Jay thank you for all you do to keep us informed. No criticism here on how you do your research...very grateful that you are!

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"No criticism here on how you do your research..."

Exactly the point. There are "content creators" - e.g., Jay - and there are "content consumers" - e.g., most of us. I never signed up or used Twitter, nor any other SM site - FB and the like - but also read many newsletters and publications, whose authors depend upon these platforms for significant insights into their own writings and opinions.

Sure, Musk, the Zuck, the Google crowd - the lot of them, are greedy, cowardly, manipulative sociopaths, BUT, they provide an invaluable service to those who absolutely need access for their own work, and good luck to them in negotiating these noxious minefields in pursuit of decent and credible reporting, full stop.

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Jay, I appreciate all of your work. I don’t care where you get your stuff/links. (Although I agree Musk is horrible.) I’m happy that you are here and keeping me sane. Have a great week.

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I’m not an academic nor even an educated numbers person but I signed on w you months into the campaign last summer and like the feeling of becoming ‘literate’ w YOUR clarity and humanity AND you baby is a wonderful uplift to all of this Era of Insanity/Inhumanity.

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Thank you. It’s often the negative comments that I remember, so it’s nice to hear that others are getting something out of my writings!

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You’ve helped me let go of distress in the early days of this off-the-wall election era. And I stuck w you for hope, and human connection!

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I've become a Substack evangelist, and yours is always the first stack I recommend.

I'm sorry you get trolled so much. Maybe George can get you an old Star Trek shield that refects all that garbage back on the troll. Or Scotty can invent one.

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Jay, I look forward to every one of your posts. You're a voice of sanity and (so important right now) compassion. Keep it up! We love you!

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It's your survival instinct, not something personal to you or your personality. Although it's okay to ignore the two hundred innocuous bugs (or plants or animals etc) you encounter in your daily jaunt around the (urban) jungle, you absolutely need to notice and remember the one that stings (or itches or makes you sick or is aggressive). It takes real work to pay conscious attention to the butterflies and the lilies or grape vines or robins and skinks.

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Jay, I consider your writing essential reading and look for it daily. And I totally get it about twitter - glad for the detailed explanation. Just for xeets and giggles is a great weekly break!!

Besides following some of the same people you do on X/twitter, my main use of it is dog and cat rescue folks I follow there. I make pledges to help dogs and cats get saved from euthanasia, and get notifications when a rescue has stepped up.

Bluesky needs bookmarks or some way to save posts, and that’s a pain too. When more people migrate to Bluesky, I’ll spend less time on twitter.

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Riley is a beautiful ray of sunshine, and it makes my day when I see your love for her.

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Jay thank you for your tireless work to provide information and content on your newsletter and The Big Picture, while at the same time, parenting your beautiful daughter. You share so much with all of us and brighten our days with your joy as a new dad. There are so many more of us that support you. Trolls and bots are unfortunately part of the social media ecosystem. I have migrated to BlueSky also.

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Yes! The baby, and Joyce Vance’s chickens, and Robert Hubbell’s photography: they all help us stay grounded. Also Zeets and Giggles, of course!

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Add my thanks to Kristin’s please. She’s said what I wanted to say very well, no need for me to say it again. Read you every day and thanks for everything you do for George, my hero!

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ditto to you, Kristin

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Thanks for your honest write-up. Your situation is understandable. As a retiree, I have fewer attachments. Wishing you luck in your journey.

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Thanks, Jay. I appreciate and depend on your thoughtful reporting. To me, you’re doing as Sun Tzu said: “Know the enemy and know yourself in a hundred battles you will never be in peril. When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are certain in every battle to be in peril.” Thank you for sticking it out in enemy territory so I don’t have to.

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You said that better than I did! If I had read your note before I started typing, I probably wouldn't have said a thing.

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How kind, De. Thank you. I learned a few things from your post, so glad you did.

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JAY, I think of your situation as being a journalist in a war zone with the most unimaginably horrible conditions possible. It's what a war correspondent has to do to provide a reliable window into the situation on the ground. So yes, I agree you have a duty to investigate and report — stay safe and sane in there and we'll follow you wherever go go! ❤️💕

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It really does feel like a war zone every time I open the app!

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There is an intuitive reason that you're there. In order to actually be informed one must be aware of all sides of an issue. Without seeing dissenting opinions, or watching, as well as getting a feel for what the 'others' are thinking, and saying and the direction they are heading, how can one see the complete story that they need? If I see something you have shared from tweets and I want to share it as well, if it's possible I take a screenshot. I am not famous and I am not a creator so it's not likely to cause me problems. If it's a video I can usually find it on YouTube after I've seen it on the twisted twitshow. Thank you for always helping the rest of us see. Kiss that sweet baby, and keep making the world a better place for her to grow up. I will, as well.

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Are you crazy? As someone who has been in an actual war zone(s), I find this comment condescending and once again fucking privileged as all get out! Show me your next essay, where in your “war zone” you describe how a child’s face turns inside out from the concussion of an IED…

I despise false equivalence…it’s what will eventually destroy this country, and probably the world.

I find the oligarchs taking advantage of dumb ass MAGA folks the most despicable thing that can be done. But you, my friend, are fooling yourself if you are thinking your sterile virtual signaling bubbles and viewing flyover states from 30,000 feet actually addresses any issues to solve this country’s problems.

I will stop before I say something I am going to regret…

But if you wonder why we are 50 50 in this country, your framing Sir, certainly adds to the problem.

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Seems to me that ragging others about virtual signaling is the height of that art. If you are in a flyover state, why don't you start a Substack explaining how people there feel? If you do it in a non-confrontational style, I think you'd find many who understand and agree with those issues.

