped. Well written and lots of fact checks.

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