100% with you on that! I have a 2nd home in Fl and primarily live in the Hudson Valley. Every GOP or Independent voter I know loves DeSantis. I’d be surprised if Trump wins the primary so let’s hope he runs as an independent.
I don't even understand HOW they love him. Every non Republican voter I know in Florida hates him. But I do have 2 friends there that praise his every move, of course they are "never Dems" so I don't look to them for being of sound mind in such matters
The gop created the monster it is today and trump is a symptom and result of the monster they can no longer control.
Here is hoping we can hold strong across the board come 2024 and beyond. And here is hoping indictments turn into convictions and if those convictions aren't exclusionary from federal office by nature, someone in Congress has the cajones to invoke the 14th.
I have been supporting various center-slightly right candidates for 60 years. However, I told one Republican activist that I would not blindly sign off to support the party platform because there were certain requirements that were short-sighted, even downright ridiculous. Still center-slightly right, but add "former' to the label Republican. I sincerely regret that this once great party has become no more than a fascist cult.
"This is the same guy who said, over and over, that he would release his taxes, that he would build the wall and get Mexico to pay for it, and that it was going to be infrastructure week any time now."
Don't forget his health care plan is coming out in two weeks! Always two weeks away!😂🤣 It's wild to expect honesty from the guy who lied 60K times while in office lol.
"Ron DeSantis (the GOP’s latest crush and Florida’s least charming Tin Man) is skipping CPAC 2023.
That means there are two civil wars being waged in the GOP right now. One? You know, the “divorce” being proposed by MTG (apparently one isn’t enough for her)...
If you need any more motivation to help crush MAGA in 2024, turn on Fox News right now. In between pro-Putin talking points, MTG’s being parroted with scary frequency.
(One interesting aside I’m going to have my eye on – MTG seems to have reignited the war within Fox, too. Hannity’s all in. But the rest of them can’t seem to make up their minds.)
And I haven’t even gotten to that other “civil war” I mentioned! (We need a new name - it’s anything BUT civil). It’s happening within the GOP itself! DeSantis is stiffing CPAC because he knows Trump owns the space. The rabid MAGA base that floods these grievance galas are Trump diehards to a tee. Just look at the straw polls that are coming out of these events. Trump couldn’t get stronger support if he polled his own family. (We all know how Ivanka and Melania vote when the curtains are drawn).
Need any more proof that the DeSantis hype is just hype? He isn’t even showing up to CPAC. He knows the MAGA faithful aren’t for him. So he’s skipping the entire event.
As for us? We’ll let them fight. While they duke it out, we keep getting stronger.
Am I throwing gas on that fire? OK…you caught me. The more they fight now, the weaker they are in 2024. "
"The only possible reason I’ve seen anyone propose for why Trump might ultimately support the GOP candidate other than himself is if Trump were facing federal criminal charges or has been convicted of them and would like to angle for a presidential pardon."
I have been maintaining this for nearly a year now. I think that Trump's niece, Mary, knows him well enough to be correct when she says that he does not want to risk losing again. Getting the guarantee of a presidential pardon in exchange for throwing his base behind a particular candidate is the currency that he has left to spend.
The GOP is all about power, money, obedience, hypocrisy, power, money, obedience, hypocrisy - and they'll do whatever it takes to keep this going, especially to keep their mega-donors happy and to get good-paying gigs whenever they can. Including in Congress and on Fox and other propaganda media. Disregard any evidence of ethics or spine.
The only possible way that Trump would sign a pledge to support the GOP nominee, if it isn't him, would be if that nominee promised to give him a pardon!
"In other words, the GOP will most likely nominate a criminal rather than risk him taking his voter base for himself. "
As much as I hate to even think about this, I feel it is a highly likely scenario. Especially after I've watched people Like MTG and these other GOP's gain so much power, when they are obviously so crooked, and so crazy.
Jay, I think you are correct on all your salty assessments. Hence, the need for a Georgia state criminal prosecution & conviction. After the GA "Special" Grand Jury recommendations, I understand our diligent GA Prosecutor cannot sit her Grand Jury until March 1.
I would like to see an indictment on March 21. Spring is in the air in GA.
Trump sets off my radar with top-priority buzzers and flashing red lights. I will never understand why any decent human being can think he's anything but a sleazy crook. But then, maybe the term "decent human being" is an oxymoron when applied to his fans.
Hoping when isn’t the party candidate that he takes his base and finally puts an end to this ridiculous party! Boone wants DeSantis either they can both go down in flames with the party they represent!
I just don’t want Desantis to be the GOP candidate so am gleefully watching this hoping that Trump will finally burn the party to ashes.
It could be their fate, and they would deserve it, per Sen. Lindsey Graham himself, before he bent the knee.
I completely agree with you. I would love to see Trumpy dilute the GOP vote by breaking from them.
100% with you on that! I have a 2nd home in Fl and primarily live in the Hudson Valley. Every GOP or Independent voter I know loves DeSantis. I’d be surprised if Trump wins the primary so let’s hope he runs as an independent.