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Holy shit! Grow the fuck up!!

If “ragging” is the message you choose to take away from my comment, you’re missing the point. Especially since you conveniently read around false equivalence and gaslighting what a “war zone” is; which is certainly a small part of the framing problem DIMS contributed to during a losing election campaign. But as we have also seen, small parts are enough to loose an election - Gore style, if you will.

I have a Substack…for free, but I doubt you will have the intestinal fortitude to read it, as your sensibilities seem to be more important. And that’s fine, because some of us are looking for motherfuckers not just allies (I doubt you understand the connotation of motherfucker as a strength, so go ask someone outside white flight suburbia so you may better understand instead of pearl clutching for vulgarity or “ragging”). But thank you for letting me know which column you align yourself with so you don’t get in the way.

I have seen and have had unfortunate participation with what evil and fascism can do, both here and in foreign countries. And if “ragging” is your frustration point, the pain train is going to really enjoy rolling over you.

Happy pearl shopping…Zales is having a Black Friday sale.



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I understand your point about Twitter and war zones, but I still think it works as a description of the chaos, even if no one is physically injured. (But do we know that for sure?) By all means, pour out your outrage if it makes you feel like you are accomplishing something. I will be sure to order an extra set of pearls for you -- do you prefer strings or chokers?

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No…you actually don’t understand, otherwise it would have been your inclination to address that first instead of the comfortable familiarity of your feelings and ignoring the false equivalence of such a poppy cock statement. And yes, we do know…I told you so as someone who has had the unfortunate adult experience of being in actual war zones. And even within that realm there are absolute differences with distinction which I won’t bother to explain as your privilege wouldn’t allow you to understand.

I prefer anal beads to pearls as they actually have function and don’t just signal prettiness. Although beginners and virgins could benefit from using pearls…hope you own an Autoclave.

Outrage? Your comments tell me you know nothing of outrage…I am just demonstrating acerbic reality 101…so go home…you’re not ready for what is going to happen next in our country. I feel sorry for you.

And by the way, perhaps your sensibilities wouldn’t be so fragile if you had a larger and more eclectic Read(s) list, or like myself, wrote and posted something noteworthy on Substack. Or, is your comfort level just the status quo (pun intended), with ancestry directly from white people headquarters?



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If that’s not a false equivalent statement, I swear I don’t know what is…

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Thanks for the explanation, Jay, it makes a lot of sense. As the comms manager for my company, I've been trying to get the company to leave Twitter, too, but it's still (for now) our largest and most active platform. LeSigh. I feel your pain, personally, and thanks for all that you do.

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It’s hard to disengage. George is abandoning 3.3 million followers there to move to Bluesky once the switch is official.

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You do what you think is best for you. I look forward to your posts in whatever forum you are in.

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I tried to inactivate my Xitter account but was unable: I couldn't remember my password from 2012 so got them to send a temporary one. It didn't work, and instead I got sent in circles, after it asked 'why did you change your password?' I haven't been back yet, but still have access to Just For Xeets and Giggles, so I'm not complaining. But, I suspect Musk is trying to plug the drain of users.

I appreciate everything you write, Jay. I will see how my budget is in the new year and hope to subscribe to a couple of Substack writers, with you being first on the list.

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That’s what I call him too!

Melon Musk and the Orange Blob. An awful pair.

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I never did Xitter and don't want to give Melon Musk so much as a click, but I understand and will follow George Takei next time I go on Bluesky. I have been following him on Mastodon - where I discovered you and The Big Picture. But Mastodon seems clunky.

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It’s been quite frustrating to try this platform and that platform only to encounter real problems with usage. It’s a lot of time and effort wasted. Bluesky may or may not pan out. We’ll see!

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I follow him there already. Will look for you!

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I was surprised that you get angry emails and comments about X links. Comments about it, yes. But angry? You provide a weekly fun roundup of funnies, who could complain? If you don't want to open the X link, don't. But several comments you have received so far, make your point. I personally appreciate that you have made the effort to find non-X links.

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Yeah, Xeets and Giggles obviously takes a lot of work. I understand both sides of the argument but I don't get the rage when it is directed at someone on team sanity.

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I left twitter, I felt physically ill just reading the posts and comments. The memes were horrific! You as a creator and independent journalist I can understand the need. I can’t be in a toxic environment!!

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For goodness sake... I'm puzzled why anyone would be upset that you link to Twitter to see an item. It's not like we have to subscribe there. 🤦‍♀️ We can watch it, and jump out. I completely appreciate you having to wade through all that crap to consolidate news and info for your Saturday essay. THANK YOU for all your effort and certainly for your concise, clearly explained take on complicated matters.

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Thank you, Jay, for daily wading into the cesspool that is Twitter/X so we don't have to. Your courage and stamina is impressive! No complaints from here. You have to go where you find the information, even if it is really distasteful!

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Thanks for your good work and the cute baby pictures that brighten our day

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I'm glad you are there for the reasons you outline. I am extremely glad I don't have to be there.

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Thank you for your detailed explanation for not leaving…yet. It is understandable and glad it’s not me doing what you do.

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You’ll get no complaints from this woman who appreciates all that you do here on Substack. I’ll always be a subscriber because of the value I get from you on this platform. Many thanks.

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We need people like you to sift through the daily stream of maga crap, so that we can get reliable information. I'm surprised you don't have to wear hip boots to wade through it all. Thank you for all you do to keep us up to speed. Stay safe.

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I follow UK birders & artists on Twitter that feel no need to migrate. The arts content on Blue Sky just isn’t enough yet.

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It needs to reach a critical mass. I keep hoping.

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It’s closer to critical mass than threads

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Marion, I hope you will contribute to building it on bluesky.

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