Good piece. Just a reminder that WI is bordered by three progressive state governments: not just Minnesota and Michigan, but Illinois, too.

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True. It’s the flips to Dem control in MI and MN I was focused on.

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I'm constantly surprised that Wisconsin is the worst state for democracy in our crazy country. Topping Arkansas, Alabama, Tennessee, and other "Bible belt" states takes a lot of effort.

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Don’t forget Texas. And Florida.

Good lord it is like we live in alternative universes.

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I think Texas and Florida each deserve their own special Hall of Shame recognition! 🙄

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And also Alabama.

What part of court order do you not understand? Re drawing districts to keep the white good ol’ boys in power.

A special place in the hell realm for you Alabama legislature.

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Then you probably don't remember Gov. Scott Walker. When he took over Wisconsin he immediately sent into the dumpers financially, and whips the Republicans into a fever to work toward allowing only Republicans to vote affectively. We stopped going into Wisconsin back then and haven't been back since. (I live in Illinois. A safe and prosperous state with a strong governor in the lead, Gov. Pritzker.)

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It's worth repeating and amplifying daily, by every Dem, in office or not: there's never been a bigger threat to America, democracy, and everything that truly made America great, than today's Republican party.

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I think we have to go back to 1860 and the Confederacy to top them. And it feels like those folks just switched parties and became the modern GOP.

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The WI Supreme Court is looking more and more like the "Night of the Long Knives", with two of the right-wing Justices becoming unsparing in their denunciations of their recently elected liberal colleague, and demanding that Justice Protasiewicz recuse herself from any cases involving gerrymandering for starters. As Jay pointed out, the GQP super-majority in the Legislature can readily thwart the will of the people, and have repeatedly tried to tie Gov. Tony Evers hands, and could even complicate his attempts at choosing a replacement Justice should the far-right succeed in "impeaching" Janet Protasiewicz. The Repubs have indeed turned WI into a shithole travesty of democracy.

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I thought it looks like a modern-day "Game of Thrones" (without all of the actual blood, that is). It's a bloody mess, as the Brits would say.

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Can you imagine how productive the GOP could be if they ever got REAL jobs?

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The Wisconsin GOP is a microcosm of the national Republican Party. Holding and exerting power trumps everything else, including/especially democracy.

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Remember when we had the liberty of presuming that though sides may disagree, they will in general behave with decorum and heed regulatory guidelines and demonstrate propriety? Adulting was by and large in effect. Now, sadly, we may assume near the opposite, at least from a party that jumps sharks on the regular.

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The Wisconsin Republican Party should stop being American fascists. Protasiewicz won the election fair and square. We live in a democracy, not Nazi Germany. Stop being such sore whining losers.

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Here's a wrinkle for you Jay: Can Justice Protasiewicz simply resign if this crazy BS comes to pass? Then the Governor could appoint a replacement or appoint her back to the Supreme Court.

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I think that’s possible, but it shouldn’t ever have to happen. It’s something Robin Vos is no doubt considering.

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From what I've read, the Justice could resign, Evers replaces her, but then the replacement runs for office again in Spring, 2024, inviting the same scenario if he/she wins. Another explainer here from Charlie Sykes at Bulwark:


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But if the electoral maps get approved with the help of the appointed liberal justice, the next legislature may no longer be so dominated by the GOP that it can impeach the new justice.

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It still seems like the newly appointed justice could get a lot done before the election in Spring 2024. Unless the republicans just keep impeaching them.

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Every state needs a Status Kuo to explain its abstruse, or confusing. rules and laws. They are

difficult to understand. And it is a chess match. I wonder out loud if there is any judicial precedent, either in the state or federal courts. That is another complex legal move. What are D's telling Wisconsin voters?

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Dem messaging in the state is one of the strongest I’ve seen anywhere. Ben Wikler of WisDems is a hugely effective fundraiser, messenger and organizer!

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Yes, they are. I live in Idaho and found out and contributed to their cause. I wish them all the luck in the world.

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It is so depressing and frustrating how dishonest the GOP has become, especially in Wisconsin. I hope the Democrats there can be strong and demand their rights

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Ooh boy. The battle is never ended, is it? We need to stay strong, stay united and not let the constant shenanigans make us lose faith in democracy. The fact that there are so many of us who want to protect democracy is exactly what is causing the anti-democratic factions to show their true faces—in a way, this makes it so clear even to people who may not have been paying attention earlier, what is at stake. We can hope these people are fully awake now!

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Wow. This is a sad state of affairs. It really is disheartening how many people believe the blatant lies of the current Republican party.

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More and more, I feel like the day-to-day normal life that most people around me continue to blithely enjoy is a hoax and a thin facade over raging insanity and denial. There is a war going on against democracy and the barbarians are not just at the gates, they are inside the Congress, the courts and statehouses around the country. The fascist minority is winding themselves tighter and tighter, and I am very concerned about the threat of widespread violence if their plots are thwarted, and institutionalized violence against any who do not adhere to their vision if they succeeed.

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The definition of privilege is when you don't have to pay attention to a situation because it doesn't directly affect you.

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How is it that the citizenry of WI puts up with this crap! Vote all of them out and start over!

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Oh, to only be able to vote them all out! The Repugs have so gerrymandered our state, it’s next to impossible to vote them out unless we get fair maps which is why they are targeting Judge Janet.

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Unless (or until) the regular voters who have supported the Republicans decide enough is enough. It can happen. It happened in one the reddest counties in Idaho in a school district which unexpectedly - and OVERWHELMINGLY! - recalled two board members who hired an unqualified right-wing nut to be superintendent. When the two members tried to have an emergency meeting a couple of very conservative members got a restraining order to stop the "budget meeting." A standing ovation was the crowd's response when the Sheriff stopped the meeting. THIS in one of the reddest counties in one of the reddest states in the country.

Please don't lose hope. Keep fighting, keep messaging and KEEP voting!

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Ah, but the secret sauce here is extreme gerrymandering, and only in an extraordinary "blue-wave" election could WI politics get even partially reordered. Even a change in the WI Supreme Ct. balance that could theoretically alter substantially several gerrymandered state districts is under attack as we have read in Jay's post.

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Thank you for explaining the issues. So sad that the GQP scumwads have no shame. Hopefully the despicable anti-democratic behavior of the Wisconsin GQP will be explained clearly to the voters and get them fired up enough to drive an epic voter turnout since that's what is likely needed to over come at least some of the gerrymandering and voter suppression.

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