There is one thing I cannot help wondering about. We are all convinced the evidence is overwhelming that Trump and Co committed and acted upon a conspiracy to overthrow the government. These people are all wealthy and well connected. If they thought they were facing years in prison, wouldn't they have placed even more of their assets into offshore accounts and hightailed it to countries without an extradition treaty with the United States? They can't wait to be indicted and then flee because they would be stopped. That they seem convinced there will be no accountability, no consequences, worries me we are further along the path to fascism than we are aware.

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They are depending on gerrymandered voting districts and newly enacted voting restrictions to give them supermajoities in both the House and the Senate. They are hoping that the Justice Department will not act before they can unseat Merrick Garland and regain control of the Justice Department. Based on the political climate in Southern West Virginia, where I live, they may be right about that. The thought that they might be right is making it difficult for me to sleep at night.

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Additionally, there are movements into everyday/every town political positions...school boards, city councils, county and state clerks, and so forth. I believe this is foundation building while we are preoccupied with these very visible hearings, mass shootings, and other click-bait. Be aware!

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NY State civil action is pending as well as GA criminal case. Many Trump assets are real estate located in U.S. & subject to "clawbacks" if necessary via fraudient transfer(s).

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Any chance any of them have a pocket pardon???

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Since FOX won't cover the hearings, I feel like it's a duty to make sure any relatives watching FOX are inundated with the information they're not seeing.

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Not going to lie...I cried when they showed the unaired video of that day. It is still so strongly embedded in my brain how this country who took my parents in as immigrants could be so vilely corrupt. And how I felt guilt at bringing my children into this world at the time. I never thought I would see this happen but it did.

However, I am so loving hearing all the evidence. I wasn't crazy back a few weeks after when they started walking back what happened. I saw what was going on real time. It wasn't just a rally and peaceful protestors. You know how perception changes with everyone. I was wondering if what I saw wasn't really what it was.

I can't wait for the next ones, this is going to be SOOOO GOOOD!

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Sadly nothing will come of this. The GQP voters are deaf dumb and blind. Democrats seem afraid of their own shadows. We are running head first into a extreme right hellscape.

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Agree about the "extreme right wing hellscape" Chris but, many Voters do not post a Flag in any political tent: Female Urban Voters appear to be a critical cohort among others.

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This is so true. I asked on Facebook ABC.com, where could I see the hearings if I missed part of them. One woman responded with, "You didn't miss much. Just another attack on Trump!"

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“...Trump could be found guilty of corrupt intent for holding the sole power to stop the mob but affirmatively deciding not to wield it. (Picture someone who hates his neighbor and wants to see him gone, and who then stands idly by holding a fire extinguisher while that neighbor’s house catches fire and burns down.)“

It’s my impression that this is the crux of the case they are building, and it’s pretty obvious they have the receipts.

Great Hera, they need to jail this entire lot...

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Another great column Jay. Keep up the good fight.

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The Republicans are spinning the whole Special Committee as a distraction from the bread and butter, life and death issues that we all are facing: rising prices on gas and everything else, abortion, guns, and the impotence of Biden and the Democrats. Once again, they have their finger on the pulse of Americans, who are fed up and not nearly as focused on insurrections and the perils to democracy as we political geeks are. So these hearings are a super hard sell, and, from what I saw last night, as compelling as the speeches, testimonies, and riot footage may be to you and me, if that was their best shot to arouse interest, they have already failed. Much of what was shown was appallingly poor audio and video - especially of the witnesses, including Ivanka - and the hand-scrawled, never-sent note was so embarrassingly amateurish looking that it surely looked faked even to a mildly skeptical audience, even though it probably was authentic. I certainly would not have shown that on this all-important opening night. One other big problem is the scheduling and publicity: Have you seen a schedule of these televised hearings? I'm sure you have had to work as hard as I have to find it - and it only so far covers the next three sessions unless you've found something that I haven't. Not only are they at times that most working people can't see live, but unless you're a political geek who works hard to find the info, you won't, and you won't bother to do so. So clearly, I'm very disappointed. "Of the 20 million viewers, 15.2 million were age 55 and older, Nielsen said. Less than 1 million people age 18 to 34 watched via the TV networks." (Reuters)

Regardless how effectively they build their case, the *real* jury will be completely in the dark and complacent. And I'm just talking about everyday normal people. Don't get me started on FoxNews and their audience!

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