So glad you’re able to be with Ma and the rest of your family Jay. May you find comfort and strength in one another’s presence. You are a true light in this world because of your Ma. I hope you know that. Sending good vibes for a peaceful and loving transition time to you and your family.

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Now you've got me in tears, Jay. My love to you and your family... especially to Ma. Tell her for me that what she what she created in you became a gift to many. Thank you Ma.

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The day I discovered Jay Kuo and Ma was the day my life changed forever. Thank you, Jay. It's an honor to know you both ~ through your words and heart-warming dialogues with your Ma ~ and your activism. You make the world seem like a better place.

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I don't know what you did last summer.

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Peace and tranquility to you and your family, Jay. Let our collective love support and soothe you in the coming days.

When you do everything you can to show your love to MA, your wound will heal faster and cleaner. (From someone who has been there, done that.)

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Thinking of you. I was with my mom when she died. It is an honor.

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What a beautiful, beautiful tribute!

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Oh, Jay, my new internet friend. My heart is with you on this journey. I and my siblings gathered in April to lay our mother to rest. She was 96 and had given me 15 brothers and sisters. No one is more spectacular than our own moms, but mine was extraordinary. I pray you all find a good peaceful time with your MA. I will tell you, life will never feel the same, so cherish and cling to every moment you still have with her. My best wishes to you and yours. ❤️🙏

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I lost my Dad two days before Thanksgiving. He was 91 and in hospice; even though I knew his end was coming and I thought I was prepared, I found out you never truly are. I'm so glad his suffering is over, but I, too, am pondering how to live in a world without him. I hope you and your family can find peace, solace, and laughter through tears during this time. I know your Ma will be happy that she is surrounded by family right now.

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Love to you, Betsy!

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I can't help feeling on so many levels but your writing is so inspiring! Glad I'm able to get to know better of your MA, and you in the past few months. So meaningful!!!

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Sending you and your family and especially your dear MA love and strength as you you move through this journey. Thank you for sharing MA’s stories with us.

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Take care of yourself as you take care of your Ma.

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Thank you for sharing such a beautiful tribute of your mother.

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I am so very sorry, Jay. Tell Ma you carry love from thousands of us who she does not know but know her through the marvelous son she raised.

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You will never regret the time spent with your Ma and family. Peace, love, and blessings to all of you.

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How blessed you and MA are to have each other. Thank you for writing so openly about her and about your relationship and that the writing you’ve both done will live on forever. ❤️

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Beautifully written post honoring your Ma. Peace to you.

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