Donald Trump, the biggest know-it-all, has gotten in this thick head that import tariffs are paid by exporting countries. He's convinced they're a source of free money. It doesn't matter how many economic experts have tried to set him straight, you can't tell a narcissist he's wrong about anything.
Jay, the tariffs are bad. A really truly been economic move. However deporting 244,000 Ukrainians back to a war zone is worse and I fear much more immediate. We have to stop this from happening or we have to hide these people but we have to do something. We also have to make, force our military to resume intelligence sharing with Ukrainians. They’re trying to fight a war blindfolded, and we’re the ones who blindfolded them.
If he deports one Ukrainian, he should be tried for war crimes, and we should be sure that those who participate in such actions are made aware that that will be their fate when we get this country back.
Why is he doing this? I have my own theory about it. I think he and his billionaire buddies are betting on stock market futures. Let me explain. Futures, simply put, are like placing a bet that you think the stock market, or whatever investment you are placing your money on, is going to go up or down. If you bet it is going to go down, and it does, you make money. If you bet it is going to go up, and it does, you make money. Bin Laden did this before 9/11. Not to venture into conspiracy theories, but he placed a lot of money into airline futures right before he caused 9/11. It is said he made a trillion dollars. He fixed the game. If you know how the outcome of the game is going to play out - you can make a ton of money on futures. So, we have Trump, who we know cares nothing for anyone but himself. He can act now with impunity and not be punished. He can intentionally crash the stock market. But he would not do that out of ignorance, or spite, or revenge (although those qualities are all regular emotions of his) - he would do it because it would benefit him - he could make money on it. A lot of money. And all his billionaire friends too. Look at it - the writing is on the wall. He is doing it on purpose and as quickly as he can. Then after he, his kids, and his friends collect - he can then remove the tariffs, eliminate the problems he created - and sit back and "come to the rescue" of the economy - the big hero. Fixing the game. A typical narcissist move. And actually he would bet on it going up when he removes the causes of a crash, and make more money again. I believe that Warren Buffet spotted this strategy immediately, and started moving as much of his investments out of the stock market and into cash. Berkshire Hathaway right now how more in cash holdings that ever in it's history. But Buffet is not saying why. He has figured out that Trump is fixing the game. But it would be extremely dangerous for him to come forward with that kind of information. But he is definitely circling the wagons.
Anyway - that's my theory and I'm sticking to it. Thank you Jay for your insightful writings. I look forward to them always.
Totally agree, and throw in the $5mil/head "featured dinners with the president" at MAL to help secure "tariff exemptions" as well. Corruption as far as one's eye can see, and it can't be stopped
Wow!! I feel like this is a good theory. I was thinking similarly, but with other things he's doing. Like firing people and dismantling the government knowing that the supreme court will object to it so he will have to put some things back and say he's a hero.
You’re trying to figure out his brand of insanity. You can’t figure out insanity. No rhyme or reason. He’s a narcissist through and through. That’s the reason. No change coming up that’s positive from orange man. Expect the worst and hope for the best 😊
I am an actually proud of Justice Barrett, who is being viciously attacked because of her vote “against Trump”. I have always thought she has integrity
My opinion is bullies are sadistic. Trifecta every one of them is sadistic. Who takes pleasure in destroying something instead of having a plan to gainfully makes changes? Seems much negative energy was put into 2025 instead of practical solutions. Extremists have had decades to come up with a viable plan. They have not
That's absolutely one of the reasons. He's always viewed the Presidency as a money source and a chance to get out of trouble, not as something that requires intellect or integrity.
Well, as of 1pm EST 3/6/25 he's not levying the tariffs, at least not the important ones. For Trump, it's all a matter of power. I can do this and, at a whim, not do this. But whatever, you have to deal with me and react at a moment's notice to ensure the health of your country. I have you in my power. This is a personal psychotic sickness for which all of us must pay.
Trump owes big big money to Russians. Junior is on the record saying so.
Russia is run by their mafia (Putin) and they are a particularly brutal bunch. Trump knows this and being the biggest pussy in America, he's terrified of what they'll do to him, but he also loves them because nobody strokes him better and nobody else will lend him money. Well, until Musk, but the Russian threats are still there so he's still their bitch.
Hope you explode the total bullshit "Canadian fentanyl traffic" as justifying the 25% tariff on Canadian imports. The NYT, as is its wont, actually tacitly accepted the tRump version by discussing at length the numbers, and how difficult it would be based on incomplete statistics to say whether Canada is "conforming" to tRump's fentanyl shite. It's called "setting the narrative", and how readily the MSM fall into the trap, despite years of getting suckered by the POS lies.
I am proud, VERY PROUD, of Congressman Al Green!
Hope we can all email or call this brave man and thank him for standing up to the BLOAT (biggest liar of all time). (Stole this acronym).
Donald Trump, the biggest know-it-all, has gotten in this thick head that import tariffs are paid by exporting countries. He's convinced they're a source of free money. It doesn't matter how many economic experts have tried to set him straight, you can't tell a narcissist he's wrong about anything.
He believes whatever pops into his head - this is not 'thinking,' but more like daydreaming in a perfect world...
Apparently, life is a whole lot simpler when you're convinced you're right about everything. No thinking involved.