I don't even understand HOW they love him. Every non Republican voter I know in Florida hates him. But I do have 2 friends there that praise his every move, of course they are "never Dems" so I don't look to them for being of sound mind in such matters
Jen or Jeb?! 🤪
Jen sounds right HAHAHAHA
The gop created the monster it is today and trump is a symptom and result of the monster they can no longer control.
Here is hoping we can hold strong across the board come 2024 and beyond. And here is hoping indictments turn into convictions and if those convictions aren't exclusionary from federal office by nature, someone in Congress has the cajones to invoke the 14th.
I have been supporting various center-slightly right candidates for 60 years. However, I told one Republican activist that I would not blindly sign off to support the party platform because there were certain requirements that were short-sighted, even downright ridiculous. Still center-slightly right, but add "former' to the label Republican. I sincerely regret that this once great party has become no more than a fascist cult.
We welcome all reasonable people to the fight to save American democracy from extremism!
The more that "reasonable" Republicans leave the party, the more that the "unreasonable" Republicans control their party.
And then there are less people left to vote for the unreasonable.
"This is the same guy who said, over and over, that he would release his taxes, that he would build the wall and get Mexico to pay for it, and that it was going to be infrastructure week any time now."
Don't forget his health care plan is coming out in two weeks! Always two weeks away!😂🤣 It's wild to expect honesty from the guy who lied 60K times while in office lol.
And lied & cheated for YEARS in NYC. TFG has shown who he really is for many many years 🤬
Not too salty at all. Just right.
Thanks. It felt a bit strong for a Monday, but perhaps it was *because* it was Monday morning!
From the folks at The Lincoln Project
"Ron DeSantis (the GOP’s latest crush and Florida’s least charming Tin Man) is skipping CPAC 2023.
That means there are two civil wars being waged in the GOP right now. One? You know, the “divorce” being proposed by MTG (apparently one isn’t enough for her)...
If you need any more motivation to help crush MAGA in 2024, turn on Fox News right now. In between pro-Putin talking points, MTG’s being parroted with scary frequency.
(One interesting aside I’m going to have my eye on – MTG seems to have reignited the war within Fox, too. Hannity’s all in. But the rest of them can’t seem to make up their minds.)
And I haven’t even gotten to that other “civil war” I mentioned! (We need a new name - it’s anything BUT civil). It’s happening within the GOP itself! DeSantis is stiffing CPAC because he knows Trump owns the space. The rabid MAGA base that floods these grievance galas are Trump diehards to a tee. Just look at the straw polls that are coming out of these events. Trump couldn’t get stronger support if he polled his own family. (We all know how Ivanka and Melania vote when the curtains are drawn).
Need any more proof that the DeSantis hype is just hype? He isn’t even showing up to CPAC. He knows the MAGA faithful aren’t for him. So he’s skipping the entire event.
As for us? We’ll let them fight. While they duke it out, we keep getting stronger.
Am I throwing gas on that fire? OK…you caught me. The more they fight now, the weaker they are in 2024. "
"The only possible reason I’ve seen anyone propose for why Trump might ultimately support the GOP candidate other than himself is if Trump were facing federal criminal charges or has been convicted of them and would like to angle for a presidential pardon."
I have been maintaining this for nearly a year now. I think that Trump's niece, Mary, knows him well enough to be correct when she says that he does not want to risk losing again. Getting the guarantee of a presidential pardon in exchange for throwing his base behind a particular candidate is the currency that he has left to spend.
Thank you Mary; thank you Douglas.
The GOP is all about power, money, obedience, hypocrisy, power, money, obedience, hypocrisy - and they'll do whatever it takes to keep this going, especially to keep their mega-donors happy and to get good-paying gigs whenever they can. Including in Congress and on Fox and other propaganda media. Disregard any evidence of ethics or spine.
The only possible way that Trump would sign a pledge to support the GOP nominee, if it isn't him, would be if that nominee promised to give him a pardon!
"In other words, the GOP will most likely nominate a criminal rather than risk him taking his voter base for himself. "
As much as I hate to even think about this, I feel it is a highly likely scenario. Especially after I've watched people Like MTG and these other GOP's gain so much power, when they are obviously so crooked, and so crazy.
Jay, I think you are correct on all your salty assessments. Hence, the need for a Georgia state criminal prosecution & conviction. After the GA "Special" Grand Jury recommendations, I understand our diligent GA Prosecutor cannot sit her Grand Jury until March 1.
I would like to see an indictment on March 21. Spring is in the air in GA.
Trump sets off my radar with top-priority buzzers and flashing red lights. I will never understand why any decent human being can think he's anything but a sleazy crook. But then, maybe the term "decent human being" is an oxymoron when applied to his fans.
Jay, you forgot my favorite Trump pledge: “better, cheaper healthcare” 🤣🤣
Could not agree more! Saltiness is justified
Hoping when isn’t the party candidate that he takes his base and finally puts an end to this ridiculous party! Boone wants DeSantis either they can both go down in flames with the party they represent!
This wouldn’t be worth the paper it’s written on.