Jay, the tariffs are bad. A really truly been economic move. However deporting 244,000 Ukrainians back to a war zone is worse and I fear much more immediate. We have to stop this from happening or we have to hide these people but we have to do something. We also have to make, force our military to resume intelligence sharing with Ukrainians. They’re trying to fight a war blindfolded, and we’re the ones who blindfolded them.
If he deports one Ukrainian, he should be tried for war crimes, and we should be sure that those who participate in such actions are made aware that that will be their fate when we get this country back.
I think it's also a huge market manipulation ploy for his insiders trading.
Why is he doing this? I have my own theory about it. I think he and his billionaire buddies are betting on stock market futures. Let me explain. Futures, simply put, are like placing a bet that you think the stock market, or whatever investment you are placing your money on, is going to go up or down. If you bet it is going to go down, and it does, you make money. If you bet it is going to go up, and it does, you make money. Bin Laden did this before 9/11. Not to venture into conspiracy theories, but he placed a lot of money into airline futures right before he caused 9/11. It is said he made a trillion dollars. He fixed the game. If you know how the outcome of the game is going to play out - you can make a ton of money on futures. So, we have Trump, who we know cares nothing for anyone but himself. He can act now with impunity and not be punished. He can intentionally crash the stock market. But he would not do that out of ignorance, or spite, or revenge (although those qualities are all regular emotions of his) - he would do it because it would benefit him - he could make money on it. A lot of money. And all his billionaire friends too. Look at it - the writing is on the wall. He is doing it on purpose and as quickly as he can. Then after he, his kids, and his friends collect - he can then remove the tariffs, eliminate the problems he created - and sit back and "come to the rescue" of the economy - the big hero. Fixing the game. A typical narcissist move. And actually he would bet on it going up when he removes the causes of a crash, and make more money again. I believe that Warren Buffet spotted this strategy immediately, and started moving as much of his investments out of the stock market and into cash. Berkshire Hathaway right now how more in cash holdings that ever in it's history. But Buffet is not saying why. He has figured out that Trump is fixing the game. But it would be extremely dangerous for him to come forward with that kind of information. But he is definitely circling the wagons.
Anyway - that's my theory and I'm sticking to it. Thank you Jay for your insightful writings. I look forward to them always.
Totally agree, and throw in the $5mil/head "featured dinners with the president" at MAL to help secure "tariff exemptions" as well. Corruption as far as one's eye can see, and it can't be stopped
MAL? Do you mean Kremlin West?
Wow!! I feel like this is a good theory. I was thinking similarly, but with other things he's doing. Like firing people and dismantling the government knowing that the supreme court will object to it so he will have to put some things back and say he's a hero.
You’re trying to figure out his brand of insanity. You can’t figure out insanity. No rhyme or reason. He’s a narcissist through and through. That’s the reason. No change coming up that’s positive from orange man. Expect the worst and hope for the best 😊
I am an actually proud of Justice Barrett, who is being viciously attacked because of her vote “against Trump”. I have always thought she has integrity
I hope she continues to show that integrity.
Please consider that the announcements of on again off again on again tariffs may also be market manipulation.
My opinion is bullies are sadistic. Trifecta every one of them is sadistic. Who takes pleasure in destroying something instead of having a plan to gainfully makes changes? Seems much negative energy was put into 2025 instead of practical solutions. Extremists have had decades to come up with a viable plan. They have not
I can’t wait to read more about your theories. My theory is that Trump will make money off selective companies that pay him for a tariff exemption.
That's absolutely one of the reasons. He's always viewed the Presidency as a money source and a chance to get out of trouble, not as something that requires intellect or integrity.
Let's not forget BLOAT (biggest liar of all time)
Love that!
I did not come up with this acronym. I loved it too, so I stole it. Please feel free to do likewise.
And the pay off will go toward what? I jest.
Well, as of 1pm EST 3/6/25 he's not levying the tariffs, at least not the important ones. For Trump, it's all a matter of power. I can do this and, at a whim, not do this. But whatever, you have to deal with me and react at a moment's notice to ensure the health of your country. I have you in my power. This is a personal psychotic sickness for which all of us must pay.
"And while it’s always dicey to try and get inside that orange head of his..."
Bring a shovel, wear a good pair of gloves, and something to fend off the stench
Actually you may not need any equipment at all since his head is empty 100% of the time.
Here's why:
Trump owes big big money to Russians. Junior is on the record saying so.
Russia is run by their mafia (Putin) and they are a particularly brutal bunch. Trump knows this and being the biggest pussy in America, he's terrified of what they'll do to him, but he also loves them because nobody strokes him better and nobody else will lend him money. Well, until Musk, but the Russian threats are still there so he's still their bitch.
Think of the poisonings that happened to key Russian people within the past few years.
Or remember the ones who fell out of windows.
You mean the "Polonium flu?"
He doesn't understand trade. He's into real estate which is, er, hard to move across borders.
Hope you explode the total bullshit "Canadian fentanyl traffic" as justifying the 25% tariff on Canadian imports. The NYT, as is its wont, actually tacitly accepted the tRump version by discussing at length the numbers, and how difficult it would be based on incomplete statistics to say whether Canada is "conforming" to tRump's fentanyl shite. It's called "setting the narrative", and how readily the MSM fall into the trap, despite years of getting suckered by the POS lies.
Can’t wait to read your views on this.